1 2011-05-01 00:00:02 <lulzplzkthx> Diablo-D3: no, I played with it a week ago.
   2 2011-05-01 00:00:04 <lulzplzkthx> For a couple hours.
   3 2011-05-01 00:00:05 <lulzplzkthx> it's still shit.
   4 2011-05-01 00:00:09 <Dudley> Developing apps for Android, while less stupid than on iPhone, is still a chore
   5 2011-05-01 00:00:13 <kika_> is there a linux distro i can install on my hard disk from windows without the need to use a cd rom or dvd rom or pendrive?
   6 2011-05-01 00:00:14 <Diablo-D3> woah woah woah woah
   7 2011-05-01 00:00:16 <Diablo-D3> rewind here
   8 2011-05-01 00:00:20 <Diablo-D3> Ive toyed with the android sdk
   9 2011-05-01 00:00:21 <Dudley> kika
  10 2011-05-01 00:00:23 <Diablo-D3> it.
  11 2011-05-01 00:00:24 <Diablo-D3> is.
  12 2011-05-01 00:00:25 <lulzplzkthx> Yes, it was exactly that, I was playing with the Android SDK.
  13 2011-05-01 00:00:25 <Diablo-D3> udder.
  14 2011-05-01 00:00:26 <Diablo-D3> shit.
  15 2011-05-01 00:00:28 <Dudley> kika_: look up Wubi
  16 2011-05-01 00:00:31 <Diablo-D3> I fucking hate it
  17 2011-05-01 00:00:36 <Diablo-D3> it was coded by people who DO NOT UNDERSTAND JAVA
  18 2011-05-01 00:00:39 <kika_> Dudley: k
  19 2011-05-01 00:00:40 <lulzplzkthx> Diablo-D3: Then make a better version.
  20 2011-05-01 00:00:41 <Diablo-D3> its almost... pythonic
  21 2011-05-01 00:00:45 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: cant
  22 2011-05-01 00:00:46 <lulzplzkthx> Sicne there's so many more third-party frameworks for Java.
  23 2011-05-01 00:00:49 <Dudley> Java doesn't even understand Java.
  24 2011-05-01 00:00:53 <Dudley> It's shit no matter what.
  25 2011-05-01 00:00:57 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: android sdk exports an api that the android runtime complies with
  26 2011-05-01 00:01:00 <Diablo-D3> you literally cant replace it
  27 2011-05-01 00:01:02 <lulzplzkthx> Orly? Cuz Qt is trying to make Android version.
  28 2011-05-01 00:01:22 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: toy with the java 7 jvm yet?
  29 2011-05-01 00:01:25 <kika_> Dudley: so basically Wubi will allow me to dual boot my windows and the linux machine?
  30 2011-05-01 00:01:27 <Diablo-D3> it fixes the last bug
  31 2011-05-01 00:01:31 <Diablo-D3> memory usage.
  32 2011-05-01 00:01:34 <Dudley> kika_: Yes.
  33 2011-05-01 00:01:38 <Dudley> No.
  34 2011-05-01 00:01:51 <Dudley> and I don't need to be in a lynching to know that it is horrible.
  35 2011-05-01 00:01:52 <kika_> Dudley: cool ill do that and ill test the diablominer from linux then
  36 2011-05-01 00:02:02 <kika_> Diablo-D3: to setup catalyst on linux is it hard?
  37 2011-05-01 00:02:07 <lulzplzkthx> is there anyway i can make a make restart?
  38 2011-05-01 00:02:11 <lulzplzkthx> cuz i think it got screwed up :S
  39 2011-05-01 00:02:20 <Dudley> They have official repos for Catalyst.
  40 2011-05-01 00:02:24 <lulzplzkthx> it's starting on a file, and i want it to start from the beginning.
  41 2011-05-01 00:02:25 <Diablo-D3> kika_: no, you just use debian, add the experimental repo, and upgrade to whatevers newest
  42 2011-05-01 00:02:35 <Dudley> Under ubuntu it may just be an "apt-get install" command and you're done.
  43 2011-05-01 00:02:36 <Diablo-D3> 11.4 seems to be about where 10.9->10.11 was for sdk 2.1
  44 2011-05-01 00:02:58 <kika_> Diablo-D3: weird Wubi uses Ubuntu, that would work right ? since it uses apt.get Debian uses apt-get ?
  45 2011-05-01 00:03:02 <B0g4r7> nvidia on ubuntu wasn't too hard.
  46 2011-05-01 00:03:11 <Diablo-D3> kika_: I do not support ubuntu,
  47 2011-05-01 00:03:19 <lulzplzkthx> Diablo-D3: >_<
  48 2011-05-01 00:03:22 <lulzplzkthx> OH
  49 2011-05-01 00:03:23 <Dudley> kika_: Go to Ubuntu for now.
  50 2011-05-01 00:03:26 <lulzplzkthx> Sorry, I read "I do not support Linux"
  51 2011-05-01 00:03:30 <Diablo-D3> heh
  52 2011-05-01 00:03:32 <Dudley> When you've become familiar
  53 2011-05-01 00:03:35 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: YES, ID LIKE TO SEE HOW THAT WORKS
  54 2011-05-01 00:03:35 <lulzplzkthx> Heh.
  55 2011-05-01 00:03:38 <lulzplzkthx> Get Arch.
  56 2011-05-01 00:03:40 <kika_> Diablo-D3: so diablominer doesnt work on Ubuntu ?
  57 2011-05-01 00:03:40 <Dudley> move onto a better distro
  58 2011-05-01 00:03:45 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: seeing as I use nothing but Debian, and have done so for over a decade.
  59 2011-05-01 00:03:46 <lulzplzkthx> Archhh<3
  60 2011-05-01 00:03:47 <Dudley> Such as Arch, or Gentoo
  61 2011-05-01 00:03:53 <Diablo-D3> kika_: it works, I just think Ubuntu is shit.
  62 2011-05-01 00:04:07 <lulzplzkthx> XD
  63 2011-05-01 00:04:07 <Dudley> Anything remote easy to use is shit to Diablo.
  64 2011-05-01 00:04:15 <lulzplzkthx> Dudley: +1 again
  65 2011-05-01 00:04:15 <Dudley> This is why he eats soup with chopsticks.
  66 2011-05-01 00:04:20 <lulzplzkthx> +1 for the third time
  67 2011-05-01 00:04:29 <Diablo-D3> FUCK YEAH CHOPSTICKS
  68 2011-05-01 00:04:30 <lulzplzkthx> Dudley: I'm watching Harry Potter and you keep confusing me.
  69 2011-05-01 00:04:32 * Diablo-D3 stabs Dudley with them
  70 2011-05-01 00:04:36 <kika_> Diablo-D3: okay but i need to install ubuntu i think unless i can find something like Wubi ( thats installs Ubuntu from Win ) but for debian, does anyone knows about one ?
  71 2011-05-01 00:04:41 <lulzplzkthx> Diablo-D3: You should try to buy stuff with carrots too. It's not easy. ;)
  72 2011-05-01 00:04:43 KuT-Sickness has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  73 2011-05-01 00:04:55 <Diablo-D3> kika_: why use wubi?>
  74 2011-05-01 00:04:59 <Dudley> kika_: Go use Wubi
  75 2011-05-01 00:05:04 <Diablo-D3> just use the fucking installer cd
  76 2011-05-01 00:05:14 <kika_> this might work
  77 2011-05-01 00:05:14 <Dudley> It's the failsafe easiest way to install and go
  78 2011-05-01 00:05:14 <kika_> http://goodbye-microsoft.com/
  79 2011-05-01 00:05:29 <Diablo-D3> glorious.jpg
  80 2011-05-01 00:05:32 <Dudley> He might not have access to optical, diablo
  81 2011-05-01 00:05:44 <Dudley> That'll work as well.
  82 2011-05-01 00:05:50 <Dudley> Back up your entire system before doing so.
  83 2011-05-01 00:05:52 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: they have usb images of the installer too
  84 2011-05-01 00:05:59 <Diablo-D3> so slap it on a stick and bam
  85 2011-05-01 00:06:21 <kika_> Diablo-D3: its asking me if i want to install a GNU/Linux kernel or a GNU/kFreeBSD kernel, i choose GNU/Linux, right ?
  86 2011-05-01 00:06:41 <Dudley> Why don't we just compile linux from the ground up?
  87 2011-05-01 00:06:46 <Diablo-D3> kika_: woah, wtf are you using?
  88 2011-05-01 00:06:50 <Dudley> I mean, if we're going to go as far as not using an easy installer
  89 2011-05-01 00:06:56 <Dudley> Let's just grab Gentoo
  90 2011-05-01 00:07:00 <Dudley> and compile over night
  91 2011-05-01 00:07:03 <kika_> Diablo-D3: im using http://goodbye-microsoft.com/ to install debian distro from windows
  92 2011-05-01 00:07:03 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: fuck that dude, lets do LFS!
  93 2011-05-01 00:07:09 <Diablo-D3> kika_: dont do that.
  94 2011-05-01 00:07:15 <Diablo-D3> kika_: just use ubuntu so I can laugh at you later
  95 2011-05-01 00:07:21 <Dudley> painstakingly build our system groups and rules
  96 2011-05-01 00:07:26 <Diablo-D3> Im not going to talk you through a debian install
  97 2011-05-01 00:07:26 <kika_> Diablo-D3: lol no i dont like ubuntu as well
  98 2011-05-01 00:07:26 eao has joined
  99 2011-05-01 00:07:36 <kika_> Diablo-D3: ill use debian
 100 2011-05-01 00:07:37 <Dudley> hopefully our wifi card is auto-detected
 101 2011-05-01 00:07:40 stonetz has quit (Quit: Page closed)
 102 2011-05-01 00:07:50 <Dudley> And when that's done, we're happy to look at root >
 103 2011-05-01 00:07:54 theorb has joined
 104 2011-05-01 00:07:56 <Dudley> So now we have to put Gnome
 105 2011-05-01 00:08:00 <Dudley> oh wait. too easy to use.
 106 2011-05-01 00:08:13 <Dudley> What's the most obscure tiling wm you can think of?
 107 2011-05-01 00:08:46 <Dudley> Awesome.
 108 2011-05-01 00:08:49 <Dudley> Let's use Awesome
 109 2011-05-01 00:08:51 <Dudley> http://awesome.naquadah.org/
 110 2011-05-01 00:09:01 theorbtwo has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
 111 2011-05-01 00:09:03 <Dudley> Then after that, we'll pay to Allah that we can install Catalyst
 112 2011-05-01 00:09:05 <Diablo-D3> >naquadah
 113 2011-05-01 00:09:06 theorb is now known as theorbtwo
 114 2011-05-01 00:09:45 Vladimir has quit (Quit: Page closed)
 115 2011-05-01 00:09:57 <Diablo-D3> batshitwhacko.jpg
 116 2011-05-01 00:10:27 <Dudley> I mean. We're going for insane difficulty here, right?
 117 2011-05-01 00:10:46 <Diablo-D3> I actually wanna take gnome 3 for a spin
 118 2011-05-01 00:11:14 <Dudley> I want to check out Unity as well.
 119 2011-05-01 00:11:26 <Dudley> Did I just mix those two up? Oh well. Same shit.
 120 2011-05-01 00:11:34 <kika_> Diablo-D3: so basically ill install debian now
 121 2011-05-01 00:11:35 <kika_> then
 122 2011-05-01 00:11:47 <Diablo-D3> kika_: you can try.
 123 2011-05-01 00:11:58 <kika_> ill add the experimental repo and upgrade to whenever newest
 124 2011-05-01 00:12:04 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: unity is ubuntu's dead project to compete with the gnome3 shell on gnome3
 125 2011-05-01 00:12:12 <kika_> and that will install my ati card ?
 126 2011-05-01 00:12:13 <Diablo-D3> kika_: no
 127 2011-05-01 00:12:18 <kika_> and catalyst ?
 128 2011-05-01 00:12:24 <Diablo-D3> kika_: you change to testing and add experimental
 129 2011-05-01 00:12:27 <kika_> do you know which commands i need to do that?
 130 2011-05-01 00:12:36 <Diablo-D3> how about trying to install debian first
 131 2011-05-01 00:12:40 <Diablo-D3> then you can try the rest
 132 2011-05-01 00:12:44 <Diablo-D3> most likely you will fail
 133 2011-05-01 00:12:45 <Dudley> My first Linux box is being shot live here.
 134 2011-05-01 00:12:45 Vladimir_ has joined
 135 2011-05-01 00:12:59 devon_hillard has quit (Quit: Leaving)
 136 2011-05-01 00:13:23 devon_hillard has joined
 137 2011-05-01 00:13:30 <kika_> apt-get upgrade ?
 138 2011-05-01 00:13:46 <Dudley> update first
 139 2011-05-01 00:13:48 <Dudley> then upgrade
 140 2011-05-01 00:14:26 <Diablo-D3> and if you're going over to testing, you dist-upgrade and then reinstall anything you actually wanted to keep
 141 2011-05-01 00:14:28 <kika_> apt-get -t experimental-snapshots dist-upgrade ?
 142 2011-05-01 00:14:34 <Diablo-D3> kika_: fail.
 143 2011-05-01 00:15:19 TD has quit (Quit: TD)
 144 2011-05-01 00:15:40 <Diablo-D3> kika_: you change your /etc/apt/sources.list from stable to testing
 145 2011-05-01 00:15:53 <kika_> Diablo-D3: can you tell me the steps to install the 6990 catalyst or the card drivers thing on debian ?
 146 2011-05-01 00:16:25 <Diablo-D3> add the experimental repo
 147 2011-05-01 00:16:27 <Diablo-D3> then
 148 2011-05-01 00:16:44 <Diablo-D3> apt-get install fglrx-driver fglrx-glx fglrx-modules-dkms
 149 2011-05-01 00:16:52 <Diablo-D3> and then download the sdk zip and unzip ot
 150 2011-05-01 00:17:02 <JFK911> ;;bc,mtgox
 151 2011-05-01 00:17:06 <Diablo-D3> then you tar zxvf icd-registration.tar.gz in / as root
 152 2011-05-01 00:17:12 <gribble> timed out
 153 2011-05-01 00:17:16 <lulzplzkthx> I'm confused.
 154 2011-05-01 00:17:16 <Diablo-D3> and then you set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly
 155 2011-05-01 00:17:27 <lulzplzkthx> ui.cpp:1806: error: 'FormatVersion' was not declared in this scope
 156 2011-05-01 00:17:37 <lulzplzkthx> I think I broke something.
 157 2011-05-01 00:17:46 <Diablo-D3> you did
 158 2011-05-01 00:17:57 <lulzplzkthx> Well... I didn't modify even that part of the program though.
 159 2011-05-01 00:18:08 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: you probably fucked a } up somewhere
 160 2011-05-01 00:18:21 <kika_> nvm ill just do it adding the experimental repo
 161 2011-05-01 00:18:28 <kika_> i think it will include the catalyst package
 162 2011-05-01 00:18:40 <Diablo-D3> kika_: you didnt listen to a word I said
 163 2011-05-01 00:18:43 <lulzplzkthx> yeah, Diablo-D3 i thought that was probably it
 164 2011-05-01 00:18:49 <kika_> thxs
 165 2011-05-01 00:18:50 <kika_> brb
 166 2011-05-01 00:18:51 <Diablo-D3> and you cant use the experimental repo alone
 167 2011-05-01 00:19:09 <Diablo-D3> you have to have your primary repo as testing or unstable (noobs should use testing)
 168 2011-05-01 00:19:14 <Diablo-D3> and then add experimental on top of that
 169 2011-05-01 00:19:26 <Diablo-D3> NEVER apt-get -t experimental upgrade
 170 2011-05-01 00:19:36 jimrandomh has joined
 171 2011-05-01 00:19:46 <lulzplzkthx> Where is FormatVersion defined?
 172 2011-05-01 00:19:55 <JFK911> i think "experimental" is redundant :)
 173 2011-05-01 00:20:05 <JFK911> with anything that uses apt
 174 2011-05-01 00:20:16 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: how so?
 175 2011-05-01 00:20:46 <JFK911> their 'users are our qa' philosophy
 176 2011-05-01 00:21:05 <Diablo-D3> thats not right.
 177 2011-05-01 00:21:11 <JFK911> i strongly disagree with it too
 178 2011-05-01 00:21:17 <Diablo-D3> debian is not a company
 179 2011-05-01 00:21:22 <Diablo-D3> its a community driven distro
 180 2011-05-01 00:21:26 <JFK911> what about canonical
 181 2011-05-01 00:21:32 <Diablo-D3> ubuntu is absolute shit
 182 2011-05-01 00:21:34 <JFK911> true
 183 2011-05-01 00:21:47 <Diablo-D3> ubuntu did not understand the debian community process, so they made it far worse
 184 2011-05-01 00:21:50 <Diablo-D3> but on debian
 185 2011-05-01 00:21:53 <Diablo-D3> this is why you use testing
 186 2011-05-01 00:22:05 <Diablo-D3> people like me use unstable, and most issues were already caught by people like me
 187 2011-05-01 00:23:06 itistoday has joined
 188 2011-05-01 00:23:27 <JFK911> freebsd seemed to be careful about releases.  i dont remember any big "oops" like debian have had
 189 2011-05-01 00:23:46 <JFK911> especially one that affected the whole world
 190 2011-05-01 00:23:48 <JFK911> ... ssl keys ...
 191 2011-05-01 00:23:55 <JFK911> backstory to that one is retarded, too.
 192 2011-05-01 00:23:55 bitcoinbulletin has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
 193 2011-05-01 00:24:02 kika_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
 194 2011-05-01 00:24:03 <itistoday> so, are there plans for supernodes?
 195 2011-05-01 00:24:08 <lulzplzkthx> Okay, I'm really quite sure I didn't break anything...
 196 2011-05-01 00:24:10 <Diablo-D3> debian has never had a real oops
 197 2011-05-01 00:24:11 <lulzplzkthx> And I'm not sure why this won't compile.
 198 2011-05-01 00:24:11 nanotube has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
 199 2011-05-01 00:24:12 gribble has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
 200 2011-05-01 00:24:18 <JFK911> ssl keys is a huge and horrible oops
 201 2011-05-01 00:24:19 <Diablo-D3> and the ssh one was rather fucked up
 202 2011-05-01 00:24:19 <lulzplzkthx> All i did was add an option to the tray option list
 203 2011-05-01 00:24:21 <JFK911> it hurt the whole world
 204 2011-05-01 00:24:21 <itistoday> bitcoin can't evolve if everyone needs the db
 205 2011-05-01 00:24:22 <Diablo-D3> it wasnt debian only
 206 2011-05-01 00:24:35 <Diablo-D3> debian pulled the patch from ssh's upstream
 207 2011-05-01 00:24:36 <lulzplzkthx> And I didn't even make it do anything yet.
 208 2011-05-01 00:24:39 <Diablo-D3> it was commited to their repo
 209 2011-05-01 00:24:48 <Diablo-D3> so blaming it on ssh is insane
 210 2011-05-01 00:24:56 <Diablo-D3> er
 211 2011-05-01 00:25:01 <Diablo-D3> so blaming it on debian is insane
 212 2011-05-01 00:25:05 <Diablo-D3> its completely ssh's fault
 213 2011-05-01 00:25:24 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: didnt luke already add it?
