1 2018-01-02 00:45:04	0|bitcoin-git|[13bitcoin] 15251Labs opened pull request #12074: [qt] Optimizes boolean expression model && model->haveWatchOnly() (06master...06patch/TransactionView-optimize-boolean-expression) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12074
  2 2018-01-02 02:23:17	0|bitcoin-git|[13bitcoin] 15fanquake opened pull request #12075: [scripts] Add missing univalue file to copyright_header.py (06master...06copyright-add-missing) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12075
  3 2018-01-02 03:13:40	0|cloudrunner_|join #litecoin
  4 2018-01-02 03:15:18	0|cloudrunner_|sorry, a typepo
  5 2018-01-02 03:26:24	0|xiedeacc|hi, output of block 0 can't be spent as this would allow Satoshi to fork the network. how could this happen ? because at first bitcoin released by Satoshi, the coinbase of block 0 cannot spendable, so if some client allow that address spend, then Satoshi can fork a new blockchain from block 0, and mine his own blockchain more longer than legal blockchain in a private way, then satoshi publish  his blockchain, made legal blcokchain cancelled?
  6 2018-01-02 05:55:01	0|windsok|it was discussed some days ago: https://botbot.me/freenode/bitcoin-core-dev/2017-12-30/?msg=95186011&page=4
  7 2018-01-02 08:15:53	0|fanquake|sipa / wumpus can you block https://github.com/zcheng7905 from the gh repos. We are getting spammed.
  8 2018-01-02 08:22:36	0|sipa|fanquake: on it
  9 2018-01-02 08:25:09	0|sipa|done
 10 2018-01-02 08:30:36	0|sipa|going to delete the spam messages too
 11 2018-01-02 08:31:16	0|sipa|oh, you already did
 12 2018-01-02 08:35:28	0|provoostenator|Regarding yesterdays BIP70 proposal by James Hilliard: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2018-January/015490.html  Wouldn't this require some sort of permission system in the RPC?
 13 2018-01-02 08:41:31	0|provoostenator|Or maybe the "simple IPC mechanism" wouldn't need the RPC, but it's not clear to me how this would work (other than the fallback to BIP21, but that's not enough).
 14 2018-01-02 10:22:48	0|space_424|10,06â–„13,09â–„04,13â–„09,05â–„12,08â–„11,13â–„05,04â–„12,02â–„05,06â–„03,02â–„03,10â–„10 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!ejcphbsep: Mattie161^ Kozuch lio17 03,07â–„09,07â–„05,09â–„07,05â–„08,07â–„06,02â–„13,10â–„13,08â–„09,11â–„05,11â–„12,06â–„10,13â–„03,13â–„08,06â–„08,07â–„03,07â–„05,07â–„
 15 2018-01-02 10:22:53	0|space_424|08,06â–„05,04â–„04,08â–„03,04â–„12,13â–„06,09â–„03,07â–„05,10â–„06,11â–„02,04â–„03,13â–„03,03â–„02,11â–„07,03â–„12,09â–„10,06â–„09,13â–„07,12â–„06,02â–„06,12â–„02 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!nmdjhx: t0adst00l Mattie161^ echonaut 02,09â–„04,05â–„03,06â–„05,03â–„05,10â–„11,09â–„03,05â–„02,12â–„11,08â–„10,11â–„05,05â–„
 16 2018-01-02 10:22:58	0|space_424|06,11â–„13,08â–„12,05â–„04,07â–„09,10â–„12,06â–„08,07â–„04,10â–„08,04â–„09,05â–„09,05â–„05,12â–„05,03â–„08,06â–„08,13â–„07,03â–„13,03â–„03,04â–„05,10â–„09 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!rktuneumtw: mcochrane adiabat owowo 07,12â–„06,05â–„06,09â–„08,10â–„08,10â–„09,10â–„11,07â–„06,04â–„08,05â–„09,09â–„12,08â–„10,12â–„13,06â