 214 2011-05-01 00:25:31 <lulzplzkthx> Diablo-D3: Eh?
 215 2011-05-01 00:25:36 <lulzplzkthx> What'd he add?
 216 2011-05-01 00:25:42 <Diablo-D3> show btc in tooltip
 217 2011-05-01 00:25:47 kermit has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
 218 2011-05-01 00:25:50 <lulzplzkthx> Like within a couple hours?
 219 2011-05-01 00:25:51 <Diablo-D3> he was flapping his arms like a retard about something
 220 2011-05-01 00:25:51 mccheese has joined
 221 2011-05-01 00:25:52 jargon has joined
 222 2011-05-01 00:25:58 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: shortly after you mentioned it
 223 2011-05-01 00:26:00 <lulzplzkthx> He said "good idea", but didn't tell me he was going to make it himself.
 224 2011-05-01 00:26:02 <lulzplzkthx> Ah, okay.
 225 2011-05-01 00:26:05 <lulzplzkthx> In that case, never mind.
 226 2011-05-01 00:26:10 <lulzplzkthx> Do you know if also added the "Send coins" option?
 227 2011-05-01 00:26:21 <lulzplzkthx> That's currently what I was working on.
 228 2011-05-01 00:26:33 <itistoday> who would be the person to chat with to discuss super nodes?
 229 2011-05-01 00:26:55 <Diablo-D3> itistoday: probably gavin
 230 2011-05-01 00:27:00 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: who knows
 231 2011-05-01 00:27:11 <itistoday> Diablo-D3: does he have a website/twitter handle?
 232 2011-05-01 00:27:12 gribble has joined
 233 2011-05-01 00:27:18 <lulzplzkthx> What's the git command to remove any changes i made?
 234 2011-05-01 00:27:23 <lulzplzkthx> locally.
 235 2011-05-01 00:27:28 <itistoday> lulzplzkthx: git reset --hard
 236 2011-05-01 00:27:30 <itistoday> be care with it
 237 2011-05-01 00:27:33 <lulzplzkthx> thanks.
 238 2011-05-01 00:27:38 <itistoday> *careful
 239 2011-05-01 00:27:41 <itistoday> it's a destructive command
 240 2011-05-01 00:27:43 <JFK911> Diablo-D3: so this commit is in upstream? http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-openssl/openssl/trunk/rand/md_rand.c?view=log&pathrev=141#rev140
 241 2011-05-01 00:27:44 <lulzplzkthx> Meh, I did hardly anything.
 242 2011-05-01 00:27:44 nanotube has joined
 243 2011-05-01 00:27:48 <JFK911> is that a debian case number?
 244 2011-05-01 00:28:07 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: dunno what the code looked like
 245 2011-05-01 00:28:14 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: but the code came from ssh's repo
 246 2011-05-01 00:28:24 <Diablo-D3> ssh fucked up by committing the code
 247 2011-05-01 00:28:28 <JFK911> it looked like this. http://tinyurl.com/y9tayd2
 248 2011-05-01 00:28:31 <Diablo-D3> they "saved" themselves by never shipping it
 249 2011-05-01 00:28:31 <JFK911> see the log.
 250 2011-05-01 00:28:37 <JFK911> #140. added upstream
 251 2011-05-01 00:28:38 <Diablo-D3> so it never made it into a release
 252 2011-05-01 00:28:50 <JFK911> #141. comment this stuff out to prevent warnings!
 253 2011-05-01 00:28:51 <Diablo-D3> and yes, I was "stung" by it
 254 2011-05-01 00:28:58 <Diablo-D3> I spent an hour changing keys.
 255 2011-05-01 00:29:15 <JFK911> 9 minutes after the upstream commit!
 256 2011-05-01 00:29:40 * Diablo-D3 shrugs
 257 2011-05-01 00:29:45 <JFK911> (Closes: #363516)
 258 2011-05-01 00:29:52 <JFK911> so whose number...
 259 2011-05-01 00:29:54 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: you can bitch all you want
 260 2011-05-01 00:29:58 <Diablo-D3> but look at what other fuckers have done
 261 2011-05-01 00:30:05 <lulzplzkthx> luke-jr: Did you end up adding send coins / bitcion in tooltip?
 262 2011-05-01 00:30:05 <Diablo-D3> redhat shipped with a gcc that DID NOT work
 263 2011-05-01 00:30:08 <Diablo-D3> and randomly didnt work
 264 2011-05-01 00:30:17 <JFK911> ohh ohh ohh
 265 2011-05-01 00:30:18 <JFK911> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=363516
 266 2011-05-01 00:30:28 <B0g4r7> redhate
 267 2011-05-01 00:31:08 <B0g4r7> Shipped POS kernels that would panic at random inside of selinux functions.
 268 2011-05-01 00:31:15 <B0g4r7> Which they seemed to think wise to compile in by default.
 269 2011-05-01 00:31:21 <Diablo-D3> redhat has done so much goddamned fucking shit
 270 2011-05-01 00:31:24 <Diablo-D3> and then
 271 2011-05-01 00:31:27 <Diablo-D3> every gentoo thing ever
 272 2011-05-01 00:31:28 <Diablo-D3> EVER
 273 2011-05-01 00:31:43 <JFK911> redhat seems to be the only linux not banned by nsa?
 274 2011-05-01 00:31:58 <Diablo-D3> the nsa uses their own distro
 275 2011-05-01 00:32:00 <Diablo-D3> so thats moot
 276 2011-05-01 00:32:13 <JFK911> the nsa says what is banned from fedgov
 277 2011-05-01 00:32:20 <JFK911> including dod
 278 2011-05-01 00:32:23 <Diablo-D3> yes
 279 2011-05-01 00:32:27 <Diablo-D3> and its extremely restricted
 280 2011-05-01 00:32:32 <JFK911> redhat is allowed
 281 2011-05-01 00:32:37 <Diablo-D3> their distro is debian-based iirc
 282 2011-05-01 00:32:45 <JFK911> debian is banned in fedgov
 283 2011-05-01 00:32:57 <BurtyB> yay i found a block for deepbit.. bout time I was feeling guilty lol
 284 2011-05-01 00:32:58 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: read what I wrote carefully
 285 2011-05-01 00:32:59 luke-jr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
 286 2011-05-01 00:33:18 <devon_hillard> bitcoin-otc looks like the only convenient way to exchange BTC for cash (or other things)
 287 2011-05-01 00:33:40 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: but yeah, the thing is, if people think linux is secure just because it is, they're idiots
 288 2011-05-01 00:33:40 <lulzplzkthx> luke-jr would quit right after i ask him a question.
 289 2011-05-01 00:33:44 <lulzplzkthx> THANKS LUKE
 290 2011-05-01 00:33:50 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: you know why openbsd has "never" had a security flaw?
 291 2011-05-01 00:34:05 <lulzplzkthx> :S
 292 2011-05-01 00:34:06 <lulzplzkthx> c:/msysgit/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: ca
 293 2011-05-01 00:34:06 <JFK911> it has tons of flaws
 294 2011-05-01 00:34:09 <lulzplzkthx> nnot find -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-s-1_43
 295 2011-05-01 00:34:11 <Diablo-D3> because the default install installs _nothing_, and the obsd ports collection has nothing in it
 296 2011-05-01 00:34:19 <JFK911> nobody not even theo concludes it's flawless
 297 2011-05-01 00:34:25 <Diablo-D3> you're missing the point
 298 2011-05-01 00:34:32 AmpDrinker is now known as AmpEater2
 299 2011-05-01 00:34:54 bitcoinbulletin has joined
 300 2011-05-01 00:34:59 <JFK911> people lately are thinking openbsd has had backdoored crypto
 301 2011-05-01 00:35:16 <Diablo-D3> yeah, and it may have... ten years ago
 302 2011-05-01 00:35:27 <Diablo-D3> the code comitted in question has not been in use for a very long time
 303 2011-05-01 00:35:32 <Diablo-D3> that largely blew over
 304 2011-05-01 00:36:29 <JFK911> i think the nsa's concern in banning most linux is partially about qa
 305 2011-05-01 00:36:40 itistoday has left ("Leaving")
 306 2011-05-01 00:36:45 <JFK911> iso9000 and change controls are great, there is always a signature whose career you can ruin
 307 2011-05-01 00:36:54 <lulzplzkthx> Does anyone know where luke-jr's fork of bitcoin is?
 308 2011-05-01 00:37:11 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: yes, but have you seen nsa's linux distro?
 309 2011-05-01 00:37:35 <JFK911> i have not
 310 2011-05-01 00:37:46 Guest6551 has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
 311 2011-05-01 00:37:46 <Diablo-D3> its where selinux came from
 312 2011-05-01 00:37:54 <Diablo-D3> infact, I think its actually named selinux
 313 2011-05-01 00:37:54 <JFK911> i thought they contributed to selinux
 314 2011-05-01 00:38:14 <Diablo-D3> this is why selinux is also insane to work with
 315 2011-05-01 00:38:20 <Diablo-D3> you cant even boot the machine without allowences.
 316 2011-05-01 00:38:22 gribble has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
 317 2011-05-01 00:38:22 nanotube has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
 318 2011-05-01 00:38:33 <JFK911> it can be a hassle
 319 2011-05-01 00:38:47 <Diablo-D3> its secure as fuck, but ffffffffffggggggggrsfxgstgwardx
 320 2011-05-01 00:38:57 <B0g4r7> It had all kindsa retarded shit.
 321 2011-05-01 00:39:02 <Diablo-D3> B0g4r7: no
 322 2011-05-01 00:39:02 <JFK911> some of the same concepts were in early sco
 323 2011-05-01 00:39:06 DeviledMoon has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
 324 2011-05-01 00:39:07 <JFK911> actually sco got b2 or something
 325 2011-05-01 00:39:07 <Diablo-D3> the default security policy WILL RAPE YOU
 326 2011-05-01 00:39:21 <B0g4r7> It had selinux, and also something called exec-shield, and another thing called prelinkd that would mess with all the binaries on the fs in some way.
 327 2011-05-01 00:39:21 <Diablo-D3> dick in one hand, security manual in the other
 328 2011-05-01 00:39:38 <Diablo-D3> B0g4r7: pretty sure execshield cant be used with selinux
 329 2011-05-01 00:39:47 <B0g4r7> heh
 330 2011-05-01 00:39:56 <B0g4r7> They were all on by default I think.
 331 2011-05-01 00:40:08 <lulzplzkthx> what happens if ld can't find -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-s-1_43?
 332 2011-05-01 00:40:19 <JFK911> lulzplzkthx: i dont think it will link
 333 2011-05-01 00:40:22 <JFK911> you should get an error from make
 334 2011-05-01 00:40:25 <lulzplzkthx> :S So what can I do about it?
 335 2011-05-01 00:40:30 <JFK911> install boost
 336 2011-05-01 00:40:31 <lulzplzkthx> XD I guess I meant that ^
 337 2011-05-01 00:40:42 <lulzplzkthx> I have boost jam .exe, and compiled boost
 338 2011-05-01 00:40:44 kika has joined
 339 2011-05-01 00:40:54 <lulzplzkthx> It's located in C:\boost-1.43.0-mgw
 340 2011-05-01 00:40:56 <JFK911> i kinda like selinux
 341 2011-05-01 00:41:15 <JFK911> oh you're on windoze good question
 342 2011-05-01 00:41:22 <lulzplzkthx> Yeah. :\
 343 2011-05-01 00:41:24 <kika> Diablo-D3: diablominer should run on any linux distro i think
 344 2011-05-01 00:41:26 <lulzplzkthx> I've never built something on Linux before.
 345 2011-05-01 00:41:34 <lulzplzkthx> On Windows*
 346 2011-05-01 00:41:39 <lulzplzkthx> I've only built on Linux previously.
 347 2011-05-01 00:41:43 <JFK911> it light be easier on linux.  let me see if there is a mingw-linux
 348 2011-05-01 00:41:45 <JFK911> er
 349 2011-05-01 00:41:47 <JFK911> mingw-boost
 350 2011-05-01 00:41:48 <lulzplzkthx> That is, built by hand.
 351 2011-05-01 00:41:51 <Diablo-D3> kika: it does
 352 2011-05-01 00:41:55 <Diablo-D3> kika: I just fucking hate ubuntu
 353 2011-05-01 00:42:12 <JFK911> mingw32-boost.noarch : MinGW Windows port of Boost C++ Libraries
 354 2011-05-01 00:42:12 <JFK911> mingw32-boost-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Boost C++ library
 355 2011-05-01 00:42:18 <JFK911> hey look.  it may be possible!
 356 2011-05-01 00:42:24 <kika> Diablo-D3: okay ill just have to install ubuntu because that debian install is giving me too much trouble to make it dual boot and resize my current win partition
 357 2011-05-01 00:42:26 <lulzplzkthx> Hmm...
 358 2011-05-01 00:42:32 <lulzplzkthx> So should I find an already compiled version?
 359 2011-05-01 00:42:39 <lulzplzkthx> Well, I think it compiled fine.
 360 2011-05-01 00:42:40 <B0g4r7> You could make DiabloMiner detect the distro, and if it == Ubuntu, have it insult the user's mother.
 361 2011-05-01 00:42:44 <lulzplzkthx> I just don't know where make is looking for it.
 362 2011-05-01 00:42:54 laid_geeek has joined
 363 2011-05-01 00:43:10 <JFK911> on linux i guess you'd set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or whatever to include it?
 364 2011-05-01 00:43:21 <Diablo-D3> B0g4r7: I could.
 365 2011-05-01 00:43:25 <lulzplzkthx> Hmm. I have to go, I'll be back soon.
 366 2011-05-01 00:43:28 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: to set the SDK path? yes
 367 2011-05-01 00:43:31 <JFK911> out of curiosity, what format is that compiled boost in?  .so?
 368 2011-05-01 00:43:41 <kika> B0g4r7: thats a very good idea lol
 369 2011-05-01 00:43:51 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: .so is linux for ".dll"
 370 2011-05-01 00:44:08 <Dudley> What do you develop when using Java?
 371 2011-05-01 00:44:12 <Diablo-D3> eclipse
 372 2011-05-01 00:44:12 <JFK911> Diablo-D3: he's building with gnu tools on windoze... and linking that statically...
 373 2011-05-01 00:44:20 <JFK911> or is he linking statically?
 374 2011-05-01 00:44:21 <Diablo-D3> JFK911: eww
 375 2011-05-01 00:44:31 JuanDaugherty has left ("Exeunt Channel")
 376 2011-05-01 00:44:31 <Diablo-D3> he wants an .a
 377 2011-05-01 00:44:37 <Dudley> No, I don't mean what IDE
 378 2011-05-01 00:44:44 <Dudley> I mean what have you, or do you make?
 379 2011-05-01 00:44:45 nanotube has joined
 380 2011-05-01 00:44:46 <laid_geeek> If someone here can turn MTGox.com back on I will give you three...three bonds NAKED.... YEs yeS?
 381 2011-05-01 00:44:56 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: er... what?
 382 2011-05-01 00:45:09 gribble has joined
 383 2011-05-01 00:45:14 <Dudley> Dudley uses PHP to develop WordPress plugins.
 384 2011-05-01 00:45:18 james has joined
 385 2011-05-01 00:45:26 <Dudley> Diablo uses Java to develop blankity blank.
 386 2011-05-01 00:45:28 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: oh, you mean, what have I written?
 387 2011-05-01 00:45:31 <Dudley> Fil in the blanks.
 388 2011-05-01 00:45:34 <Dudley> yea
 389 2011-05-01 00:45:43 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: I wrote DiabloMiner, the second most popular bitcoin miner.
 390 2011-05-01 00:45:44 james is now known as Guest38276
 391 2011-05-01 00:45:48 * BurtyB *hugs* PHP
 392 2011-05-01 00:45:58 <Dudley> No wonder you push GPU so much.
 393 2011-05-01 00:46:54 <ArtForz> Dudley: no, thats because CPUs just plain suck
 394 2011-05-01 00:46:55 <Diablo-D3> well, for watt efficiency, you cant beat it.
 395 2011-05-01 00:47:07 <laid_geeek> I REPEAT THREE BLONDES!  anyone?
 396 2011-05-01 00:47:20 <Diablo-D3> art had to go have some chinese or mexican fab to have chips fabbed that exist just to mine to beat it
 397 2011-05-01 00:47:31 <Diablo-D3> and thats borderline cheating
 398 2011-05-01 00:47:39 <ArtForz> and for price efficiency it's well > order of magnitude
 399 2011-05-01 00:47:40 <Dudley> art?
 400 2011-05-01 00:47:43 <ArtForz> yes, me
 401 2011-05-01 00:47:51 bk128 has quit (Quit: bk128)
 402 2011-05-01 00:47:56 <BurtyB> 4 non blondes > 3 blondes :p
 403 2011-05-01 00:48:20 <Diablo-D3> 2 asian twins > 4 non blondes
 404 2011-05-01 00:48:23 <Dudley> Ah
 405 2011-05-01 00:48:58 <BurtyB> Diablo-D3 gah ;)
 406 2011-05-01 00:49:08 <Dudley> So, Diablo miner is written on Java.
 407 2011-05-01 00:49:14 <Diablo-D3> yes
 408 2011-05-01 00:49:18 <Diablo-D3> but all the interesting code is opencl
 409 2011-05-01 00:49:23 <laid_geeek> ok... THREE BLONDES....6 asians....
 410 2011-05-01 00:49:28 <Dudley> What's the alternative?
 411 2011-05-01 00:49:33 <laid_geeek> asians are easy...
 412 2011-05-01 00:49:34 <Diablo-D3> 6 asians? holy fuck dude, my dick would fall off
 413 2011-05-01 00:49:51 <Diablo-D3> even 2 asians is pushing it
 414 2011-05-01 00:49:53 <laid_geeek> boring too... they just lay there...
 415 2011-05-01 00:50:03 <Dudley> and sound like they're being raped
 416 2011-05-01 00:50:04 <Diablo-D3> laid_geeek: you have not had the right asians then
 417 2011-05-01 00:50:07 <Dudley> even though they're not
 418 2011-05-01 00:50:12 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: eeeh, that Ill agree
 419 2011-05-01 00:50:20 <Diablo-D3> all screamers, and loud ones
 420 2011-05-01 00:50:26 <Diablo-D3> japan also makes best ear plugs
 421 2011-05-01 00:50:31 <Diablo-D3> obvious why.
 422 2011-05-01 00:50:33 <Dudley> Pillows all around.
 423 2011-05-01 00:50:35 <laid_geeek> i didnt say I cant make them move.... ok lets keep this clean.. MT GOX IS DOWN GUYS?!!!
 424 2011-05-01 00:50:46 <Dudley> Yes.
 425 2011-05-01 00:50:46 <Diablo-D3> laid_geeek: its back up, IP changed I think
 426 2011-05-01 00:50:53 Guest38276 has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
 427 2011-05-01 00:50:54 <Dudley> Oh yeah?
 428 2011-05-01 00:51:01 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: ping
 429 2011-05-01 00:51:15 james_ has joined
 430 2011-05-01 00:52:11 <MagicalTux> Diablo-D3: pong
 431 2011-05-01 00:52:22 <B0g4r7> That should be topic'd.
 432 2011-05-01 00:52:22 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: ^
 433 2011-05-01 00:52:44 <MagicalTux> mh?
 434 2011-05-01 00:52:50 fimp has joined
 435 2011-05-01 00:52:50 <Incitatus> what is with MTgox being down
 436 2011-05-01 00:52:51 <Diablo-D3> teh mtgoxes
 437 2011-05-01 00:52:59 DeviledMoon has joined
 438 2011-05-01 00:53:19 <laid_geeek> how many trillions of btc has been lost because of MTGOX damnit
 439 2011-05-01 00:53:25 <Dudley> Popularity.
 440 2011-05-01 00:53:37 <Incitatus> seriously
 441 2011-05-01 00:53:44 <Incitatus> i have a ton of mtgox
 442 2011-05-01 00:53:48 <Incitatus> now i'm worried
 443 2011-05-01 00:53:54 <laid_geeek> i have 100K in gox
 444 2011-05-01 00:53:58 <Dudley> Make your own service
 445 2011-05-01 00:53:58 <laid_geeek> wtf
 446 2011-05-01 00:53:59 <B0g4r7> Wat's the werd?
 447 2011-05-01 00:54:08 <Dudley> Transfer all there.
 448 2011-05-01 00:54:15 <laid_geeek> 1K at a time?
 449 2011-05-01 00:54:19 <laid_geeek> that suckz
 450 2011-05-01 00:54:22 <Dudley> You heard me.
 451 2011-05-01 00:54:24 <laid_geeek> need new services
 452 2011-05-01 00:54:45 <B0g4r7> The bitcoin ecosystem as a whole is being tested now.
 453 2011-05-01 00:55:49 <laid_geeek> THis will be on the cover of forbes mag!
 454 2011-05-01 00:56:03 <B0g4r7> r u srs?
 455 2011-05-01 00:56:09 <laid_geeek> MTGOX down!
 456 2011-05-01 00:56:13 <Incitatus> lol
 457 2011-05-01 00:56:13 <Dudley> No.
 458 2011-05-01 00:56:16 <Diablo-D3> my dick will be on the cover of forbes
 459 2011-05-01 00:56:17 <Dudley> Not on their radar.
 460 2011-05-01 00:56:20 * Diablo-D3 puts forbes on desk
 461 2011-05-01 00:56:26 <Dudley> They have apps for that.
 462 2011-05-01 00:56:28 <Incitatus> dude so no news on mtgox status?
 463 2011-05-01 00:56:30 <laid_geeek> in footnotes?
 464 2011-05-01 00:56:34 <Incitatus> it now has an FBI warning
 465 2011-05-01 00:56:36 <laid_geeek> or the fine pringt?
 466 2011-05-01 00:56:48 * Diablo-D3 slaps foot long german sausage on forbes
 467 2011-05-01 00:56:54 <Diablo-D3> see?
 468 2011-05-01 00:56:57 <Dudley> What does have a warning?
 469 2011-05-01 00:57:06 <B0g4r7> I see no such thing.
 470 2011-05-01 00:57:14 <Incitatus> troll sucess
 471 2011-05-01 00:57:17 <Incitatus> but no i'm worried
 472 2011-05-01 00:57:27 <Incitatus> like the pokersites last week
 473 2011-05-01 00:57:31 <laid_geeek> ----------------- FBI = Fuck Being Investigates
 474 2011-05-01 00:57:40 <laid_geeek> investigated
 475 2011-05-01 00:57:46 <laid_geeek> fault
 476 2011-05-01 00:58:26 <Diablo-D3> fail
 477 2011-05-01 00:58:27 <Incitatus> did anyone read the washington post bitcoin mention
 478 2011-05-01 00:58:28 <Incitatus> While there have already been some attempts to create a true electronic currency, such as Bitcoin, these have had difficulty getting off the ground. It is not hard to see why.
 479 2011-05-01 00:58:29 <Incitatus> ROFL
 480 2011-05-01 00:58:32 <Incitatus> what an idiot
 481 2011-05-01 00:58:33 <B0g4r7> We await your reassurance with baited breath, MT.
 482 2011-05-01 00:58:54 <B0g4r7> WP now huh.
 483 2011-05-01 00:58:54 laid_geeek has quit (Quit: Page closed)
 484 2011-05-01 00:58:58 <B0g4r7> wow.
 485 2011-05-01 00:59:24 DavidSJ has joined
 486 2011-05-01 00:59:29 <B0g4r7> Please tell us it's just a bandwidth issue.
 487 2011-05-01 00:59:44 gollygee has joined
 488 2011-05-01 00:59:48 dicked_chainney has joined
 489 2011-05-01 01:00:03 gollygee has quit (Client Quit)
 490 2011-05-01 01:00:14 <dicked_chainney> Is there anyway I can get BTC?
 491 2011-05-01 01:00:22 <Dudley> You can buy it.
 492 2011-05-01 01:00:26 <dicked_chainney> where?
 493 2011-05-01 01:00:55 <Dudley> https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Buying_bitcoins
 494 2011-05-01 01:01:03 <dicked_chainney> would anyone like to sell BTC in volume for 3.20?
 495 2011-05-01 01:01:12 <dicked_chainney> > 30K
 496 2011-05-01 01:01:19 <dicked_chainney> literaly
 497 2011-05-01 01:01:35 <B0g4r7> omg
 498 2011-05-01 01:01:48 james_ has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
 499 2011-05-01 01:01:48 <Dudley> Hey big spender.
 500 2011-05-01 01:02:04 <dicked_chainney> they said that at 0.50 too
 501 2011-05-01 01:02:13 <dicked_chainney> Dudley?
 502 2011-05-01 01:02:20 <dicked_chainney> how much do u own?
 503 2011-05-01 01:02:25 <Dudley> Oh no. I don't have any BTC.
 504 2011-05-01 01:02:32 <dicked_chainney> new kid?
 505 2011-05-01 01:02:48 <dicked_chainney> programmer?
 506 2011-05-01 01:02:53 <dicked_chainney> wannabe?
 507 2011-05-01 01:02:53 <Dudley> Both.
 508 2011-05-01 01:02:55 <dicked_chainney> ok
 509 2011-05-01 01:03:14 <Dudley> Freelance IT consultant. Web dev and mobile applications.
 510 2011-05-01 01:03:19 <dicked_chainney> back to my question.... do any miners want to sell?
 511 2011-05-01 01:03:23 <dicked_chainney> y/n?
 512 2011-05-01 01:03:28 d4de has joined
 513 2011-05-01 01:03:30 <Dudley> May not want to ask that here.
 514 2011-05-01 01:03:38 <dicked_chainney> new kid?
 515 2011-05-01 01:03:47 <dicked_chainney> old kid
 516 2011-05-01 01:03:49 <dicked_chainney> here
 517 2011-05-01 01:03:51 <dicked_chainney> ...
 518 2011-05-01 01:04:05 <dicked_chainney> 120k BTC
 519 2011-05-01 01:04:10 <Dudley> Forums would be a better place.
 520 2011-05-01 01:04:10 <dicked_chainney> u?
 521 2011-05-01 01:04:18 <dicked_chainney> Who are u?
 522 2011-05-01 01:04:27 <Dudley> Never mind who I am.
 523 2011-05-01 01:04:34 <Dudley> You're going to reach more people on the forums
 524 2011-05-01 01:04:47 <Dudley> Most people who mine don't even know or regularly use IRC.
 525 2011-05-01 01:04:59 <doublec> dicked_chainney: go to #bitcoin-otc if you want to trade
 526 2011-05-01 01:05:23 <dicked_chainney> I am not here to trade... i am here looking for player sily
 527 2011-05-01 01:05:30 <dicked_chainney> players
 528 2011-05-01 01:05:41 <dicked_chainney> is that u? Dud?
 529 2011-05-01 01:05:50 <dicked_chainney> kidding
 530 2011-05-01 01:06:04 <Dudley> You're peculiar.
 531 2011-05-01 01:06:12 <dicked_chainney> my apoligies
 532 2011-05-01 01:06:21 <dicked_chainney> my fingers get ahead of me.
 533 2011-05-01 01:06:29 <CIA-30> DiabloMiner: Patrick McFarland master * r46585c8 / src/main/java/com/diablominer/DiabloMiner/DiabloMiner.java :
 534 2011-05-01 01:06:29 <CIA-30> DiabloMiner: Add rejected counter, move it to info from debug, add -dd switch to
 535 2011-05-01 01:06:29 <CIA-30> DiabloMiner: output extra debug information - http://bit.ly/lQ4E4Q
 536 2011-05-01 01:06:43 <dust1> Incitatus: link to washington post mention?
 537 2011-05-01 01:07:06 DavidSJ has quit (Quit: DavidSJ)
 538 2011-05-01 01:07:16 <Incitatus> this washington post article writer should be shot in the head
 539 2011-05-01 01:07:33 <Dudley> Link to the article?
 540 2011-05-01 01:07:36 <Incitatus> for not even reading up 20 mins on bitcoin before making lambasting and 100% dead wrong statements
 541 2011-05-01 01:07:44 <Incitatus> http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/imagining-a-world-without-the-dollar/2011/04/26/AFjawKEF_story_1.html
 542 2011-05-01 01:07:51 <Incitatus> it's on bitcoinwatch's list
 543 2011-05-01 01:08:03 <Incitatus> it's embarrassingly bad
 544 2011-05-01 01:08:33 james_ has joined
 545 2011-05-01 01:09:05 <dust1> "Moreover, these payment systems would be only as reliable as the individual companies’ software and servers, which would be impossible for end users to judge."
 546 2011-05-01 01:09:12 <dust1> solid research
 547 2011-05-01 01:09:23 <Diablo-D3> uh
 548 2011-05-01 01:09:25 <Diablo-D3> so basically
 549 2011-05-01 01:09:28 <Diablo-D3> banks cant be trusted
 550 2011-05-01 01:09:33 <Diablo-D3> because they DO fuck their shit up regularly
 551 2011-05-01 01:09:42 <Diablo-D3> and I cant judge a bank, because, lets face it, they're all criminals
 552 2011-05-01 01:09:46 <dust1> "and nothing would prevent the operators of the platform from issuing more, in the first instance to themselves."
 553 2011-05-01 01:09:58 <dicked_chainney> great article Incititus
 554 2011-05-01 01:10:02 <dicked_chainney> thanks!
 555 2011-05-01 01:10:13 <Diablo-D3> dust1: "operators of the platform"
 556 2011-05-01 01:10:16 <Diablo-D3> now thats nonsensical
 557 2011-05-01 01:10:18 <dicked_chainney> GET READY FOR 10$ BTC
 558 2011-05-01 01:10:21 <Diablo-D3> its in the code and it cant be changed
 559 2011-05-01 01:10:23 <dust1> "That’s why we have the Fed. It regulates the supply of money. "
 560 2011-05-01 01:10:28 <Diablo-D3> LOL
 561 2011-05-01 01:10:29 <dust1> raggggggeee
 562 2011-05-01 01:10:34 <Diablo-D3> the Fed does _not_ regulate the supply of money
 563 2011-05-01 01:10:37 <Diablo-D3> the Treasury does
 564 2011-05-01 01:10:42 <dicked_chainney> I called 2. I called 3 I called 4... I  call 109
 565 2011-05-01 01:10:48 <dicked_chainney> 6 months
 566 2011-05-01 01:10:52 <Diablo-D3> and the Treasury needs to arrest the board of the Fed
 567 2011-05-01 01:10:56 <Diablo-D3> and throw those fuckers in prison
 568 2011-05-01 01:11:11 <an20> how many gh/s is Luke-jr doing?
 569 2011-05-01 01:11:13 <Diablo-D3> only the Treasury may print money, that right does not extend to the Fed.
 570 2011-05-01 01:11:17 <Diablo-D3> an20: about 0.2
 571 2011-05-01 01:11:19 DeviledMoon has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
 572 2011-05-01 01:11:25 <dicked_chainney> who care about them we have our own island bro
 573 2011-05-01 01:11:43 <Diablo-D3> dicked_chainney: yeah, until the government decides to bring freedom to our island
 574 2011-05-01 01:12:00 <dicked_chainney> govt  = corp (like work) I QUIT
 575 2011-05-01 01:12:05 <dicked_chainney> i did
 576 2011-05-01 01:12:07 <Diablo-D3> the government always wants to fuck up completely legal things that help people
 577 2011-05-01 01:12:07 <dicked_chainney> literally
 578 2011-05-01 01:12:32 <Dudley> Diablo, the ultimate hope for btc is to be publically adopted.
 579 2011-05-01 01:12:43 <Diablo-D3> Dudley: Im aware of that
 580 2011-05-01 01:12:44 <Dudley> Gov't interaction is inevitable.
 581 2011-05-01 01:12:45 <dicked_chainney> look up us govt in black law (egal dictionry) = cofederal corporation
 582 2011-05-01 01:12:57 <Diablo-D3> I wouldnt have been supporting it for the past year
 583 2011-05-01 01:13:07 <dicked_chainney> anchary
 584 2011-05-01 01:13:10 <Dudley> Either you await gov't interaction or this is all a waste.
 585 2011-05-01 01:13:12 <dicked_chainney> i am w/ u
 586 2011-05-01 01:13:16 <dicked_chainney>  iam there!
 587 2011-05-01 01:13:23 <dicked_chainney> NO USD... all btc
 588 2011-05-01 01:13:24 <Diablo-D3> well the government is going to have a lot of problems
 589 2011-05-01 01:13:28 <Diablo-D3> BTC is not money
 590 2011-05-01 01:13:30 <dicked_chainney> i just bought 20 mining contracts
 591 2011-05-01 01:13:32 <Diablo-D3> it cannot be confused as money
 592 2011-05-01 01:13:36 <Diablo-D3> it is not used as money
 593 2011-05-01 01:13:43 <dicked_chainney> cc
 594 2011-05-01 01:13:49 <Diablo-D3> and it cannot be used as a way to avoid taxes or make illegal transactions
 595 2011-05-01 01:13:51 <dicked_chainney> cc= cryto currecny
 596 2011-05-01 01:13:59 <dicked_chainney> sorry d3
 597 2011-05-01 01:14:02 <dicked_chainney> my bads
 598 2011-05-01 01:14:05 <Dudley> How much have you raised?
 599 2011-05-01 01:14:15 <dicked_chainney> 400K
 600 2011-05-01 01:14:20 <dicked_chainney> u?
 601 2011-05-01 01:14:32 <dicked_chainney> I have 300K more
 602 2011-05-01 01:14:32 <Dudley> 0
 603 2011-05-01 01:14:33 <dicked_chainney> to fo
 604 2011-05-01 01:14:34 DeviledMoon has joined
 605 2011-05-01 01:14:34 <dicked_chainney> go
 606 2011-05-01 01:14:48 <dicked_chainney> USD  --> ......................
 607 2011-05-01 01:15:01 <dicked_chainney> I have been sayign this on this board for 5 months
 608 2011-05-01 01:15:22 <dicked_chainney> and I watched it go from .30 ------------------------------------4.49
 609 2011-05-01 01:15:25 <dicked_chainney> 4.14
 610 2011-05-01 01:15:26 <dicked_chainney> my bad
 611 2011-05-01 01:15:39 <Diablo-D3> I watched it go from about 0.01 to 4.14.
 612 2011-05-01 01:15:47 <dicked_chainney> respect d3
 613 2011-05-01 01:15:58 <dicked_chainney> your in the chips
 614 2011-05-01 01:15:59 <Dudley> So what would you have if you cashed in right now?
 615 2011-05-01 01:16:09 <dicked_chainney> CASH DUDE?
 616 2011-05-01 01:16:14 <dicked_chainney> what is cash?
 617 2011-05-01 01:16:20 <dicked_chainney> brainwash
 618 2011-05-01 01:16:27 <Dudley> Don't act stupid.
 619 2011-05-01 01:16:31 <dicked_chainney> cute
 620 2011-05-01 01:16:38 <Dudley> You didn't come out of the womb in 2410AD
 621 2011-05-01 01:16:50 Aahzmundus has joined
 622 2011-05-01 01:16:55 <Dudley> Say you sold all of your BTC
 623 2011-05-01 01:16:58 <dicked_chainney> even cuter
 624 2011-05-01 01:16:58 <Dudley> What then?
 625 2011-05-01 01:17:03 <dicked_chainney> tv
 626 2011-05-01 01:17:05 <dicked_chainney> ?
 627 2011-05-01 01:17:12 <dicked_chainney> keep watching
 628 2011-05-01 01:17:33 <Dudley> What have you used your BTC for so far?
 629 2011-05-01 01:17:35 <B0g4r7> classic
 630 2011-05-01 01:17:41 <dicked_chainney> waller
 631 2011-05-01 01:17:45 <dicked_chainney> wallet
 632 2011-05-01 01:17:54 <dicked_chainney> wallet == wallet
 633 2011-05-01 01:18:01 <dicked_chainney> u?
 634 2011-05-01 01:18:07 <Dudley> Yeah. I store boxes in my shed as well
 635 2011-05-01 01:18:15 <dicked_chainney> ok
 636 2011-05-01 01:18:15 <Dudley> but sometimes I use them to carry stuff
 637 2011-05-01 01:18:19 <Dudley> what do you use your BTC for?
 638 2011-05-01 01:18:21 <dicked_chainney> where? trash?
 639 2011-05-01 01:18:29 james_ has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
 640 2011-05-01 01:18:42 <dicked_chainney> same place they store gold
 641 2011-05-01 01:18:47 <dicked_chainney> ever use gold dudley?
 642 2011-05-01 01:18:56 <dicked_chainney> have u?
 643 2011-05-01 01:19:01 <dicked_chainney> how about silver?
 644 2011-05-01 01:19:04 <dicked_chainney> ?
 645 2011-05-01 01:19:05 <dicked_chainney> ?
 646 2011-05-01 01:19:06 <Dudley> I'll make it simple.
 647 2011-05-01 01:19:11 <Dudley> Have you purchased anything with your BTC
 648 2011-05-01 01:19:16 <B0g4r7> You know, it used to be law that payment for any real property transaction had to be made in specie.
 649 2011-05-01 01:19:20 <dicked_chainney> petty
 650 2011-05-01 01:19:29 <dicked_chainney> watch it go to 20
 651 2011-05-01 01:19:31 james_ has joined
 652 2011-05-01 01:19:42 <Dudley> have you traded it to receive a service?
 653 2011-05-01 01:19:48 <dicked_chainney> in front of you while u hold your FRNs
 654 2011-05-01 01:19:54 <dicked_chainney> sure
 655 2011-05-01 01:20:04 <Dudley> For example
 656 2011-05-01 01:20:06 <Dudley> ?