 17 2018-01-02 10:23:03	0|space_424|12,02â–„11,11â–„07,12â–„07,10â–„10,08â–„13,03â–„10,07â–„05,09â–„12,06â–„10,10â–„06 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!cuekxoofx: echonaut luke-jr BashCo_ 08,02â–„04,07â–„10,13â–„02,10â–„13,08â–„06,13â–„11,12â–„02,06â–„02,04â–„02,07â–„12,07â–„06,07â–„03,12â–„
 18 2018-01-02 10:23:08	0|space_424|06,02â–„13,03â–„11,12â–„03,12â–„07,08â–„12,02â–„09,02â–„09,13â–„07,12â–„08,07â–„04,06â–„11,11â–„06 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!pfvxh: whphhg mbcav emzy 04,03â–„08,08â–„06,02â–„12,07â–„10,11â–„07,07â–„08,10â–„03,06â–„06,11â–„08,11â–„12,02â–„13,10â–„02,13â–„04,03â–„06,10â–„
 19 2018-01-02 10:23:13	0|space_424|05,13â–„07,09â–„03,12â–„08,07â–„08,02â–„02,11â–„09,02â–„12,05â–„04,08â–„03,02â–„04,05â–„04,06â–„13 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!pdlzlnnlnm: booyah LeMiner vicenteH 10,09â–„05,03â–„02,09â–„06,02â–„08,05â–„10,08â–„07,04â–„13,07â–„07,11â–„02,03â–„05,10â–„05,06â–„08,05â–„05,10â–„
 20 2018-01-02 10:23:19	0|space_424|11,11â–„12,11â–„12,04â–„07,13â–„09,09â–„06,10â–„10,10â–„04,10â–„08,04â–„12,07â–„03,05â–„05,04â–„09,04â–„09,02â–„10,03â–„12,07â–„11,08â–„11,03â–„12,10â–„02 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!wtofobs: whphhg booyah Randolf 08,06â–„09,11â–„05,11â–„06,11â–„11,05â–„04,02â–„04,11â–„04,08â–„02,12â–„04,13â–„10,09â–„11,07â–„13,05â–„0
 21 2018-01-02 10:23:24	0|space_424|09,06â–„03,03â–„08,11â–„04,13â–„06,02â–„08,05â–„10,09â–„05,13â–„07,07â–„06,13â–„02,04â–„05,09â–„02,11â–„11 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!cwvhfxhw: Guyver2 ghost43 niska 11,12â–„06,07â–„07,11â–„12,04â–„03,07â–„06,07â–„10,07â–„02,05â–„13,02â–„12,04â–„09,03â–„03,13â–„09,09â–„10,13â–„11,05â–„13,10â–„05,10â–„03,02â–„
 22 2018-01-02 10:23:29	0|space_424|03,06â–„10,06â–„13,06â–„10,06â–„02,05â–„03,03â–„04,02â–„02,10â–„12,07â–„08,04â–„05,10â–„05,11â–„04,11â–„04,03â–„12,05â–„13 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!abbhbve: goatpig Dyaheon lnostdal 11,13â–„11,07â–„09,07â–„13,05â–„06,08â–„09,13â–„05,06â–„07,11â–„07,05â–„07,07â–„12,02â–„
 23 2018-01-02 10:23:34	0|space_424|06,05â–„06,09â–„02,08â–„05,07â–„06,10â–„07,08â–„07,12â–„07,13â–„03,09â–„13,10â–„12 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!buqapqhaoh: mrfrasha mbcav unholymachine 07,11â–„12,07â–„04,10â–„06,06â–„05,04â–„13,09â–„08,05â–„13,06â–„11,10â–„08,09â–„13,12â–„11,13â–„04,04â–„03,12â–„03,09â–„08,04â–„10,03â–„07,09â–„
 24 2018-01-02 10:23:39	0|space_424|10,04â–„09,05â–„02,07â–„12,10â–„04,04â–„05,12â–„07,06â–„11,06â–„11,09â–„06,03â–„13,07â–„06 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!vzhcjud: n1bor lio17 BashCo_ 10,07â–„08,05â–„05,05â–„12,04â–„03,04â–„04,02â–„07,06â–„03,09â–„11,03â–„02,12â–„12,10â–„09,13â–„07,09â–„09,09â–„13,03â–„11,10â–„10,08â–„12,08â–„11,10â–„13,04â–„