 657 2011-05-01 01:20:09 <dicked_chainney> services
 658 2011-05-01 01:20:14 <dicked_chainney> partss
 659 2011-05-01 01:20:16 <Dudley> Specifically.
 660 2011-05-01 01:20:18 <B0g4r7> I bought a box of envelopes from my friend using btc.
 661 2011-05-01 01:20:19 <dicked_chainney> people are picking up
 662 2011-05-01 01:20:33 <dicked_chainney> are you skepticl?
 663 2011-05-01 01:20:38 <dicked_chainney> skeptical?
 664 2011-05-01 01:20:39 eao has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
 665 2011-05-01 01:20:41 <Dudley> No.
 666 2011-05-01 01:20:45 <dicked_chainney> sprry small netbook keyboard
 667 2011-05-01 01:20:46 <Dudley> You're just very vague.
 668 2011-05-01 01:21:07 <Dudley> Asking someone what they used their 1st of the month check generally goes
 669 2011-05-01 01:21:08 luke-jr has joined
 670 2011-05-01 01:21:11 <dicked_chainney> very quickly... dudly. what is your position?
 671 2011-05-01 01:21:18 <B0g4r7> I was going to buy some silver rounds, but now I think I'm going to keep the BTC instead.
 672 2011-05-01 01:21:20 <Dudley> Rent. Food. Entertainment. Bank.
 673 2011-05-01 01:21:21 <dicked_chainney> ?
 674 2011-05-01 01:21:24 <dicked_chainney> u?
 675 2011-05-01 01:21:28 <Dudley> Who's dudly?
 676 2011-05-01 01:21:33 <dicked_chainney> here for what... u?
 677 2011-05-01 01:21:39 <dicked_chainney> short?
 678 2011-05-01 01:21:50 <Dudley> Is English your primary language?
 679 2011-05-01 01:21:54 <dicked_chainney> no
 680 2011-05-01 01:21:57 <dicked_chainney> u?
 681 2011-05-01 01:22:05 * Dudley slaps forehead.
 682 2011-05-01 01:22:08 <Dudley> No wonder.
 683 2011-05-01 01:22:10 <Dudley> Nevermind.
 684 2011-05-01 01:22:31 <dicked_chainney> rename dudley to beerbelley
 685 2011-05-01 01:22:42 <dicked_chainney> yeah?
 686 2011-05-01 01:22:55 <dicked_chainney> ok sorry...
 687 2011-05-01 01:22:56 Teslah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
 688 2011-05-01 01:22:58 <dicked_chainney> lets talk btc
 689 2011-05-01 01:23:06 Teslah has joined
 690 2011-05-01 01:23:18 <dicked_chainney> dudley.. peace...
 691 2011-05-01 01:23:28 <dicked_chainney> good luck realy
 692 2011-05-01 01:23:37 <dicked_chainney> no offence
 693 2011-05-01 01:23:54 <dicked_chainney> just enjoying BTC and ...well
 694 2011-05-01 01:24:01 <dicked_chainney> the crowd
 695 2011-05-01 01:24:10 <Dudley> What would you do if BTC dropped to 0.1 and ultimately failed?
 696 2011-05-01 01:24:20 <dicked_chainney> so you wish you got in then?
 697 2011-05-01 01:24:32 <Dudley> No.
 698 2011-05-01 01:24:35 <Dudley> Not at all.
 699 2011-05-01 01:24:37 <dicked_chainney> well>WHAT>
 700 2011-05-01 01:24:38 <Dudley> Just asking questions.
 701 2011-05-01 01:24:43 <dicked_chainney> <>
 702 2011-05-01 01:24:54 <Dudley> I asked: What would you do if BTC failed?
 703 2011-05-01 01:25:08 <dicked_chainney> ask D3
 704 2011-05-01 01:25:15 <dicked_chainney> it cant
 705 2011-05-01 01:25:18 <dicked_chainney> impossible
 706 2011-05-01 01:25:26 <dicked_chainney> satoshi
 707 2011-05-01 01:25:33 <Dudley> Diablo, secretary of d_c: What would he do if BTC failed?
 708 2011-05-01 01:25:37 <dicked_chainney> karati kung foo
 709 2011-05-01 01:25:44 <dicked_chainney> yahhhhhhh
 710 2011-05-01 01:26:11 <dicked_chainney> kidding
 711 2011-05-01 01:26:14 <dicked_chainney> i love them all
 712 2011-05-01 01:26:18 <dicked_chainney> and dudey
 713 2011-05-01 01:26:21 <dicked_chainney> dudley
 714 2011-05-01 01:26:49 <dicked_chainney> didnt mean to call u dudey... this is a TINY keyboard
 715 2011-05-01 01:26:52 <dicked_chainney> reay
 716 2011-05-01 01:26:56 <dicked_chainney> rally
 717 2011-05-01 01:26:57 <dicked_chainney> sorry
 718 2011-05-01 01:27:19 <vorlov> is there a good tutorial for sha256 anywhere?
 719 2011-05-01 01:27:51 <ArtForz> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha256
 720 2011-05-01 01:28:12 <Dudley> Diablo, what do you know about the wallets?
 721 2011-05-01 01:28:17 <ArtForz> it's sha256, not exactly rocket surgery
 722 2011-05-01 01:29:22 eao has joined
 723 2011-05-01 01:29:22 fimp has quit (Quit: Leaving)
 724 2011-05-01 01:29:34 <dicked_chainney> Dudley.. use dropbox + truecrypt....
 725 2011-05-01 01:29:38 <dicked_chainney> done
 726 2011-05-01 01:29:45 <dicked_chainney> yes yes?
 727 2011-05-01 01:29:47 CoinMan has joined
 728 2011-05-01 01:30:05 <dicked_chainney> y not
 729 2011-05-01 01:30:12 eao has quit (Client Quit)
 730 2011-05-01 01:30:13 <dicked_chainney> works exellent
 731 2011-05-01 01:30:19 eao has joined
 732 2011-05-01 01:30:24 <Dudley> I was thinking of building a service that handles all of that for you.
 733 2011-05-01 01:30:36 <dicked_chainney> i will use that dudley!
 734 2011-05-01 01:30:39 <dicked_chainney> do u
 735 2011-05-01 01:30:45 <dicked_chainney> do it
 736 2011-05-01 01:30:50 <dicked_chainney> what lang?
 737 2011-05-01 01:30:56 <dicked_chainney> ruby>
 738 2011-05-01 01:31:03 <Dudley> PHP
 739 2011-05-01 01:31:06 <dicked_chainney> nope
 740 2011-05-01 01:31:09 <dicked_chainney> fail
 741 2011-05-01 01:31:13 <dicked_chainney> ruby?
 742 2011-05-01 01:31:18 <Dudley> No.
 743 2011-05-01 01:31:22 <dicked_chainney> fail
 744 2011-05-01 01:31:29 <Dudley> Ruby is a chore to migrate.
 745 2011-05-01 01:31:35 eao_ has joined
 746 2011-05-01 01:31:35 eao_ has quit (Client Quit)
 747 2011-05-01 01:31:42 <dicked_chainney> rake db:migrate
 748 2011-05-01 01:31:43 <dicked_chainney> ?
 749 2011-05-01 01:31:47 <Dudley> No.
 750 2011-05-01 01:31:49 <Dudley> Jesus.
 751 2011-05-01 01:31:51 <dicked_chainney> FAIL
 752 2011-05-01 01:31:57 Lachesis has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
 753 2011-05-01 01:32:01 terinjokes has joined
 754 2011-05-01 01:32:01 mologie has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
 755 2011-05-01 01:32:02 <Dudley> Do you even know what you're saying?
 756 2011-05-01 01:32:15 <dicked_chainney> laches
 757 2011-05-01 01:32:22 <dicked_chainney> true
 758 2011-05-01 01:32:31 * Dudley blinks.
 759 2011-05-01 01:32:53 <dicked_chainney> windows dudley?
 760 2011-05-01 01:33:05 <Dudley> No.
 761 2011-05-01 01:33:09 <terinjokes> who should I yell at for this client (or better yet, where's the code so I can make it better?)
 762 2011-05-01 01:33:33 <dicked_chainney> sure?
 763 2011-05-01 01:33:42 <Dudley> I'm very sure.
 764 2011-05-01 01:33:49 <Dudley> OS X / Linunx
 765 2011-05-01 01:33:54 <dicked_chainney> ok
 766 2011-05-01 01:33:58 <dicked_chainney> hah
 767 2011-05-01 01:34:10 <Dudley> What do you use?
 768 2011-05-01 01:34:13 <dicked_chainney> ggod 4 u
 769 2011-05-01 01:34:26 Spenvo has joined
 770 2011-05-01 01:34:29 <dicked_chainney> typewriter
 771 2011-05-01 01:34:47 <CoinMan> ne1 know why mtgox is down?
 772 2011-05-01 01:35:02 <doublec> it's changed its IP address
 773 2011-05-01 01:35:17 toffoo has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
 774 2011-05-01 01:35:35 <Dudley> sure?
 775 2011-05-01 01:35:40 <Spenvo> to what?
 776 2011-05-01 01:35:42 RBecker has quit (Laptop!~Ryan@unaffiliated/rbecker|Read error: Connection reset by peer)
 777 2011-05-01 01:36:12 <jimrandomh> MtGox is under a distributed denial of service attack, and is only intermittently reachable
 778 2011-05-01 01:36:15 <CoinMan> So we're waiting on DNS to propogate?  Hmm...they were on and off last night too
 779 2011-05-01 01:36:58 james_ has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
 780 2011-05-01 01:37:07 <Dudley> What's the new IP?
 781 2011-05-01 01:37:12 aksoo has joined
 782 2011-05-01 01:37:28 james_ has joined
 783 2011-05-01 01:37:31 <doublec> no idea
 784 2011-05-01 01:37:31 <doublec> \
 785 2011-05-01 01:38:03 <doublec> possibly
 786 2011-05-01 01:38:37 terinjokes has left ()
 787 2011-05-01 01:38:39 dicked_chainney has quit (Quit: Page closed)
 788 2011-05-01 01:38:57 <doublec> (from irc log) although that doesn't work for me.
 789 2011-05-01 01:39:42 the_1849_bitcoin has joined
 790 2011-05-01 01:40:13 <FellowTraveler> Quick question:   My developer is making an API call that shows him the correct balance, but for me, when I test his code on my machine, it only shows the total of SENT transactions.  Off the top of your head, do you guys know why this might be happening>?
 791 2011-05-01 01:40:17 <the_1849_bitcoin> where can i trade BTC?
 792 2011-05-01 01:40:33 <Dudley> #bitcoin-otc
 793 2011-05-01 01:40:38 <the_1849_bitcoin> is there some alternative service?
 794 2011-05-01 01:40:50 <doublec> ;;isitdown mtgox.com
 795 2011-05-01 01:40:55 <gribble> http://mtgox.com Is Down -> Check if your website is up or down?
 796 2011-05-01 01:41:18 <the_1849_bitcoin> down
 797 2011-05-01 01:41:27 <Diablo-D3> its up and down
 798 2011-05-01 01:41:51 <doublec> ;;isitdown bitcoin.org
 799 2011-05-01 01:41:52 <gribble> http://bitcoin.org Is Up -> Check if your website is up or down?
 800 2011-05-01 01:41:52 jargon has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
 801 2011-05-01 01:42:07 <the_1849_bitcoin> does anyone have a phone number, skype, direct shot at the guy who runs it?
 802 2011-05-01 01:42:08 <ninjaneo> ;;isitdown
 803 2011-05-01 01:42:08 <gribble> -> Huh? Error... - Check if your website is up or down?
 804 2011-05-01 01:42:14 <ninjaneo> lol
 805 2011-05-01 01:42:29 <Diablo-D3> the_1849_bitcoin: its already aware of it.
 806 2011-05-01 01:42:33 <CoinMan> Someone get mtgox some viagra so it can stay up
 807 2011-05-01 01:42:39 <FellowTraveler> Bitcoin developers: My developer is making an API call that shows him the correct balance, but for me, when I test his code on my machine, it only shows the total of SENT transactions.  Off the top of your head, do you guys know why this might be happening?
 808 2011-05-01 01:42:43 <jimrandomh> the_1849_bitcoin: He's working, don't bother him
 809 2011-05-01 01:43:06 <the_1849_bitcoin> working on what?
 810 2011-05-01 01:43:37 <the_1849_bitcoin> and at what cost?
 811 2011-05-01 01:43:43 <the_1849_bitcoin> jim?
 812 2011-05-01 01:43:44 sethsethseth_ has joined
 813 2011-05-01 01:43:57 <jimrandomh> Working on bringing the site back up. It's under DDoS.
 814 2011-05-01 01:44:04 <doublec> the_1849_bitcoin: it's MagicalTux in this channel if you want to vent
 815 2011-05-01 01:44:05 CoinMan has quit (Quit: Page closed)
 816 2011-05-01 01:44:17 <doublec> the_1849_bitcoin: but then he'll be responding to you and not the issue
 817 2011-05-01 01:44:21 <Dudley> Who would DDoS mtgox?
 818 2011-05-01 01:44:41 <the_1849_bitcoin> He wrote mtgox.com in DOS?
 819 2011-05-01 01:44:44 <the_1849_bitcoin> ?
 820 2011-05-01 01:44:52 DuoSRX has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
 821 2011-05-01 01:44:54 <Spenvo> hehe, Dudley, the list is too long to post here
 822 2011-05-01 01:44:55 <the_1849_bitcoin> wtf... no wonder it is down
 823 2011-05-01 01:44:56 <doublec> FellowTraveler: how is he getting the balance?
 824 2011-05-01 01:44:59 <the_1849_bitcoin> that was the 80
 825 2011-05-01 01:45:01 DuoSRX has joined
 826 2011-05-01 01:45:02 <FellowTraveler> getbalance()
 827 2011-05-01 01:45:10 <FellowTraveler> and he's passing "" which I think is default acct
 828 2011-05-01 01:45:12 <Dudley> Spenvo, compeitition?
 829 2011-05-01 01:45:18 <Dudley> Or people who hate the idea?
 830 2011-05-01 01:45:25 <doublec> FellowTraveler: right, that's the problem
 831 2011-05-01 01:45:45 <FellowTraveler> I only need a few simple things:  get balance, create new address, send transfer, etc
 832 2011-05-01 01:45:50 <FellowTraveler> pls enlighten me.
 833 2011-05-01 01:45:53 <doublec> FellowTraveler: Just do 'getbalance', no argument
 834 2011-05-01 01:45:54 sethsethseth has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
 835 2011-05-01 01:46:03 <doublec> FellowTraveler: ie. no account argument
 836 2011-05-01 01:46:07 <the_1849_bitcoin> OK.... BUY BUY BUY BUY SELL SELL SELL
 837 2011-05-01 01:46:11 <FellowTraveler> why does it show SENT transactions when you pass it the default acct?
 838 2011-05-01 01:46:14 <the_1849_bitcoin> where when what?
 839 2011-05-01 01:46:15 mrb_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
 840 2011-05-01 01:46:18 <doublec> FellowTraveler: unless you're actually using accounts
 841 2011-05-01 01:46:20 <FellowTraveler> and if I pass any OTHER acct, will it show THOSE sent transactions?
 842 2011-05-01 01:46:20 <Spenvo> dudley: more likely people or institutions (governments) that feel threatened by bitcoin
 843 2011-05-01 01:46:29 sshirokov has quit (Quit: ZRC hit the fan!)
 844 2011-05-01 01:46:45 sshirokov has joined
 845 2011-05-01 01:46:45 <doublec> FellowTraveler: presumably sent transactions use the default account if one isn't specified
 846 2011-05-01 01:47:00 hachiya has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
 847 2011-05-01 01:47:06 <the_1849_bitcoin> --------------------------B-----------------C-----------------BITCOIN.... wannna trade... WHERE?
 848 2011-05-01 01:47:12 <doublec> FellowTraveler: do a 'listaccounts' and it'll give you the balance of each account
 849 2011-05-01 01:47:13 <the_1849_bitcoin> someone told me to come here
 850 2011-05-01 01:47:19 <doublec> the_1849_bitcoin: go to #bitcoin-otc
 851 2011-05-01 01:47:26 <doublec> the_1849_bitcoin: this is the development channel
 852 2011-05-01 01:47:28 <FellowTraveler> here's what I mean.   If getbalance("") returns the sent transactions…. Then what if I want to see the received transactions?
 853 2011-05-01 01:47:46 <the_1849_bitcoin> OK....
 854 2011-05-01 01:47:52 hachiya has joined
 855 2011-05-01 01:47:54 <the_1849_bitcoin> thanks b 2 u
 856 2011-05-01 01:47:59 mrb_ has joined
 857 2011-05-01 01:48:05 CoinMan has joined
 858 2011-05-01 01:48:21 <doublec> FellowTraveler: it'll show received as well if you've received money to addresses associated with the account
 859 2011-05-01 01:48:37 <doublec> FellowTraveler: are you sure you've received money to an address associated with that account?
 860 2011-05-01 01:48:45 the_1849_bitcoin has quit (Quit: Page closed)
 861 2011-05-01 01:48:48 <doublec> FellowTraveler: use 'listaccounts' and find out where the money is
 862 2011-05-01 01:49:06 <FellowTraveler> well I received like 125.05, I presume my default account, and I've sent like 125.03, and my balance is  .02
 863 2011-05-01 01:49:15 <doublec> FellowTraveler: so use listaccounts and find out
 864 2011-05-01 01:49:35 <FellowTraveler> K I will tell him.
 865 2011-05-01 01:49:46 dvide_ has quit ()
 866 2011-05-01 01:49:59 <FellowTraveler> Anyway  I thought ALL those sents/receives were under my default account
 867 2011-05-01 01:50:03 <doublec> FellowTraveler: can't you just run listaccounts using bitcoind and find out?
 868 2011-05-01 01:50:10 <doublec> no need to go back to your developer
 869 2011-05-01 01:50:16 <FellowTraveler> so I'd expect balance, for default acct, to be 02, not −125.03
 870 2011-05-01 01:50:29 <FellowTraveler> doublec probably, I have bitcoind running, how do I do it?
 871 2011-05-01 01:50:41 <doublec> FellowTraveler: run: bitcoind listaccounts
 872 2011-05-01 01:50:59 <FellowTraveler> wait a sec, remember Bitcoin is already running as a server on my machine and I see the user interface
 873 2011-05-01 01:51:07 <FellowTraveler> you're saying to open a new terminal and just type that?
 874 2011-05-01 01:51:32 <doublec> yes
 875 2011-05-01 01:51:46 <doublec> FellowTraveler: oh wait, are you running the GUI?
 876 2011-05-01 01:51:54 <doublec> FellowTraveler: or are you running bitcoind
 877 2011-05-01 01:52:04 <FellowTraveler> I'm running the GUI in -server mode which is the only way I know
 878 2011-05-01 01:52:08 <FellowTraveler> on Mac
 879 2011-05-01 01:52:17 <doublec> ok, then the command I gave should work
 880 2011-05-01 01:52:25 <doublec> (except I have no idea how things are set up on the mac)
 881 2011-05-01 01:52:45 <doublec> does it even have a bitcoind?
 882 2011-05-01 01:52:50 <FellowTraveler> $ ./bitcoin listaccounts
 883 2011-05-01 01:52:50 <FellowTraveler> error: {"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found"}
 884 2011-05-01 01:53:18 <FellowTraveler> well I know that my GUI is running in "server mode" and I know that my coder is talking to it via JSON-RPC calls (otherwise how is it retrieving my sent transactions amount)
 885 2011-05-01 01:53:59 <FellowTraveler> I know it happens on port 8332
 886 2011-05-01 01:54:04 <FellowTraveler> I know I had to set user/pass for it to work.
 887 2011-05-01 01:54:24 <doublec> FellowTraveler: what version of bitcoin are you running?
 888 2011-05-01 01:54:56 <doublec> sounds like its old if it doesn't have listaccounts
 889 2011-05-01 01:55:29 <doublec> FellowTraveler: what does the 'version' part of this show: bitcoin getinfo
 890 2011-05-01 01:55:32 <FellowTraveler> 0.3.19
 891 2011-05-01 01:55:34 <FellowTraveler> should I upgrade?
 892 2011-05-01 01:55:45 <doublec> yes
 893 2011-05-01 01:55:49 <retinal> yep
 894 2011-05-01 01:55:55 james_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
 895 2011-05-01 01:56:04 noagendamarket has joined
 896 2011-05-01 01:56:17 <retinal> that's two versions old, iirc
 897 2011-05-01 01:56:35 <retinal> ;;bc,lukepool
 898 2011-05-01 01:56:36 <gribble> 12126124.3324
 899 2011-05-01 01:57:02 <retinal> ;;bc,calc 12126124.3324
 900 2011-05-01 01:57:04 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 12126124.3324 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 10 hours, 47 minutes, and 24 seconds
 901 2011-05-01 01:57:59 <doublec> I'm not sure if there's a mac version of the latest bitcoin
 902 2011-05-01 01:58:17 <doublec> yeah, the newest for mac is 0.3.20 but that'll be fine
 903 2011-05-01 01:58:45 <FellowTraveler> I'll try now
 904 2011-05-01 01:59:13 <FellowTraveler> Where's the wallet stored? If I overwrite with new version, is my data safe?
 905 2011-05-01 01:59:33 <retinal> FellowTraveler: Windows?
 906 2011-05-01 01:59:43 <retinal> %APPDATA%\Bitcoin\wallet.dat
 907 2011-05-01 01:59:53 <retinal> Linux: ~/.Bitcoin/wallet.dat
 908 2011-05-01 01:59:59 <retinal> just don't overwrite your wallet
 909 2011-05-01 02:00:13 <retinal> and if you're really concerned, just make a copy
 910 2011-05-01 02:00:20 james has joined
 911 2011-05-01 02:00:34 <FellowTraveler> mac fyi.
 912 2011-05-01 02:00:37 <retinal> [18:47:44] <FellowTraveler> on Mac
 913 2011-05-01 02:00:38 <retinal> oh
 914 2011-05-01 02:00:39 <retinal> ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
 915 2011-05-01 02:00:46 james is now known as Guest16822
 916 2011-05-01 02:00:55 <retinal> ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/wallet.dat
 917 2011-05-01 02:00:55 <FellowTraveler> I still keep windows running in a little window though, for old time's sake.
 918 2011-05-01 02:01:17 <FellowTraveler> I still have a start menu, and I still even get to see a blue screen in that window from time to time, for nostalgia.
 919 2011-05-01 02:01:23 <retinal> heh
 920 2011-05-01 02:01:37 <retinal> I miss OSX because of Mail.app
 921 2011-05-01 02:01:44 <retinal> among other things, but mainly Mail.app
 922 2011-05-01 02:01:51 <jrabbit> ick email.
 923 2011-05-01 02:01:53 <FellowTraveler> you quit it for linux because of big brother?
 924 2011-05-01 02:01:58 <retinal> iCal was pretty good too
 925 2011-05-01 02:02:00 <retinal> naahhh
 926 2011-05-01 02:02:05 <jrabbit> ical is nice
 927 2011-05-01 02:02:07 <retinal> I use Windows 7 on my notebook
 928 2011-05-01 02:02:10 <jrabbit> textmate :D
 929 2011-05-01 02:02:12 <retinal> and Ubuntu on my mining rig
 930 2011-05-01 02:02:18 <retinal> oh man, textmate, cssedit, coda
 931 2011-05-01 02:02:19 <retinal> <3
 932 2011-05-01 02:02:29 <Dudley> coda sucks over time :\
 933 2011-05-01 02:02:42 <retinal> it's good for starting out a project, at least
 934 2011-05-01 02:02:50 <Dudley> True
 935 2011-05-01 02:02:51 <retinal> (which is the hard part)
 936 2011-05-01 02:03:36 <retinal> oh darn, I should've bought hackintosh-compatible parts for my mining rig
 937 2011-05-01 02:03:42 <Dudley> Nothing like having VNC connection into your VPS
 938 2011-05-01 02:03:43 <retinal> ah well, what's done is done
 939 2011-05-01 02:03:55 sneak has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
 940 2011-05-01 02:03:56 <retinal> haha, VNC
 941 2011-05-01 02:04:24 <retinal> if Microsoft only got one thing right, it'd have to be RDP
 942 2011-05-01 02:04:40 <retinal> VNC is just plain awful once you have over 500ms latency
 943 2011-05-01 02:04:59 <Dudley> I would never use Microsoft for any of my project.s
 944 2011-05-01 02:05:29 <retinal> well, I'm stuck with Microsoft because of Active Directory
 945 2011-05-01 02:05:51 <Dudley> I'd virtualize Windows on Linux at the most.
 946 2011-05-01 02:06:00 tuxsoul has joined
 947 2011-05-01 02:06:25 <Diablo-D3> heh
 948 2011-05-01 02:06:33 sneak has joined
 949 2011-05-01 02:06:52 <retinal> I happen to do the opposite, haha
 950 2011-05-01 02:06:59 sneak is now known as Guest96559
 951 2011-05-01 02:07:16 <retinal> it sucks so hard that the majority of Windows updates require a restart
 952 2011-05-01 02:07:32 <Dudley> Evidence #1 that I cannot use Windows.
 953 2011-05-01 02:07:47 <Dudley> Can faux reboot on Linux.
 954 2011-05-01 02:07:52 <Dudley> Not that I HAVE to update.
 955 2011-05-01 02:08:45 <retinal> Exactly. Bad things happen on Windows systems if you don't update.
 956 2011-05-01 02:08:59 <Dudley> Hence the Windows on Linux
 957 2011-05-01 02:09:35 <Dudley> I can back up the images of the VM and restore
 958 2011-05-01 02:09:36 <jrabbit> lol what
 959 2011-05-01 02:09:50 kika has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
 960 2011-05-01 02:10:33 tabsa has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
 961 2011-05-01 02:11:05 <tuxsoul> hi, i try create the ubuntu package of bitcoin 0.3.21, but libminiupnpc don't exist in ubuntu, only in debian ?
 962 2011-05-01 02:11:11 DeviledMoon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
 963 2011-05-01 02:11:24 <Dudley> are you installing via apt-get?
 964 2011-05-01 02:11:41 DeviledMoon has joined
 965 2011-05-01 02:12:37 <tuxsoul> Dudley: nop, i have my own repository APP to ubuntu and debian, ;), i create the not oficial deb packages
 966 2011-05-01 02:12:56 <tuxsoul> sorry my english is bad :(
 967 2011-05-01 02:13:01 toffoo has joined
 968 2011-05-01 02:13:27 Dudley has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep)
 969 2011-05-01 02:13:34 <[Tycho]> "it leaves less space in our blocks for normal with-fee transactions" - normal transactions don't need fees :)
 970 2011-05-01 02:13:43 Dudley has joined
 971 2011-05-01 02:13:57 Spenvo has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110318052756])
 972 2011-05-01 02:14:30 <luke-jr> [Tycho]: yes they do ;)
 973 2011-05-01 02:15:18 <FellowTraveler> okay I updated to 3.20, now I get this output:
 974 2011-05-01 02:15:19 <FellowTraveler> $ ./bitcoin listaccounts
 975 2011-05-01 02:15:20 <FellowTraveler> {
 976 2011-05-01 02:15:20 <FellowTraveler>     "" : -125.02000000,
 977 2011-05-01 02:15:20 <FellowTraveler>     "Testing" : 125.04000000,
 978 2011-05-01 02:15:20 <FellowTraveler> }
 979 2011-05-01 02:15:32 <luke-jr> FellowTraveler: so?
 980 2011-05-01 02:15:35 <FellowTraveler> Therefore it looks like when I did "create new address" (Testing) it actually did a create new account.
 981 2011-05-01 02:15:50 <FellowTraveler> and that explains why when I check balance on default account, I get a negative number??
 982 2011-05-01 02:15:57 <[Tycho]> Transactions should be free.
 983 2011-05-01 02:16:42 <FellowTraveler> I never intentionally created a new account at all, just an address
 984 2011-05-01 02:16:50 <FellowTraveler> and since then, now my "default" account has a negative "balance"
 985 2011-05-01 02:16:58 <FellowTraveler> just trying to figure this out so I can explain to my coder
 986 2011-05-01 02:17:55 gribble has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
 987 2011-05-01 02:18:04 bitcoinbulletin has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
 988 2011-05-01 02:18:50 nanotube has quit (Quit: Something is wrong...)
 989 2011-05-01 02:19:26 <JFK911> ;;bc,stats
 990 2011-05-01 02:19:30 nanotube has joined
 991 2011-05-01 02:19:31 jrabbit has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
 992 2011-05-01 02:19:38 <JFK911> oh oops its gone
 993 2011-05-01 02:19:46 gribble has joined
 994 2011-05-01 02:20:12 <luke-jr> [Tycho]: no
 995 2011-05-01 02:20:26 <lulzplzkthx> luke-jr: did you add in Balance: x.xx BTC?
 996 2011-05-01 02:20:33 <lulzplzkthx> someone said you may hvae done it
 997 2011-05-01 02:20:34 <luke-jr> lulzplzkthx: yes
 998 2011-05-01 02:20:41 <lulzplzkthx> how about Send coins from the context menu?
 999 2011-05-01 02:20:45 <luke-jr> lulzplzkthx: it's already there
1000 2011-05-01 02:20:48 <lulzplzkthx> eh?
1001 2011-05-01 02:20:50 <lulzplzkthx> from the tray menu?
1002 2011-05-01 02:20:51 <lulzplzkthx> no
1003 2011-05-01 02:20:53 <luke-jr> yes
1004 2011-05-01 02:20:58 <lulzplzkthx> Open, Options, Generate
1005 2011-05-01 02:20:59 <luke-jr> for Spesmilo
1006 2011-05-01 02:21:05 <lulzplzkthx> oh, you did this for Spes
1007 2011-05-01 02:21:05 <lulzplzkthx> xD
1008 2011-05-01 02:21:07 <lulzplzkthx> okay.
1009 2011-05-01 02:21:15 <lulzplzkthx> so it's still worth my time to do it for the official client?
1010 2011-05-01 02:21:24 <luke-jr> I only develop for wxBitcoin when there's a bounty at least ;P
1011 2011-05-01 02:21:31 toffoo has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1012 2011-05-01 02:21:32 <luke-jr> there is no such thing as official
1013 2011-05-01 02:21:43 <lulzplzkthx> I mean the Bitcoin client.
1014 2011-05-01 02:21:45 <luke-jr> you could just opt to use Spesmilo ;)
1015 2011-05-01 02:21:47 <lulzplzkthx> As in "Bitcoin" the client.
1016 2011-05-01 02:21:49 <lulzplzkthx> XP
1017 2011-05-01 02:21:58 <lulzplzkthx> My C++ skills need work anyway.
1018 2011-05-01 02:23:00 <lulzplzkthx> anyone know what to do on win7 32-bit when ld can't find -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-s-1_43?
1019 2011-05-01 02:23:04 <lulzplzkthx> I followed BlueMatt's tutorial.
1020 2011-05-01 02:23:09 toffoo has joined
1021 2011-05-01 02:23:21 jrabbit has joined
1022 2011-05-01 02:24:25 tuxsoul has left ()
1023 2011-05-01 02:25:17 bitcoinbulletin has joined
1024 2011-05-01 02:28:36 sshc has joined
1025 2011-05-01 02:29:13 ghshephard has joined
1026 2011-05-01 02:30:19 _ape has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
1027 2011-05-01 02:30:20 digid has joined
1028 2011-05-01 02:30:42 <digid> hello
1029 2011-05-01 02:30:58 DeviledMoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
1030 2011-05-01 02:31:30 seventoes has joined
1031 2011-05-01 02:32:03 DeviledMoon has joined
1032 2011-05-01 02:32:44 DeviledMoon has left ()
1033 2011-05-01 02:34:20 <lulzplzkthx> Hello.
1034 2011-05-01 02:36:14 kika has joined
1035 2011-05-01 02:37:43 <ninjaneo> hello
1036 2011-05-01 02:37:44 <ninjaneo> ;p
1037 2011-05-01 02:40:10 bliackbit has joined
1038 2011-05-01 02:40:30 Lachesis has joined
1039 2011-05-01 02:40:35 <bliackbit> doesn anyone know that mtgox is down?
1040 2011-05-01 02:40:41 <Lachesis> lol yeah anyone knows that
1041 2011-05-01 02:41:12 Niooron has joined
1042 2011-05-01 02:41:19 Niooron has left ()
1043 2011-05-01 02:41:40 <bliackbit> does he run mtgox on a netbook?
1044 2011-05-01 02:42:06 <Lachesis> umm now
1045 2011-05-01 02:42:07 <Lachesis> no*
1046 2011-05-01 02:42:12 <bliackbit> so?
1047 2011-05-01 02:42:18 <bliackbit> where is it?
1048 2011-05-01 02:42:27 <dirtyfilthy> it's being massively ddosed
1049 2011-05-01 02:42:32 <bliackbit> ok
1050 2011-05-01 02:42:50 <seventoes> Is it? I thought it was just too much legit traffic?
1051 2011-05-01 02:43:34 <FellowTraveler> who would ddos mtgox? Certainly not the hacker community
1052 2011-05-01 02:43:40 lfm has joined
1053 2011-05-01 02:43:45 <[Tycho]> It was a link from http://news.ycombinator.com
1054 2011-05-01 02:43:45 <FellowTraveler> same time as paypal cuts off various btc exchangers
1055 2011-05-01 02:43:53 <bliackbit> apache no?
1056 2011-05-01 02:43:55 <dirtyfilthy> other exchanges: http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6864.msg101352#msg101352
1057 2011-05-01 02:44:54 <bliackbit> The KeepAliveTimeout directive may be also lowered on sites that are subject to DoS attacks.
1058 2011-05-01 02:45:12 <dirtyfilthy> "I and my friends who enjoyed bitcoin very badly affected."
1059 2011-05-01 02:45:47 <bliackbit> une the MaxClients directive to allow the server to handle the maximum number of simultaneous connections without running out of resources.
1060 2011-05-01 02:46:33 bliackbit has quit (Quit: Page closed)
1061 2011-05-01 02:47:21 sgornick has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1062 2011-05-01 02:47:48 sgornick has joined
1063 2011-05-01 02:50:33 soultcer has quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net)
1064 2011-05-01 02:50:41 tuxsoul has joined
1065 2011-05-01 02:51:04 bitcoinbulletin has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
1066 2011-05-01 02:52:28 gribble has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
1067 2011-05-01 02:53:55 nanotube has quit (Quit: Something is wrong...)
1068 2011-05-01 02:54:03 <vorlov> are there no loops in opencl?
1069 2011-05-01 02:54:14 kika has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1070 2011-05-01 02:54:17 gribble has joined
1071 2011-05-01 02:54:32 nanotube has joined
1072 2011-05-01 02:55:19 Spenvo has joined
1073 2011-05-01 02:56:50 <Lachesis> vorlov, there are loops
1074 2011-05-01 02:56:58 <Lachesis> it's just faster to unroll them
1075 2011-05-01 02:57:20 <vorlov> is that why Art chose to rotate them himself instead of looping on it
1076 2011-05-01 02:57:20 <vorlov> ?
1077 2011-05-01 02:58:38 soultcer has joined
1078 2011-05-01 02:59:56 <Lachesis> yes
1079 2011-05-01 03:06:40 lulzplzkthx has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1080 2011-05-01 03:10:39 lulzplzkthx has joined
1081 2011-05-01 03:11:41 tuxsoul has left ()
1082 2011-05-01 03:11:50 kika has joined
1083 2011-05-01 03:12:08 <kika> Diablo-D3: im getting Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.cli.Options not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:/root/Descargas/DiabloMiner/target/libs/*,file:/root/Descargas/DiabloMiner/target/DiabloMiner-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar], parent=null}
1084 2011-05-01 03:12:20 <kika> Diablo-D3: do you have idea why i get that error when i try to run diablominer
1085 2011-05-01 03:13:07 <Diablo-D3> is it in there?
1086 2011-05-01 03:13:18 <kika> Diablo-D3: ?
1087 2011-05-01 03:13:26 <Diablo-D3> is the file in the directory?
1088 2011-05-01 03:13:32 <kika> let me see
1089 2011-05-01 03:14:09 FellowTraveler has quit (Excess Flood)
1090 2011-05-01 03:14:15 <Diablo-D3> should be a file named commons-cli-1.2.jar
1091 2011-05-01 03:14:19 FellowTraveler has joined
1092 2011-05-01 03:14:45 <kika> i dont have that file wondering which apt-get package has it
1093 2011-05-01 03:14:54 <lulzplzkthx> Still need help on that linkage. :\
1094 2011-05-01 03:15:12 bitcoinbulletin has joined
1095 2011-05-01 03:15:14 <Diablo-D3> kika: my zip already includes all the jars
1096 2011-05-01 03:15:18 <Diablo-D3> kika: what are you trying to do?
1097 2011-05-01 03:15:30 <kika> yes its there
1098 2011-05-01 03:15:31 <kika> i see
1099 2011-05-01 03:15:57 <kika> ./DiabloMiner-Linux.sh -u username -p password -o btcmine.com -r 8332 -g 5
1100 2011-05-01 03:16:02 <kika> the .jar is there
1101 2011-05-01 03:16:09 <kika> on the targets/libs/
1102 2011-05-01 03:16:11 <Diablo-D3> how did you unzip the zip?
1103 2011-05-01 03:16:16 _ape has joined
1104 2011-05-01 03:16:19 <kika> unzip DiabloMiner.zip
1105 2011-05-01 03:16:25 <kika> maybe i forgot the -r option ?
1106 2011-05-01 03:16:34 <Diablo-D3> thats not a problem with the arguments
1107 2011-05-01 03:17:05 <Diablo-D3> unzip DiabloMiner.zip should work fine
1108 2011-05-01 03:17:10 <Diablo-D3> thats what I use and it works
1109 2011-05-01 03:17:19 <Diablo-D3> do java -version
1110 2011-05-01 03:17:20 <kika> so i have no idea why its not finding the file
1111 2011-05-01 03:17:22 <kika> the file is there
1112 2011-05-01 03:17:35 <kika> root@ubuntu:/home/juan/Escritorio# java -version java version "1.5.0" JamVM version 1.5.3
1113 2011-05-01 03:17:44 <Diablo-D3> the hell? thats ancient
1114 2011-05-01 03:18:02 <kika> which version of java do i need?