 25 2018-01-02 10:23:44	0|space_424|13,04â–„02,12â–„12,04â–„02,09â–„06,09â–„07,13â–„03,10â–„07,03â–„04,09â–„03,05â–„03,05â–„03,09â–„10,09â–„09,06â–„07,03â–„10,13â–„13,07â–„05,05â–„07,13â–„07 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!otnqqx: mcochrane Dyaheon dcousens 13,02â–„12,08â–„06,09â–„09,06â–„06,09â–„06,02â–„08,07â–„05,12â–„05,11â–„04,05â–„02,12â–„08,04â–„06,06â–
 26 2018-01-02 10:23:49	0|space_424|07,12â–„08,04â–„08,10â–„13,07â–„03,10â–„04,04â–„13,13â–„10,08â–„02,12â–„04,12â–„09,12â–„08,08â–„05,09â–„13,08â–„11,02â–„09,05â–„09,03â–„09,08â–„09 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!cmgzs: Dyaheon echonaut n1bor 11,08â–„05,04â–„13,12â–„09,04â–„12,07â–„12,10â–„13,11â–„07,03â–„02,06â–„04,02â–„09,03â–„04,07â–„
 27 2018-01-02 10:23:54	0|space_424|09,04â–„02,11â–„06,12â–„09,13â–„08,13â–„03,05â–„06,10â–„08,02â–„10,07â–„05,12â–„02,09â–„02,02â–„12,04â–„07,07â–„03,07â–„07,11â–„10,13â–„09,03â–„05 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!hfsnvlcn: meshcollider contrapumpkin Kozuch 05,12â–„12,08â–„10,06â–„11,04â–„03,11â–„08,11â–„12,13â–„06,03â–„12,07â–„05,10â–„10,12â–„05,12â–„05,06â–„
 28 2018-01-02 10:23:59	0|space_424|04,08â–„13,07â–„04,03â–„06,05â–„13,07â–„07,07â–„06,13â–„07,03â–„10,06â–„05,07â–„06 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!bwmnwbb: Guyver2 echonaut luke-jr 11,10â–„06,06â–„04,07â–„03,08â–„07,11â–„11,05â–„05,13â–„09,12â–„11,03â–„03,03â–„03,10â–„06,09â–„11,07â–„12,12â–„06,03â–„13,05â–„02,05â–„
 29 2018-01-02 10:24:04	0|space_424|09,04â–„03,07â–„05,10â–„06,11â–„06,09â–„03,13â–„02,12â–„10,10â–„05,07â–„10,07â–„06,13â–„10,08â–„08,06â–„05 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!gcetqww: echonaut promag Guest70592 12,07â–„04,12â–„04,03â–„09,13â–„05,12â–„11,06â–„11,04â–„02,09â–„11,12â–„11,09â–„02,09â–„12,07â–„07,03â–„12,12â–„12,03â–„08,11â–„
 30 2018-01-02 10:24:09	0|space_424|09,06â–„11,13â–„03,08â–„05,09â–„10,03â–„12,13â–„10,10â–„12,07â–„06,07â–„05,12â–„10,09â–„06,05â–„02,11â–„02,09â–„02,09â–„05,08â–„06,09â–„12,05â–„11 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!nkmqurhiv: lio17 mrfrasha fanquake 12,06â–„02,07â–„08,08â–„07,12â–„05,12â–„13,06â–„09,02â–„03,06â–„06,08â–„05,07â–„11,07â–„13,04â–„08,09â–„02,11â–
 31 2018-01-02 10:24:13	0|space_424|07,02â–„06,11â–„07,07â–„06,09â–„12,02â–„11,02â–„07,13â–„05,03â–„06,04â–„10,12â–„04 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!rsjrxqc: BashCo_ t0adst00l whphhg 02,10â–„04,08â–„05,10â–„08,06â–„10,07â–„02,13â–„13,03â–„04,11â–„07,12â–„07,04â–„05,02â–„09,03â–„13,04â–„12,05â–„06,02â–„09,12â–„
 32 2018-01-02 10:24:18	0|space_424|09,13â–„09,02â–„12,03â–„06,10â–„12,11â–„13,04â–„05,06â–„10,05â–„08,13â–„05,03â–„08,13â–„02 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!swbns: d9b4bef9 mcochrane laurentmt 12,08â–„05,07â–„06,03â–„06,02â–„12,11â–„10,06â–„10,02â–„11,05â–„02,08â–„06,07â–„10,12â–„07,06â–„03,11â–„02,02â–„02,11â–„
 33 2018-01-02 10:24:23	0|space_424|09,09â–„02,09â–„04,05â–„08,08â–„07,03â–„13,13â–„08,09â–„02,03â–„10,11â–„12,13â–„03 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!rwhrwup: unholymachine meshcollider Mattie161^ 11,02â–„10,09â–„05,08â–„11,05â–„05,07â–„02,06â–„06,06â–„04,04â–„07,12â–„11,04â–„07,10â–„06,13â–„09,11â–„11,04â–„06,10â–„11,03â–„13,10â–„06,03â–„04,08â–„12,02â–„
 34 2018-01-02 10:24:29	0|space_424|08,07â–„10,10â–„10,12â–„13,07â–„08,05â–„10,11â–„06,12â–„04,05â–„12,08â–„09,05â–„06,10â–„09,07â–„02,10â–„02,06â–„02,07â–„12,11â–„05,03â–„12,04â–„07,10â–„08 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!miquhuvcfw: dcousens nullptr| meshcollider 09,07â–„05,02â–„11,07â–„13,12â–„11,05â–„03,03â–„02,11â–„07,04â–„02,11â–„08,02â–„11,02â–„02,06â–„
 35 2018-01-02 10:24:30	0|fanquake|beh sipa/wumpus ^
 36 2018-01-02 10:24:34	0|space_424|02,06â–„06,12â–„12,08â–„06,11â–„09,06â–„04,05â–„06,02â–„11,11â–„12,04â–„12,04â–„07 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!npcaa: LeMiner dcousens luke-jr 13,06â–„02,03â–„08,08â–„09,12â–„11,04â–„05,02â–„13,13â–„09,06â–„12,08â–„10,12â–„02,08â–„07,08â–„11,12â–„12,04â–„03,03â–„09,09â–„06,03â–„
 37 2018-01-02 10:24:39	0|space_424|10,12â–„02,05â–„06,04â–„13,02â–„11,10â–„13,08â–„09,05â–„06,13â–„02,02â–„08,03â–„12,04â–„09,12â–„12 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!fxpbiv: davec owowo indistylo 13,03â–„05,05â–„07,03â–„08,13â–„02,07â–„02,03â–„10,03â–„10,02â–„08,11â–„05,03â–„02,03â–„04,09â–„13,04â–„03,05â–„02,02â–„10,13â–„04,08â–„12,03â–„
 38 2018-01-02 10:24:43	0|space_424|07,12â–„10,05â–„11,10â–„10,06â–„07,12â–„03,10â–„11,05â–„11,13â–„02,10â–„05,04â–„05,05â–„11,13â–„09 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!flxcumttaf: BashCo_ Guest70592 Guyver2 06,02â–„04,08â–„10,04â–„07,02â–„10,13â–„12,06â–„02,08â–„11,03â–„04,06â–„13,08â–„09,03â–„03,03â–„12,08â–„06,07â–„02,03â–„
 39 2018-01-02 10:24:48	0|space_424|11,11â–„08,10â–„06,12â–„03,10â–„06,04â–„06,03â–„08,13â–„07,08â–„11,03â–„08,07â–„12,07â–„03 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!uwzflf: Cheeseo mrfrasha meshcollider 02,07â–„02,02â–„13,03â–„13,03â–„11,11â–„04,10â–„02,06â–„10,12â–„06,02â–„13,07â–„05,12â–„
 40 2018-01-02 10:24:53	0|space_424|02,03â–„06,12â–„02,09â–„10,06â–„12,12â–„06,06â–„10,04â–„05,03â–„08,05â–„02,12â–„13,04â–„06,06â–„02,02â–„07,06â–„06,05â–„13,07â–„03,05â–„08,06â–„07,03â–„11 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!hquper: emzy goatpig Mattie161^ 07,08â–„08,07â–„03,03â–„04,08â–„08,05â–„11,12â–„07,09â–„08,11â–„12,06â–„02,09â–„09,10â–„03,09â–„
 41 2018-01-02 10:24:58	0|space_424|03,13â–„04,05â–„11,02â–„03,05â–„12,07â–„04,02â–„08,11â–„11,05â–„12,11â–„05,10â–„06,04â–„06,13â–„10 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!jqycncivh: fanquake jouke__ Emilia21Graham 10,07â–„06,11â–„03,07â–„05,04â–„02,10â–„03,12â–„03,11â–„08,13â–„11,09â–„13,05â–„06,04â–„
 42 2018-01-02 10:25:04	0|space_424|11,02â–„02,03â–„09,04â–„02,13â–„11,06â–„09,05â–„05,04â–„05,02â–„11,12â–„04,12â–„09,03â–„02,12â–„06,12â–„12,08â–„03 ANOTHER EXPLOIT HAS BEEN FOUND IN WEECHAT ONE THAT SENDS YOUR LOGS TO THE DEVS IP ADDRESS!!rxcfqvc: ghost43 emzy meshcollider 10,11â–„04,09â–„08,05â–„12,10â–„04,03â–„04,10â–„09,03â–„04,13â–„12,13â–„11,05â–„10,10â–„08,02â–„02,05â–„02,10â–„02,13â–„07,11â–„04,09â–„09,04â–
 43 2018-01-02 10:28:50	0|sipa|no way to make chanserv enforce +c and +n on this channel?