1115 2011-05-01 03:18:05 <Diablo-D3> apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
1116 2011-05-01 03:18:11 <kika> k
1117 2011-05-01 03:18:17 <lulzplzkthx> LOL
1118 2011-05-01 03:18:21 <lulzplzkthx> Java 1.5
1119 2011-05-01 03:18:35 <kika> Diablo-D3: i got catalyst installed on the ubuntu box ;)
1120 2011-05-01 03:18:49 <Diablo-D3> kika: thats easy, you just use the control panel for it
1121 2011-05-01 03:19:09 <kika> Diablo-D3: for what? i already installed catalyst
1122 2011-05-01 03:19:23 <Diablo-D3> no I mean, to install it, you just use the ubuntu drivers control panel
1123 2011-05-01 03:19:26 <lulzplzkthx> 2008?
1124 2011-05-01 03:19:46 <kika> Diablo-D3: ah i dont know i just downloaded the .run from the amd website
1125 2011-05-01 03:19:51 <Diablo-D3> kika: ARGH
1126 2011-05-01 03:19:52 <Diablo-D3> DONT DO THAT
1127 2011-05-01 03:19:57 <kika> why?
1128 2011-05-01 03:19:57 <Diablo-D3> kika: _NEVER_ DO THAT
1129 2011-05-01 03:20:00 <Diablo-D3> it fucks your system up
1130 2011-05-01 03:20:04 <kika> WTF
1131 2011-05-01 03:20:14 <kika> so how can i uninstall it?
1132 2011-05-01 03:20:17 <Diablo-D3> you cant.
1133 2011-05-01 03:20:27 <kika> what it fucks up ?
1134 2011-05-01 03:20:27 <lulzplzkthx> XD
1135 2011-05-01 03:20:34 <Diablo-D3> pretty much everything
1136 2011-05-01 03:20:35 <lulzplzkthx> kika: nano *.run and find out
1137 2011-05-01 03:20:47 <Diablo-D3> even if its working now, apt-get will happily overwrite your shit
1138 2011-05-01 03:20:51 <Diablo-D3> and then X will stop working
1139 2011-05-01 03:20:58 <Diablo-D3> _never ever use a binary driver installer from anybody_
1140 2011-05-01 03:21:04 <Diablo-D3> not amd, not nvidia
1141 2011-05-01 03:21:06 <kika> okay
1142 2011-05-01 03:21:08 <retinal> haha
1143 2011-05-01 03:21:20 <kika> yes i always try to use packages
1144 2011-05-01 03:21:22 <kika> however
1145 2011-05-01 03:21:29 <kika> i didnt know there was an apt package for catalyst
1146 2011-05-01 03:21:34 <kika> do you know how is it called
1147 2011-05-01 03:21:37 <retinal> if it makes you feel any better, I installed catalyst 10.10 from the .run and it works fine for me
1148 2011-05-01 03:21:42 <retinal> not a complete fuck-up
1149 2011-05-01 03:21:52 <Diablo-D3> kika: on ubuntu, theres a driver control panel, its a 1 click thing
1150 2011-05-01 03:21:53 <kika> yes it runs cool for me too
1151 2011-05-01 03:22:02 <Diablo-D3> retinal: until it doesnt
1152 2011-05-01 03:22:05 <Diablo-D3> do _not_ do that
1153 2011-05-01 03:22:06 CoinMan has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1154 2011-05-01 03:22:21 <Diablo-D3> fglrx is packaged on every major distro, use the fucking packages
1155 2011-05-01 03:22:26 <kika> amd should provide an uninstall script weird
1156 2011-05-01 03:22:36 <Diablo-D3> kika: they do, but it does exactly what you tell it to.
1157 2011-05-01 03:22:55 <retinal> fglrx shat all over the place on ubuntu 10.10 on my install
1158 2011-05-01 03:22:56 <kika> Diablo-D3: i want to uninstall it now, so i cant?
1159 2011-05-01 03:22:58 <kiba> this is nut
1160 2011-05-01 03:23:06 <kiba> an infowar broke out
1161 2011-05-01 03:23:20 <kika> eid
1162 2011-05-01 03:23:20 <retinal> just listen to Diablo-D3 ;)
1163 2011-05-01 03:23:22 <Diablo-D3> kika: you should have asked first.
1164 2011-05-01 03:23:29 yn_ has joined
1165 2011-05-01 03:23:36 <Diablo-D3> kiba: orly?
1166 2011-05-01 03:23:49 <yn_> yes or no: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7167818&SRCCODE=LINKSHARE&cm_mmc_o=-ddCjC1bELltzywCjC-d2CjCdwwp&AffiliateID=isIkAyUyNbM-37uhx5IP_8SDMThjq6y4QA
1167 2011-05-01 03:23:55 <kika> kiba: we have similar nicknames
1168 2011-05-01 03:23:57 DavidSJ has joined
1169 2011-05-01 03:24:05 <retinal> yn_: no
1170 2011-05-01 03:24:10 <Diablo-D3> yn_: do not do business with tigerdirect
1171 2011-05-01 03:24:14 <Diablo-D3> yn_: they fuck orders up usually
1172 2011-05-01 03:24:16 <retinal> ^
1173 2011-05-01 03:24:21 <Diablo-D3> also, sparkle sucks dick
1174 2011-05-01 03:24:31 <kika> Diablo-D3: diablominer should work still using my catalyst install right
1175 2011-05-01 03:24:31 <Diablo-D3> one of the worst chinese firecracker brands
1176 2011-05-01 03:24:38 <Diablo-D3> kika: until it doesnt.
1177 2011-05-01 03:24:46 <kiba> Diablo-D3: btcex decided to fucked itself and the community by openly engaging in a DDOS against mtgox
1178 2011-05-01 03:24:50 <kika> Diablo-D3: why it would not work ? when ?
1179 2011-05-01 03:25:02 <yn_> l
1180 2011-05-01 03:25:03 <yn_> k
1181 2011-05-01 03:25:05 <kika> i wont touch this system anymore
1182 2011-05-01 03:25:07 <Diablo-D3> kiba: what the fuck, seriously?
1183 2011-05-01 03:25:10 <kiba> now the Russians can't trade Rubs for bitcoin
1184 2011-05-01 03:25:19 <kiba> Diablo-D3: WTF of the century
1185 2011-05-01 03:25:25 <Diablo-D3> kika: just reinstall ubuntu and try again
1186 2011-05-01 03:25:38 <Diablo-D3> kiba: so that explains why mtgox was down
1187 2011-05-01 03:25:42 <kiba> http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6864.0
1188 2011-05-01 03:25:44 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: where are you?
1189 2011-05-01 03:25:52 <kika> Diablo-D3: weird
1190 2011-05-01 03:26:16 <kika> Diablo-D3: ill just first try diablominer here i cant spend all the time to re-install ubuntu right now
1191 2011-05-01 03:26:25 <kika> i want to see how much hashrate i get
1192 2011-05-01 03:26:28 <yn_> better: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.620461&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&AID=10440897&PID=404255&SID=193521
1193 2011-05-01 03:26:30 <MagicalTux> Diablo-D3: here
1194 2011-05-01 03:26:30 <Diablo-D3> kika: what hardware are you on?
1195 2011-05-01 03:26:35 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: is the above true?
1196 2011-05-01 03:26:36 <kika> ati 6990
1197 2011-05-01 03:26:45 <kika> Diablo-D3: ati 6990
1198 2011-05-01 03:27:00 <kika> Diablo-D3: im the guy that got only 200mhash/s on the 6990 at win 7
1199 2011-05-01 03:27:07 <MagicalTux> Diablo-D3: which part?
1200 2011-05-01 03:27:14 justmoon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1201 2011-05-01 03:27:19 <kika> Diablo-D3: so im trying it on linux now to see if it performs better
1202 2011-05-01 03:27:25 <Diablo-D3> kika: download the 2.4 sdk, unzip it, then do export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/lib/x86_64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
1203 2011-05-01 03:27:39 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: btcex's ddos
1204 2011-05-01 03:27:40 <kika> Diablo-D3: where i can download the sdk from ?
1205 2011-05-01 03:27:45 <Diablo-D3> kika: amd's website
1206 2011-05-01 03:27:45 yn_ has quit (Client Quit)
1207 2011-05-01 03:27:46 <kika> which sdk? stream sdk 2.4 ?
1208 2011-05-01 03:27:50 <MagicalTux> Diablo-D3: I'd guess so
1209 2011-05-01 03:27:56 <Diablo-D3> kika: yes, I said 2.4
1210 2011-05-01 03:28:05 <MagicalTux> I was warned by the btcex guy ~1 hour before the ddos started
1211 2011-05-01 03:28:06 <kika> oh but its called stream sdk right ?
1212 2011-05-01 03:28:11 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: then you have a new job.
1213 2011-05-01 03:28:20 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: move the website to rapidxen
1214 2011-05-01 03:28:24 <Diablo-D3> and do it now
1215 2011-05-01 03:28:40 <MagicalTux> rapidxen provides protection against ddos?
1216 2011-05-01 03:28:44 <Diablo-D3> yes.
1217 2011-05-01 03:29:15 <lulzplzkthx> Sigh. Nobody knows about this linker problem?
1218 2011-05-01 03:29:19 <lulzplzkthx> Or rather, how to fix it?
1219 2011-05-01 03:29:21 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: rapidxen is basically the best vps provider on the internet
1220 2011-05-01 03:29:43 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: the guy who owns it takes attacks against his customers seriously.
1221 2011-05-01 03:30:00 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: what linker problem
1222 2011-05-01 03:30:01 <Vladimir_> consider asking for advise on webhostingtalk.com  there are lots of pros out there and they will point you to the right solution rehosting
1223 2011-05-01 03:30:11 <Diablo-D3> kika: btw, its called AMD APP now, not ati stream
1224 2011-05-01 03:30:22 <Diablo-D3> Vladimir_: wht is mostly a joke
1225 2011-05-01 03:30:34 <Vladimir_> disagree
1226 2011-05-01 03:30:44 <kika> Diablo-D3: cool im d/ling AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx32.tgz
1227 2011-05-01 03:30:52 <kika> that would work i think
1228 2011-05-01 03:31:04 <kika> i have core 2 quad, i think my system is 32bit then right ?
1229 2011-05-01 03:31:13 <Diablo-D3> kika: you should have installed the amd64 distro.
1230 2011-05-01 03:31:21 <Diablo-D3> core2s are amd64.
1231 2011-05-01 03:31:38 <kika> i see
1232 2011-05-01 03:31:56 <kika> so ill download this one AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64.tgz ?
1233 2011-05-01 03:31:57 bk128 has joined
1234 2011-05-01 03:32:07 <Diablo-D3> kika: no, you need to match your linux install
1235 2011-05-01 03:32:22 <Diablo-D3> its just that you lose about 10-15% performance running ia32 shit on a native amd64 cpu
1236 2011-05-01 03:32:56 <kika> is there i comamnd i can run which linux install i run?
1237 2011-05-01 03:33:04 <MagicalTux> rapidxen crashed my firefox
1238 2011-05-01 03:33:06 <Diablo-D3> uname -a might tell you
1239 2011-05-01 03:33:09 <kika> *to know which linux install
1240 2011-05-01 03:33:11 <kika> let me see
1241 2011-05-01 03:33:18 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: works for me
1242 2011-05-01 03:33:40 <kika> x86_64
1243 2011-05-01 03:33:43 <kika> so i guess im running 64bits mode
1244 2011-05-01 03:33:46 <Diablo-D3> kika: yes.
1245 2011-05-01 03:33:48 <MagicalTux> might be linked with the fact I'm recompiling my system since yesterday
1246 2011-05-01 03:33:55 <kika> ill just install this one AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64.tgz then right?
1247 2011-05-01 03:33:55 <Diablo-D3> MagicalTux: heeehhh
1248 2011-05-01 03:33:58 <doublec> lulzplzkthx: does the file you're linking against exist anywhere?
1249 2011-05-01 03:34:07 <Diablo-D3> kika: you dont install it, you unzip it
1250 2011-05-01 03:34:22 <kika> Diablo-D3: okay ill unzip it in like 20 min when it finishes downloading hehe
1251 2011-05-01 03:34:23 <kika> brb
1252 2011-05-01 03:34:46 <doublec> MagicalTux: when you're less busy go to about:crashes in firefox and send  me a link to the crash report
1253 2011-05-01 03:34:59 <doublec> MagicalTux: if you want someone to look at it
1254 2011-05-01 03:35:09 <MagicalTux> doublec: firefox unfroze
1255 2011-05-01 03:35:09 BCSX has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1256 2011-05-01 03:35:29 <kika> Diablo-D3: is there anything else i have to download to run diablominer?
1257 2011-05-01 03:35:46 <Diablo-D3> kika: not that Im aware of
1258 2011-05-01 03:36:06 <kika> Diablo-D3: okay cool so hopefully we will get it working and know my hashrate in the next 30 min brb
1259 2011-05-01 03:36:35 <retinal> Diablo-D3: How is your miner /supposed/ to handle driver failures due to overclocking?
1260 2011-05-01 03:36:46 <Diablo-D3> retinal: it bitches loudly about it
1261 2011-05-01 03:36:56 <retinal> really? haha
1262 2011-05-01 03:37:02 <Diablo-D3> unless you really fucked up, and then X just crashes
1263 2011-05-01 03:37:09 <retinal> usually java hangs and I have to reboot
1264 2011-05-01 03:37:12 <Diablo-D3> although, it'd lockup or crash even if my miner wasnt running
1265 2011-05-01 03:37:15 <Diablo-D3> retinal: yeah
1266 2011-05-01 03:37:18 <Diablo-D3> thats clearly a driver bug
1267 2011-05-01 03:37:35 <Diablo-D3> if you were on windows with one of those 3D apps you use for OC testing, that'd lockup
1268 2011-05-01 03:37:35 BCSX has joined
1269 2011-05-01 03:37:50 <Diablo-D3> OC is not exactly a smart thing to do
1270 2011-05-01 03:38:06 <retinal> it's a darn shame I can't reach stock 5870 speeds on a 5970, then
1271 2011-05-01 03:38:13 <Diablo-D3> you can
1272 2011-05-01 03:38:20 <Diablo-D3> you have to increase the voltage
1273 2011-05-01 03:38:32 <retinal> excluding that bit ;)
1274 2011-05-01 03:38:38 <Diablo-D3> 5970 underclock gpu, memory, and undervolt the gpu
1275 2011-05-01 03:38:49 <Diablo-D3> if you crank all of them back up to where they belong, it should be stable
1276 2011-05-01 03:38:53 <Diablo-D3> its just also going to be hot as fuck
1277 2011-05-01 03:39:13 <retinal> yep, things get really toasty really quick
1278 2011-05-01 03:39:27 <retinal> I can use the exhaust to dry my hair or warm up pastries
1279 2011-05-01 03:39:34 AmpEater2 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
1280 2011-05-01 03:39:42 <Diablo-D3> ja.
1281 2011-05-01 03:39:51 <Diablo-D3> if its going over 85c, I can see it start freaking
1282 2011-05-01 03:40:54 <retinal> Sensor 0: Temperature - 86.00 C / Sensor 0: Temperature - 84.50 C / Sensor 0: Temperature - 70.50 C / Sensor 0: Temperature - 90.50 C / Sensor 0: Temperature - 90.50 C
1283 2011-05-01 03:40:58 <bk128> my crappy non-reference design 5870s with the fan in the middle run at 80C with default clocks and fan speed at 80%
1284 2011-05-01 03:41:05 <retinal> the 5870 runs amazingly cool
1285 2011-05-01 03:41:12 <Diablo-D3> retinal: yeah, thats entirely too high
1286 2011-05-01 03:41:17 <Diablo-D3> >85C is a no no
1287 2011-05-01 03:41:26 <Diablo-D3> you'll cook the VRMs that way
1288 2011-05-01 03:41:28 <retinal> Diablo-D3: ambient temperature is around 32C
1289 2011-05-01 03:42:32 <retinal> well, if I stop all processes, temperatures drop down to <80C in less than a minute
1290 2011-05-01 03:42:45 <bk128> is there any way to get them cooler without voiding the warranty and changing the heatsink?
1291 2011-05-01 03:42:47 <retinal> and the 5870 drops to <50C
1292 2011-05-01 03:42:55 <bk128> I have a 2.5 amp delta fan blowing across mine
1293 2011-05-01 03:43:05 <Diablo-D3> bk128: well
1294 2011-05-01 03:43:08 <Diablo-D3> you can do it the art way
1295 2011-05-01 03:43:14 <Diablo-D3> build a double decker custom case
1296 2011-05-01 03:43:18 <Diablo-D3> use industrial 120mm fans
1297 2011-05-01 03:43:21 <bk128> I did that.
1298 2011-05-01 03:43:27 <Diablo-D3> and strap the thing down so it doesnt fly away
1299 2011-05-01 03:43:34 <vorlov> can anyone help plz w/ understanding art's search function
1300 2011-05-01 03:43:35 <vorlov> ?
1301 2011-05-01 03:43:41 <bk128> They're in a case almost exactly like his with 2 30watt industrial delta fans on it
1302 2011-05-01 03:43:44 <bk128> 250cfm each
1303 2011-05-01 03:44:00 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: dude, its a pretty normal sha256
1304 2011-05-01 03:45:01 <lulzplzkthx> Okay
1305 2011-05-01 03:45:02 <lulzplzkthx> Sorry
1306 2011-05-01 03:45:16 <vorlov> but how?
1307 2011-05-01 03:45:25 <Diablo-D3> but... how... what?
1308 2011-05-01 03:45:27 <lulzplzkthx> I'm following BlueMatt's tutorial, and it's saying it can't find -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-s-1_43
1309 2011-05-01 03:45:30 <Diablo-D3> he unrolled and hand scheduled the whole thing
1310 2011-05-01 03:45:37 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: because the library doesnt exist.
1311 2011-05-01 03:45:37 <lulzplzkthx> Now that is interesting as the one I have says 44, not 45
1312 2011-05-01 03:45:41 <lulzplzkthx> Yes, I got that.
1313 2011-05-01 03:45:45 <lulzplzkthx> how do I make it exist. :P
1314 2011-05-01 03:45:47 <Diablo-D3> change the fucking makefile
1315 2011-05-01 03:45:50 <lulzplzkthx> k.