 44 2018-01-02 10:30:53	0|mryandao|you could, #bitcoin has those modes enabled.
 45 2018-01-02 10:30:56	0|NielsvG|sipa: /msg ChanServ SET <channel> MLOCK <mode>
 46 2018-01-02 10:31:53	0|sipa|NielsvG: thank you!
 47 2018-01-02 10:35:09	0|kinlo|sipa: I believe -n was done for bitcoin-git
 48 2018-01-02 10:37:20	0|sipa|oh!
 49 2018-01-02 10:37:23	0|sipa|makes sense
 50 2018-01-02 10:40:19	0|aj|sounds right. i think you can configure it so it would join, message and part instead but that's probably worse: https://github.com/github/github-services/blob/master/docs/irc
 51 2018-01-02 10:41:39	0|aj|there's an option for colours there too, which might need to be unset?
 52 2018-01-02 10:45:01	0|sipa|hmm
 53 2018-01-02 10:45:39	0|sipa|i guess i'll leave it off for now
 54 2018-01-02 11:10:52	0|plp_|Gents, quick question. What's the best channel for people outside the dev community to submit ideas? Thanks
 55 2018-01-02 11:22:51	0|meshcollider|plp_: probably ask in #bitcoin to see if the ideas been suggested before, and then use the mailing list
 56 2018-01-02 11:33:25	0|plp_|thanks!
 57 2018-01-02 12:50:28	0|provoostenator|The function tests keep saying "WARNING! There is already a bitcoind process running on this system." which is a lie! :-)  How does it check this?
 58 2018-01-02 13:02:40	0|aj|provoostenator: it runs "pidof bitcoind" and checks for output
 59 2018-01-02 13:05:40	0|bitcoin-git|[13bitcoin] 15MarcoFalke opened pull request #12076: qa: Use get_datadir_path (06master...06Mf1801-qaUseUtilDatadir) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12076
 60 2018-01-02 13:07:48	0|provoostenator|I installed pidof via homebrew (it's not part of MacOS) for some other project, so maybe that works slightly different than the linux variant.
 61 2018-01-02 13:10:23	0|provoostenator|Other question: what's supposed to be the difference between qt/bitcoin.cpp and qt/bitcoin-gui.cpp? And why are they both importing qt/bitcoin-gui.h (theres no qt/bitcoin.h)?
 62 2018-01-02 13:34:28	0|provoostenator|aj: pidof bitcoind returns nothing when these tests aren't running and returns the ids for all the regtest instances when it does run.
 63 2018-01-02 13:41:36	0|provoostenator|aj: mystery solved: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10197#issuecomment-354768563
 64 2018-01-02 15:03:31	0|ryanofsky|provoostenator, #11625 adds qt/bitcoin.h. it's a little weird it wasn't there before, but not surprising since there wasn't a need
 65 2018-01-02 15:03:33	0|gribble|https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/11625 | Add BitcoinApplication & RPCConsole tests by ryanofsky · Pull Request #11625 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
 66 2018-01-02 15:31:39	0|Chris_Stewart_5|Do we have an official style guide?
 67 2018-01-02 15:33:39	0|jb55|Chris_Stewart_5: doc/developer-notes.md
 68 2018-01-02 15:33:50	0|sipa|yes, see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/developer-notes.md
 69 2018-01-02 15:40:06	0|Chris_Stewart_5|thanks
 70 2018-01-02 16:59:59	0|bitcoin-git|[13bitcoin] 15akx20000a closed pull request #12062: Increment MIT Licence copyright header year on files modified in 2017 (06master...062018) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12062
 71 2018-01-02 17:13:40	0|bitcoin-git|[13bitcoin] 15akx20000a reopened pull request #12062: Increment MIT Licence copyright header year on files modified in 2017 (06master...062018) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12062
 72 2018-01-02 18:50:02	0|exs|hi, found that chan now. can someone be so kind and explain me why you should not increase the blocksize in bitcoin?
 73 2018-01-02 18:52:33	0|belcher|wrong channel, ask in #bitcoin
 74 2018-01-02 20:05:29	0|bitcoin-git|[13bitcoin] 15251Labs opened pull request #12077: Fixes issue #12067 `sendmany` curl example is wrong. (06master...06patch/12067/fixes-sendmany-curl-example) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12077
 75 2018-01-02 20:25:34	0|spudowiar|Is 3b7cd5d89a226426df9c723d1f9ddfe08b7d1def a commit from Satoshi Nakamoto? The Git author is s_nakamoto <s_nakamoto@1a98c847-1fd6-4fd8-948a-caf3550aa51b> but I wanted to check whether these are accurate to the original authors
 76 2018-01-02 20:25:43	0|spudowiar|Or whether that could have been sirius-m, etc.
 77 2018-01-02 20:41:10	0|bitcoin-git|[13bitcoin] 15MarcoFalke closed pull request #11912: travis: Post result to irc on failure (06master...06Mf1712-travisIRCfail) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11912
 78 2018-01-02 22:49:51	0|larafale|Hello folks, can someone enlighten me on something concerning account discovery in bip 44. https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki
 79 2018-01-02 22:50:08	0|larafale|at the Address gap limit it says : "We scan just the external chains, because internal chains receive only coins that come from the associated external chains"
 80 2018-01-02 22:51:27	0|larafale|I'm trying to reconstitute a balance deriving addresses of an xpubkey, but in order to get the account balance, i need to also look up for utxos in in the internal chain (change address)
 81 2018-01-02 22:53:03	0|larafale|so my question is : can you confirm that in order to get the balance of an utxo set, you must also scan for internal address ?
 82 2018-01-02 22:53:26	0|larafale|just to be sure i'm not missing anything :) thx
 83 2018-01-02 23:10:38	0|phantomcircuit|larafale, "internal chains" are used only for change, so if you hit a single one that is unused, that *might* mean that there are no more
 84 2018-01-02 23:11:02	0|phantomcircuit|however that's not really a strong guarantee
 85 2018-01-02 23:13:42	0|larafale|yes ok i get that, but if i'm launching an account discovery on an xpub key that already have a lot of received and change adresses used, in order to get the total balance associated to that xpub i do have to look for change address
 86 2018-01-02 23:14:14	0|larafale|it's just that the BIP 44 says that we don't need to scan for internal addresses
 87 2018-01-02 23:14:38	0|larafale|but if i don't do that I'm unable to get total balance
 88 2018-01-02 23:15:48	0|larafale|can you confirm ? :)
 89 2018-01-02 23:16:37	0|digger|Join
 90 2018-01-02 23:18:27	0|larafale|I'm already succefully achieving what i want to do (which is get total balance of an xpub key), but bip 44 confused me, and I just want to make sure that scanning for both received & change address is the good way to achieve account discovery
 91 2018-01-02 23:22:16	0|phantomcircuit|larafale, it depends on how expensive it is to check for previous usage
 92 2018-01-02 23:22:42	0|phantomcircuit|if you have a complete set of all the script pubkeys ever used
 93 2018-01-02 23:22:45	0|phantomcircuit|then it's cheap
 94 2018-01-02 23:22:51	0|phantomcircuit|but building/maintaining that is not cheap
 95 2018-01-02 23:22:52	0|phantomcircuit|so
 96 2018-01-02 23:22:54	0|phantomcircuit|:shrug:
 97 2018-01-02 23:29:45	0|larafale|@phantomcircuit Electrum let you query utxos by address, so i'm proxying to my electrum client to scan.
 98 2018-01-02 23:32:32	0|larafale|phantomcircuit: ok thx for the feedback
 99 2018-01-02 23:44:37	0|larafale|luke-jr: thx will check
100 2018-01-02 23:48:43	0|sipa|luke-jr: they're treated as new addresses
101 2018-01-02 23:56:21	0|phantomcircuit|larafale, ye but for current utxo's or for old ones?
102 2018-01-02 23:56:35	0|phantomcircuit|cause you need to know about transaction outputs generallt not just unspent ones for that