1316 2011-05-01 03:46:02 <lulzplzkthx> But I've tried renaming the libraries
1317 2011-05-01 03:46:04 <lulzplzkthx> And that didn't help
1318 2011-05-01 03:46:08 <lulzplzkthx> So I doubt changing the makefile will
1319 2011-05-01 03:46:20 <doublec> lulzplzkthx: don't rename the library, change the makefil
1320 2011-05-01 03:46:23 <Diablo-D3> changing the makefile will help when you tell it to use THE RIGHT LIBRARY NAME
1321 2011-05-01 03:46:28 <vorlov> ok i understand it was unrolled manually
1322 2011-05-01 03:46:31 <Diablo-D3> and also
1323 2011-05-01 03:46:31 <vorlov> without looping
1324 2011-05-01 03:46:31 <Diablo-D3> also
1325 2011-05-01 03:46:33 <Diablo-D3> WHO THE FUCK
1326 2011-05-01 03:46:35 <Diablo-D3> WHO THE FUCK
1327 2011-05-01 03:46:39 <Diablo-D3> NAMES A LIBRARY THAT
1328 2011-05-01 03:46:44 <Diablo-D3> goddamn fucking boost fags
1329 2011-05-01 03:46:46 <Diablo-D3> thats who
1330 2011-05-01 03:46:57 <Diablo-D3> they can take their fucking abortion and shove it up their asses
1331 2011-05-01 03:47:01 <lulzplzkthx> boost_system-mgw45-mt-s-1_43
1332 2011-05-01 03:47:09 <Diablo-D3> its fucking -lboost_system
1333 2011-05-01 03:47:11 <lulzplzkthx> Am I looking for a .a or a .dll, or no extension?
1334 2011-05-01 03:47:15 <Diablo-D3> not -lboost_system_hi_I_suck_cocks
1335 2011-05-01 03:47:21 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: either
1336 2011-05-01 03:47:38 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: are you looking at the opencl kernel?
1337 2011-05-01 03:47:41 <lulzplzkthx> I see a .a with 44, but no .dll, that should be okay?
1338 2011-05-01 03:47:48 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: yes
1339 2011-05-01 03:47:48 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: yes, its a static library then
1340 2011-05-01 03:47:55 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: what part arent you getting then?
1341 2011-05-01 03:47:55 <vorlov> and also got the FIPS manual for SHA
1342 2011-05-01 03:48:07 <lulzplzkthx> Awesome, that worked. Thanks.
1343 2011-05-01 03:48:10 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: it sounds like you dont understand opencl, go read the opencl programmers manual
1344 2011-05-01 03:48:17 <lulzplzkthx> I had renamed int he wrong folder.
1345 2011-05-01 03:48:22 <lulzplzkthx> So the makefile change worked.
1346 2011-05-01 03:48:30 <vorlov> so we'll continue here
1347 2011-05-01 03:48:55 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: okay, i will go read the opencl manual
1348 2011-05-01 03:49:02 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: opencl works like this... you have a kernel. you tell opencl to run the kernel x times.
1349 2011-05-01 03:49:07 <Diablo-D3> it does so in parallel
1350 2011-05-01 03:49:25 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: what I dont understand are the arguments?
1351 2011-05-01 03:49:32 <vorlov> of the serach function
1352 2011-05-01 03:49:34 <Diablo-D3> his arguments are rather nuts
1353 2011-05-01 03:49:50 <Diablo-D3> hes basically taken everything out that he can
1354 2011-05-01 03:50:17 <Diablo-D3> everything that only needs to be calculated once (instead of per hash) has been moved to the host code
1355 2011-05-01 03:50:47 <vorlov> host code you mean a code like yours or pocl?
1356 2011-05-01 03:50:51 <Diablo-D3> yeah
1357 2011-05-01 03:51:01 Spenvo has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110318052756])
1358 2011-05-01 03:51:11 <vorlov> so now let me get it right
1359 2011-05-01 03:51:25 <vorlov> his search function produces an shae256(sha256(header) with each nonce possible?
1360 2011-05-01 03:51:29 <vorlov> putting it all into the output buffer?
1361 2011-05-01 03:51:32 <Diablo-D3> no
1362 2011-05-01 03:51:40 <vorlov> ok....?
1363 2011-05-01 03:51:45 <Diablo-D3> the function runs on ONE nonce
1364 2011-05-01 03:51:55 CoinMan_ has joined
1365 2011-05-01 03:51:58 <Diablo-D3> and then puts the output in a buffer if the output is possibly viable
1366 2011-05-01 03:52:20 <Diablo-D3> now, in my copy of it, I actually do microloop in the function
1367 2011-05-01 03:52:28 <Diablo-D3> but thats an optimization that doesnt change the code
1368 2011-05-01 03:53:07 <vorlov> okay now back to the args
1369 2011-05-01 03:53:12 <vorlov> what do they represent?
1370 2011-05-01 03:53:21 <vorlov> what are the states? are these the bytes in midstate?
1371 2011-05-01 03:53:30 <vorlov> what are B1,C1,D1 etc?
1372 2011-05-01 03:54:45 <Diablo-D3> https://github.com/Diablo-D3/DiabloMiner/blob/5d07458edd761f9db3e2e249ee8f319e90029db9/src/main/resources/DiabloMiner.cl
1373 2011-05-01 03:54:50 <Diablo-D3> thats the old poclbm-like kernel
1374 2011-05-01 03:55:00 <Diablo-D3> its more straightforward
1375 2011-05-01 03:55:15 <vorlov> i understand its the old straightforward kernel
1376 2011-05-01 03:55:22 <vorlov> but its not your version of it that i dont understand
1377 2011-05-01 03:55:28 <vorlov> its both of them, your and the original that i dont get
1378 2011-05-01 03:55:38 <vorlov> i dont understand the conx between the arguments and the sha256 algorithm
1379 2011-05-01 03:55:45 <Diablo-D3> well
1380 2011-05-01 03:55:50 <Diablo-D3> sha256 has an internal state
1381 2011-05-01 03:56:33 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: look at the url I pasted
1382 2011-05-01 03:56:42 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: o i c now.... you cleaned up the kernel
1383 2011-05-01 03:56:51 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: ill be back in a lil, ill go study yours
1384 2011-05-01 03:56:51 <Diablo-D3> nope, didnt clean it up
1385 2011-05-01 03:56:56 <Diablo-D3> thats about 3% slower than art's
1386 2011-05-01 03:57:05 <Diablo-D3> but its easier to read
1387 2011-05-01 03:57:12 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: why is it slower?
1388 2011-05-01 03:57:20 <Diablo-D3> block0 through 2 are data from the bitcoin header
1389 2011-05-01 03:57:38 <Diablo-D3> state0 through 7 are the sha256 output state
1390 2011-05-01 03:57:42 <Diablo-D3> err
1391 2011-05-01 03:57:55 <Diablo-D3> yeah thats right
1392 2011-05-01 03:58:14 <Diablo-D3> and A1 through H1 are from the midstate
1393 2011-05-01 03:58:17 <kika> Diablo-D3: where i need to unzip the sdk ?
1394 2011-05-01 03:58:20 <Diablo-D3> kika: anywhere
1395 2011-05-01 03:58:29 <Diablo-D3> kika: as long as its not /
1396 2011-05-01 03:58:44 <vorlov> and base?...
1397 2011-05-01 03:58:47 <vorlov> is the nonce?
1398 2011-05-01 03:58:52 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: the start of the nonce range
1399 2011-05-01 03:59:22 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: on the new kernel, state0 through 7 and A1 through H1 do the same thing
1400 2011-05-01 03:59:29 <kika> Diablo-D3: done now?
1401 2011-05-01 03:59:50 <kika> Diablo-D3: i need to run ./configure && make && make install ?
1402 2011-05-01 03:59:56 <kika> on the sdk ?
1403 2011-05-01 04:00:00 <Diablo-D3> kika: no
1404 2011-05-01 04:00:06 <Diablo-D3> kika: dont run make on the sdk
1405 2011-05-01 04:00:16 <kika> Diablo-D3: okay, what i need to do now then ?
1406 2011-05-01 04:00:28 <Diablo-D3> kika: cd / && sudo tar zxvf /path/to/AMD-APP-2.4/icd-registration.tgz
1407 2011-05-01 04:00:33 Guest96559 is now known as sneak
1408 2011-05-01 04:00:33 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: b0,b1,b2 aren't they each 4bytes? unsigned int?
1409 2011-05-01 04:00:37 sneak has quit (Changing host)
1410 2011-05-01 04:00:37 sneak has joined
1411 2011-05-01 04:00:41 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: they're all uints.
1412 2011-05-01 04:00:52 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: sha256 uses uints everywhere
1413 2011-05-01 04:00:52 <kika> Diablo-D3: done
1414 2011-05-01 04:01:13 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: is unit 4 bytes? 32 bits?
1415 2011-05-01 04:01:14 <Diablo-D3> kika: then do export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/lib/x86_64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
1416 2011-05-01 04:01:17 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: yes.
1417 2011-05-01 04:01:37 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: so how does the block header fit in 12 bytes?
1418 2011-05-01 04:01:42 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: it doesnt.
1419 2011-05-01 04:01:54 <kika> k
1420 2011-05-01 04:01:58 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: its an 80 byte header, and the first 64 are already done
1421 2011-05-01 04:02:15 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: what do u mean already done?
1422 2011-05-01 04:02:27 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: bitcoind already does the first half of the first sha256
1423 2011-05-01 04:02:37 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: it hands you the state in the midstate argument
1424 2011-05-01 04:02:52 <kika> Diablo-D3: done now i run diablominer.sh ?
1425 2011-05-01 04:02:57 <Diablo-D3> kika: yes
1426 2011-05-01 04:03:01 <kika> ok let me try cool
1427 2011-05-01 04:03:14 <Diablo-D3> kika: btw, you have to run that export command in every new xterm you use
1428 2011-05-01 04:03:16 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: so bitcoind does 32 rounds out of the 64 on the data?
1429 2011-05-01 04:03:26 <kika> Exception in thread "main" org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Could not locate OpenCL library
1430 2011-05-01 04:03:39 <FellowTraveler> I think the purpose of banning bitcoin from paypal is to make all of the transactions in the blockchain matchable to their corresponding paypal transactions that will now be forced to occur over the counter, user to user.
1431 2011-05-01 04:03:39 <Diablo-D3> kika: you didnt do the export right
1432 2011-05-01 04:03:50 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: no
1433 2011-05-01 04:03:56 <kika> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/Descargas/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/lib/x86_64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
1434 2011-05-01 04:04:04 <FellowTraveler> bitcoin is now more traceable as a result.
1435 2011-05-01 04:04:13 <kika> i need to do the export every time before run diablominer?
1436 2011-05-01 04:04:25 <Diablo-D3> kika: no, just everytime you open a new xterm
1437 2011-05-01 04:04:30 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: see, sha256 works like this
1438 2011-05-01 04:04:39 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: every 64 bytes you need 64 rounds
1439 2011-05-01 04:04:48 <kika> Diablo-D3: weird im getting [1/05/11 1:00:04] ERROR: Invalid block found on Cayman (#2), possible driver or hardware issue
1440 2011-05-01 04:04:54 <kika> LOOTS MANY OF THEM
1441 2011-05-01 04:05:00 <forrestv> i get a couple of them
1442 2011-05-01 04:05:13 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: bitcoind does the first 64 on the inside sha256
1443 2011-05-01 04:05:22 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: you can optimize away about 3 and a half of them
1444 2011-05-01 04:05:40 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: so bitcoin does 64, the host code does another 3.5, and then you hand it to the kenrel
1445 2011-05-01 04:05:55 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: then the kernel does about 122 of them, and skips the last 3
1446 2011-05-01 04:06:07 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: that 122 includes the 64 for the outside sha256
1447 2011-05-01 04:06:12 <kika> Diablo-D3: it finds two caymans but cayman #2 throws that error, a million times
1448 2011-05-01 04:06:19 <Diablo-D3> kika: thats "normal"
1449 2011-05-01 04:06:25 Teslah has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1450 2011-05-01 04:06:27 <Diablo-D3> kika: crossfire is 100% broken with opencl
1451 2011-05-01 04:06:37 <kika> Diablo-D3: i only have one 6990 gpu
1452 2011-05-01 04:06:51 <Diablo-D3> kika: its still crossfire, thats two gpus
1453 2011-05-01 04:06:52 tenach has joined
1454 2011-05-01 04:06:54 <kika> Diablo-D3: and what more i need to do? disable crossfire?
1455 2011-05-01 04:07:08 <Diablo-D3> kika: run sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial -f
1456 2011-05-01 04:07:11 <Diablo-D3> kika: then restart X
1457 2011-05-01 04:07:14 <kika> k
1458 2011-05-01 04:07:21 <kika> to restart x there is a command?
1459 2011-05-01 04:07:29 <Diablo-D3> just logout and log back in
1460 2011-05-01 04:07:33 <Diablo-D3> it should restart X
1461 2011-05-01 04:07:36 <kika> ok
1462 2011-05-01 04:07:44 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: what are those 3.5 and wat r those 122? im not getting it
1463 2011-05-01 04:07:49 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: rounds
1464 2011-05-01 04:07:52 <kika> root@ubuntu:~# sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial -f Uninitialised file found, configuring. Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf Saving back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx-1
1465 2011-05-01 04:07:58 <kika> is that okay? Diablo-D3
1466 2011-05-01 04:08:01 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: but y 3.5 122?
1467 2011-05-01 04:08:02 <Diablo-D3> kika: yes
1468 2011-05-01 04:08:10 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: like I said every 64 bytes takes 64 rounds
1469 2011-05-01 04:08:25 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: the inner sha256, because the header is 80 bytes long, takes 128 rounds
1470 2011-05-01 04:08:30 <LightRider> When are we going to be able to send bitcoin directly to an IPv6 address?
1471 2011-05-01 04:08:31 <kika> k going to restart X brb
1472 2011-05-01 04:08:41 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: bitcoind itself does the first 64, and hands you the midstate
1473 2011-05-01 04:08:51 kika has quit (Quit: Page closed)
1474 2011-05-01 04:08:56 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: any given miner has to do the next 64, and then the 64 of the outer sha256
1475 2011-05-01 04:10:03 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: art's kernel takes apart most of the math for the first few rounds
1476 2011-05-01 04:10:25 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: about 3.5s rounds worth is only done once instead of per nonce
1477 2011-05-01 04:10:40 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: it then skips the last 3 of the outside sha256 because we dont need it to see if H==0
1478 2011-05-01 04:11:32 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: why do we not care about H==0
1479 2011-05-01 04:11:32 <vorlov> ?
1480 2011-05-01 04:11:42 <Diablo-D3> we only need to see if H==0
1481 2011-05-01 04:11:46 <Diablo-D3> we dont care about the rest of the result
1482 2011-05-01 04:11:53 <Diablo-D3> the whole exercise of the kernel is JUST that.
1483 2011-05-01 04:13:18 <lulzplzkthx> is there an extra switch to compile bitcoind.exe as well instead of just "make -f makefile.mingw"?
1484 2011-05-01 04:13:31 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: make -f makefile.mingw bitcoind
1485 2011-05-01 04:14:02 kika has joined
1486 2011-05-01 04:14:07 <lulzplzkthx> thanks
1487 2011-05-01 04:14:15 <LightRider> ;;bc,gen
1488 2011-05-01 04:14:15 <gribble> (bc,gen <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo The expected generation output, at $1 Khps, given current difficulty of [bc,diff], is [math calc 50*24*60*60 / (1/((2**224-1)/[bc,diff]*$1*1000/2**256))] BTC per day and [math calc 50*60*60 / (1/((2**224-1)/[bc,diff]*$1*1000/2**256))] BTC per hour.".
1489 2011-05-01 04:14:22 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: lets start over if you dont mind... when i get the data from bitcoind - its done the first 64 rounds on the whole header? the whole 80 bytes?
1490 2011-05-01 04:14:32 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: no, just the first 64 bytes
1491 2011-05-01 04:14:37 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: thats how sha256 works
1492 2011-05-01 04:14:40 <kika> Diablo-D3: it doesnt throws the error now, i restarted the whole system... however im getting only 200.000 khash/s
1493 2011-05-01 04:14:47 <kika> it says
1494 2011-05-01 04:14:47 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: you feed it 64 bytes at a time, it does 64 rounds on it
1495 2011-05-01 04:14:49 <LightRider> ;;bc,gen 25000
1496 2011-05-01 04:14:50 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 25000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.229284936197 BTC per day and 0.00955353900823 BTC per hour.
1497 2011-05-01 04:14:54 <lulzplzkthx> Got the Send Bitcoins from icon down.
1498 2011-05-01 04:15:01 <Diablo-D3> kika: theres something very wrong with the driver then.
1499 2011-05-01 04:15:01 <lulzplzkthx> now I just have to get the balance to appear in the tooltip.
1500 2011-05-01 04:15:04 Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian)
1501 2011-05-01 04:15:13 <Diablo-D3> kika: you're not the only person to report absurd 6990 performance
1502 2011-05-01 04:15:23 DukeOfURL has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1503 2011-05-01 04:15:24 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: so to do the remainder 16 bytes we need to pad it to 64 bytes and run 64 rounds on them... what's the 3.5 you are referring to?
1504 2011-05-01 04:15:43 <kika> it says... 230000/2300240 khash/sec
1505 2011-05-01 04:15:50 <kika> that means each gpu is at 200.000 khash ?
1506 2011-05-01 04:15:56 <Diablo-D3> kika: no
1507 2011-05-01 04:16:08 <Diablo-D3> kika: er, are you sure you copied that right?
1508 2011-05-01 04:16:16 <lulzplzkthx> the last one appears to have a typo
1509 2011-05-01 04:16:20 <Diablo-D3> kika: 2300240 == 2 ghah/sec
1510 2011-05-01 04:16:21 <lulzplzkthx> Unless you have 2,300 khash/s
1511 2011-05-01 04:16:23 <kika> Diablo-D3: its not allowing me to copy it
1512 2011-05-01 04:16:34 <lulzplzkthx> 2,300,000 khash/s*
1513 2011-05-01 04:16:37 <Diablo-D3> kika: control-c, select, middle click
1514 2011-05-01 04:16:40 <kika> its getting 230.000/220.000 khash/s
1515 2011-05-01 04:16:51 <kika> 230121/233151 khash/sec
1516 2011-05-01 04:16:56 <Diablo-D3> kika: btw, the numbers are (15 second average)/(forever average)
1517 2011-05-01 04:17:01 <kika> 230121/233151 khash/sec
1518 2011-05-01 04:17:09 <LightRider> ;;bc,gen 1050
1519 2011-05-01 04:17:09 <Diablo-D3> yeah, thats very slow
1520 2011-05-01 04:17:10 <kika> i see
1521 2011-05-01 04:17:10 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 1050 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.00962996732029 BTC per day and 0.000401248638345 BTC per hour.
1522 2011-05-01 04:17:11 <Diablo-D3> it shouldnt be
1523 2011-05-01 04:17:20 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: btw, yes, it pads it
1524 2011-05-01 04:17:28 <kika> is there any way to can make this more quick? downgrading drivers or something?
1525 2011-05-01 04:17:33 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: the 3.5 is the first rounds after the 64
1526 2011-05-01 04:17:39 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: 65, 66, 67 or so
1527 2011-05-01 04:17:53 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: the math that is redundant on further attempts has been moved in to the host code
1528 2011-05-01 04:17:59 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: its worth about 3.5 rounds
1529 2011-05-01 04:18:07 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: its still executed, but its executed only once
1530 2011-05-01 04:18:19 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: i dont understand what these 3.5 rounds are
1531 2011-05-01 04:18:22 <kika> Diablo-D3: can i do something to fix this? maybe a driver downgrade or something ?
1532 2011-05-01 04:18:24 <vorlov> where are they coming from
1533 2011-05-01 04:18:36 hacim has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1534 2011-05-01 04:18:36 <vorlov> the firdst 64 rounds i understand, the second i understand as ewll
1535 2011-05-01 04:18:46 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: then we get these 3.5 rounds that i'm completely lost about
1536 2011-05-01 04:19:07 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: okay, which part did you get lost?
1537 2011-05-01 04:19:07 nanotube has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
1538 2011-05-01 04:19:08 <lulzplzkthx> How can I rollback one file that I "git rm"'d?
1539 2011-05-01 04:19:23 <lulzplzkthx> I meant to remove it from git, not delete the file. >_>
1540 2011-05-01 04:19:27 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: sha256(sha256(80 bytes)) requires 192 rounds
1541 2011-05-01 04:19:45 <kika> Diablo-D3: is this command line the best for me? ./DiabloMiner-Linux.sh -u username -p password -o btcmine.com -r 8332 -g 5 ?
1542 2011-05-01 04:19:45 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: restore it from git
1543 2011-05-01 04:19:49 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: why 192 and not 256 rounds?
1544 2011-05-01 04:19:55 <lulzplzkthx> I'm unsure of how to restore a single file.
1545 2011-05-01 04:19:58 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: we have 4 times 64 bytes
1546 2011-05-01 04:20:04 <lulzplzkthx> I'll google it.
1547 2011-05-01 04:20:05 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: because the outside sha256 is not hashing the header
1548 2011-05-01 04:20:07 DavidSJ has quit (Quit: DavidSJ)
1549 2011-05-01 04:20:07 seventoes has left ()
1550 2011-05-01 04:20:14 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: its hashing the output of the inner sha256
1551 2011-05-01 04:20:14 <vorlov> oh?!
1552 2011-05-01 04:20:24 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: oh.... lightbulb
1553 2011-05-01 04:20:29 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: sha256 outputs 32 bytes
1554 2011-05-01 04:20:37 nanotube has joined
1555 2011-05-01 04:20:50 jostmey has joined
1556 2011-05-01 04:20:53 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: okay now im following, 192 rounds
1557 2011-05-01 04:20:56 <vorlov> for 3 X 64 bytes
1558 2011-05-01 04:21:04 <vorlov> so the first 64 were done by bitcoind
1559 2011-05-01 04:21:05 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: now, bitcoind does the first 64, and hands us the midstate
1560 2011-05-01 04:21:22 <Diablo-D3> we then need to do the next 64 rounds, and then the 64 rounds for the outer sha256
1561 2011-05-01 04:21:23 bitcoinbulletin has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
1562 2011-05-01 04:21:50 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: okay so we have 128 rounds left to do
1563 2011-05-01 04:21:52 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: now what?
1564 2011-05-01 04:22:26 <Diablo-D3> now, the next 3 rounds (give or take) will always produce the same exact output
1565 2011-05-01 04:22:31 <Diablo-D3> because our input isnt changing
1566 2011-05-01 04:22:40 <Diablo-D3> doing those repeatedly on every kernel run makes no sense
1567 2011-05-01 04:22:46 <vorlov> this is the first 3 of the second sha256?
1568 2011-05-01 04:22:57 <Diablo-D3> no, the first 3 rounds of the second half of the first sha256
1569 2011-05-01 04:23:03 <vorlov> i see
1570 2011-05-01 04:23:03 <vorlov> ok
1571 2011-05-01 04:23:05 x5x is now known as x5x`brb
1572 2011-05-01 04:23:05 <Diablo-D3> its rounds 65, 66, 67 give or take
1573 2011-05-01 04:23:08 <vorlov> yes okay
1574 2011-05-01 04:23:12 <vorlov> i understand, continue
1575 2011-05-01 04:23:27 <Diablo-D3> art took apart those rounds and took all the redundant math out and put it in the host code
1576 2011-05-01 04:23:34 <Diablo-D3> this is worth about 3 and a half rounds
1577 2011-05-01 04:23:44 <vorlov> why half?
1578 2011-05-01 04:23:49 <Diablo-D3> eh, its not a complete round
1579 2011-05-01 04:23:55 Lachesis has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1580 2011-05-01 04:24:02 <vorlov> okay
1581 2011-05-01 04:24:08 <Diablo-D3> its just how it ended up appearing
1582 2011-05-01 04:24:19 <Diablo-D3> anything that produced redundant math and could be precalcuated, it was moved
1583 2011-05-01 04:24:33 <Diablo-D3> the rounds are still done, its just done in a more intelligent way
1584 2011-05-01 04:24:42 <Diablo-D3> the rest of the second half is done noramlly
1585 2011-05-01 04:24:55 <Diablo-D3> then, it sets the state up to do the last 64 rounds
1586 2011-05-01 04:25:01 <Diablo-D3> it does those normally
1587 2011-05-01 04:25:14 <Diablo-D3> it then does NOT do the last 3 rounds
1588 2011-05-01 04:25:20 ntosme2 has left ()
1589 2011-05-01 04:25:26 <Diablo-D3> we only do up to the point it sets H
1590 2011-05-01 04:25:46 <Diablo-D3> we're not interested in the rest of the hash
1591 2011-05-01 04:25:47 <Diablo-D3> just H
1592 2011-05-01 04:26:18 <lulzplzkthx> how can I keep git from tracking a file?
1593 2011-05-01 04:26:26 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: git rm it.
1594 2011-05-01 04:26:46 <lulzplzkthx> git rm tells me it doesn't work and that i need to either --cache or -f
1595 2011-05-01 04:26:50 <lulzplzkthx> both of which do unwanted things
1596 2011-05-01 04:26:50 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: do we only care about H becuz our difficulty has 0 in the first 7 words?
1597 2011-05-01 04:26:57 <lulzplzkthx> cache removes from git totally, -f deletes the file
1598 2011-05-01 04:26:58 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: no
1599 2011-05-01 04:27:02 <lulzplzkthx> i want it to not track makefile.mingw
1600 2011-05-01 04:27:02 cuddlefish has joined
1601 2011-05-01 04:27:06 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: you're reading the target backwards, its a little endian number
1602 2011-05-01 04:27:10 hacim has joined
1603 2011-05-01 04:27:37 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: the first int (the last 16 digits of a hex little endian number) are all 0
1604 2011-05-01 04:28:02 <kika> Diablo-D3: by running diablominer using -f 1 the hasrate goes up to 442939/438757 khash
1605 2011-05-01 04:28:17 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: so, for any hash that has a difficulty of at least 1, H will always == 0
1606 2011-05-01 04:28:24 <Diablo-D3> kika: try -w 256
1607 2011-05-01 04:28:30 <kika> Diablo-D3: im running it this way ./DiabloMiner-Linux.sh -u username -p password -o btcmine.com -r 8332 -g 5 what command line do you recommend me to use to get the best hashrate for ati 6990 ?
1608 2011-05-01 04:28:46 <kika> -f 1 -w 256 ?
1609 2011-05-01 04:28:49 <Diablo-D3> kika: yes
1610 2011-05-01 04:28:53 <kika> both of those?
1611 2011-05-01 04:28:54 <lulzplzkthx> Any idea to what I want Diablo-D3 ?
1612 2011-05-01 04:28:56 <Diablo-D3> kika: yes
1613 2011-05-01 04:29:02 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: I'd just do git rm
1614 2011-05-01 04:29:08 <lulzplzkthx> As I said, that doesn't work correctly. :S
1615 2011-05-01 04:29:12 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: if the file was never tracked to begin with, I'd add it to .gitignore
1616 2011-05-01 04:29:21 <lulzplzkthx> it tells me I need to --cache or -f
1617 2011-05-01 04:29:24 <lulzplzkthx> -f actually deletes it.
1618 2011-05-01 04:29:29 <lulzplzkthx> --cache deletes it from git
1619 2011-05-01 04:29:37 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: yes, -f actually deletes it, obviously you make a copy of it.
1620 2011-05-01 04:29:42 <lulzplzkthx> Sigh.
1621 2011-05-01 04:29:52 <lulzplzkthx> Where?
1622 2011-05-01 04:29:57 <lulzplzkthx> Okay, I understand.
1623 2011-05-01 04:30:01 <Diablo-D3> you copy it before you git rm -f
1624 2011-05-01 04:30:24 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: btw, H being == 0 is a 1 in 2^32 chance
1625 2011-05-01 04:30:38 <lulzplzkthx> That also commits the deletion to git
1626 2011-05-01 04:30:41 <lulzplzkthx> # deleted: makefile.mingw
1627 2011-05-01 04:30:49 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: no, it adds it to your things waiting to be committed
1628 2011-05-01 04:31:17 <Diablo-D3> git commit thefile (or commit -a) commits it
1629 2011-05-01 04:31:29 <lulzplzkthx> git commit -a plans to commit many things
1630 2011-05-01 04:31:32 <lulzplzkthx> if I rm it
1631 2011-05-01 04:31:34 <Diablo-D3> -a is for all
1632 2011-05-01 04:31:39 da2ce7 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1633 2011-05-01 04:31:40 <lulzplzkthx> it plans to commit a deletion of the file, ui.cpp, and ui.h
1634 2011-05-01 04:31:51 <Diablo-D3> you can do git commit file alone
1635 2011-05-01 04:31:53 <lulzplzkthx> so i should just git commit ui.h ui.cpp ?
1636 2011-05-01 04:31:57 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: i think i managed to get confused again... why do we care only about H?
1637 2011-05-01 04:32:05 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: because thats how we look for hashes
1638 2011-05-01 04:32:11 <lulzplzkthx> That works. Thanks.
1639 2011-05-01 04:32:33 <B0g4r7> If H == 0 then the solution warrants further instepction.
1640 2011-05-01 04:32:39 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: any hash that has a difficulty of 1 or above, the first int is 0, ie, H == 0
1641 2011-05-01 04:33:07 da2ce7 has joined
1642 2011-05-01 04:33:07 da2ce7 has quit (Changing host)
1643 2011-05-01 04:33:07 da2ce7 has joined
1644 2011-05-01 04:33:11 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: yes so if H == 0 why do we want that part of the hash?
1645 2011-05-01 04:33:13 johnlockwood has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1646 2011-05-01 04:33:23 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: if H == 0, we send the nonce back to the host code
1647 2011-05-01 04:33:30 digid has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1648 2011-05-01 04:33:39 johnlockwood has joined
1649 2011-05-01 04:34:00 <B0g4r7> Further evaluation of the solution the happens on the CPU.
1650 2011-05-01 04:34:01 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: if H != 0, then the difficulty is below 1, and its totally useless
1651 2011-05-01 04:34:08 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: okay i get it
1652 2011-05-01 04:34:12 <B0g4r7> And if it is indeed a valid solution, it gets submitted.
1653 2011-05-01 04:34:18 <Diablo-D3> yeah what B0g4r7 said
1654 2011-05-01 04:34:46 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: and the last 3 rounds of our second 64 rounds produce the ab,c,d,e... etc while we already ahve our H which is what we care about...?
1655 2011-05-01 04:34:54 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: yes
1656 2011-05-01 04:35:02 <Diablo-D3> theres no point in completing the hash, we dont store it
1657 2011-05-01 04:35:07 bitcoinbulletin has joined
1658 2011-05-01 04:35:18 <B0g4r7> That's a clever shortcut.
1659 2011-05-01 04:35:29 <Diablo-D3> B0g4r7: no
1660 2011-05-01 04:35:33 <Diablo-D3> what art did at the start is clever
1661 2011-05-01 04:35:40 Vladimir_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1662 2011-05-01 04:35:48 <B0g4r7> do tell
1663 2011-05-01 04:35:49 <Diablo-D3> I understand how sha256 works, his modification is rather clever
1664 2011-05-01 04:35:49 <kika> Diablo-D3: now it hashes at 400 mhash on average using -f 1 -w 256 the card does lots of noice lol
1665 2011-05-01 04:35:57 <lulzplzkthx> Nobody else has this bug? http://prntscr.com/1ta30
1666 2011-05-01 04:35:59 <Diablo-D3> kika: thats still 200 mhash/sec short
1667 2011-05-01 04:35:59 tenach has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1668 2011-05-01 04:36:14 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: it looks like a rather normal box
1669 2011-05-01 04:36:21 <lulzplzkthx> See the squished buttons?
1670 2011-05-01 04:36:24 <lulzplzkthx> I'm mild OCd.
1671 2011-05-01 04:36:26 <lulzplzkthx> OCD*
1672 2011-05-01 04:36:29 <Diablo-D3> oh, thats just wx being retarded
1673 2011-05-01 04:36:33 <kika> Diablo-D3: that means 448766/435034 khash/sec is still slow for me ?
1674 2011-05-01 04:36:34 <Diablo-D3> wx is the worst fucking thing ever
1675 2011-05-01 04:36:38 <lulzplzkthx> I'm looking to try and find a way to fix it.
1676 2011-05-01 04:36:40 <Diablo-D3> kika: yup, and its a driver bug.
1677 2011-05-01 04:36:41 <lulzplzkthx> is a static setSize bad?
1678 2011-05-01 04:36:46 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: yes.
1679 2011-05-01 04:36:49 <Diablo-D3> actually
1680 2011-05-01 04:36:51 <kika> Diablo-D3: and how i can solve this ? downgrade?
1681 2011-05-01 04:36:52 <Diablo-D3> using wx itself is bad
1682 2011-05-01 04:37:00 <Diablo-D3> kika: bitch at AMD until they fix it
1683 2011-05-01 04:37:02 <lulzplzkthx> Okay, is using SetSize worse than using wx?
1684 2011-05-01 04:37:12 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: polishing a turd is also bad.
1685 2011-05-01 04:37:13 <kika> Diablo-D3: but i dont understand, this used to work ?
1686 2011-05-01 04:37:22 <lulzplzkthx> ffs
1687 2011-05-01 04:37:23 <Diablo-D3> kika: are you sure it idd?
1688 2011-05-01 04:37:25 <lulzplzkthx> Diablo-D3: real answer please? lol
1689 2011-05-01 04:37:30 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: I wouldnt bother fixing it
1690 2011-05-01 04:37:33 <kika> Diablo-D3: whats idd ?
1691 2011-05-01 04:37:35 <lulzplzkthx> Why?
1692 2011-05-01 04:37:35 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: so now u said block 0,1,2 are the header... the remainder i understand but they only give u 12 bytes worth.... where are the extra 4?
1693 2011-05-01 04:37:39 <Diablo-D3> kika: er, did
1694 2011-05-01 04:37:41 <lulzplzkthx> I need it to be fixed. >_<
1695 2011-05-01 04:38:00 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: nonce
1696 2011-05-01 04:38:05 sgornick has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
1697 2011-05-01 04:38:09 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: oh
1698 2011-05-01 04:38:10 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: nonce is byte 80
1699 2011-05-01 04:38:10 <kika> Diablo-D3: if i downgrade the sdk ?
1700 2011-05-01 04:38:15 <Diablo-D3> err
1701 2011-05-01 04:38:15 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: dumb me
1702 2011-05-01 04:38:19 <Diablo-D3> the last 4 bytes
1703 2011-05-01 04:38:24 <Diablo-D3> its int 20
1704 2011-05-01 04:38:36 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: so theres only 12 bytes (3 ints) to drag in
1705 2011-05-01 04:38:40 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: so basically block0,block1,block2,none gives us whats left of the header that was n't rounded....
1706 2011-05-01 04:38:45 <Diablo-D3> kika: downgrading the sdk is not recommended.
1707 2011-05-01 04:38:46 sgornick has joined
1708 2011-05-01 04:38:49 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: yes
1709 2011-05-01 04:38:50 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: i see now
1710 2011-05-01 04:38:54 jostmey has quit (Quit: Page closed)
1711 2011-05-01 04:39:04 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: btw thank u for going with me step by step.... im slow but the lightbulbs are lighting up
1712 2011-05-01 04:39:10 <Diablo-D3> kika: you can try using 11.3 or 11.2
1713 2011-05-01 04:39:15 <Diablo-D3> kika: but 6990 support is recent
1714 2011-05-01 04:39:21 <Diablo-D3> kika: Im not sure which driver introduced it
1715 2011-05-01 04:39:34 <kika> Diablo-D3: which one you would recommend 11.2 or 11.3 ?
1716 2011-05-01 04:39:46 <Diablo-D3> kika: try 11.3 first then 11.2
1717 2011-05-01 04:39:51 <kika> okay
1718 2011-05-01 04:40:06 <Diablo-D3> kika: also, Im pretty sure sdk 2.3 wont work on a 6990
1719 2011-05-01 04:40:07 <kika> so this time i need to innstall catalyst 11.3 using the package manager right ?
1720 2011-05-01 04:40:13 <Diablo-D3> kika: no
1721 2011-05-01 04:40:16 <Diablo-D3> you already borked your machine
1722 2011-05-01 04:40:20 <Diablo-D3> use the .run again
1723 2011-05-01 04:40:32 <kika> Diablo-D3: so basically ill download the 11.3 run and then run it ?
1724 2011-05-01 04:40:37 <Diablo-D3> yes
1725 2011-05-01 04:40:39 <kika> k
1726 2011-05-01 04:40:52 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: art's kernel is about as optimized as its going to get
1727 2011-05-01 04:40:58 <kika> are you sure that will downgrade it? wouldnt it be better of i re-install the whole system ?
1728 2011-05-01 04:41:10 <Diablo-D3> kika: ubuntu doesnt package drivers new enough
1729 2011-05-01 04:41:39 warpi has joined
1730 2011-05-01 04:41:44 <kika> Diablo-D3: so it would be okay to run 11.3 without re-install the whole system first to downgrade it?
1731 2011-05-01 04:41:50 <kika> are you sure?
1732 2011-05-01 04:42:49 <kika> Diablo-D3: i can keep using 2.4 sdk and catalyst 11.3 ?
1733 2011-05-01 04:42:55 cuddlefish has left ("Leaving")
1734 2011-05-01 04:42:59 <kika> or i need to downgrade the sdk too ?
1735 2011-05-01 04:43:09 <Diablo-D3> kika: no, keep 2.4
1736 2011-05-01 04:43:13 <kika> k
1737 2011-05-01 04:43:19 <kika> ill download and run 11.3 now
1738 2011-05-01 04:43:24 <kika> then ill do the same for 11.2
1739 2011-05-01 04:43:29 <kika> then if nothing of those work
1740 2011-05-01 04:43:33 <kika> ill re-install ubuntu
1741 2011-05-01 04:43:39 <kika> and install 11.3 via run
1742 2011-05-01 04:43:40 bitcoinbulletin has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1743 2011-05-01 04:43:43 <kika> and if that doesnt work
1744 2011-05-01 04:43:52 <kika> ill re-install ubuntu and install 11.2 via run
1745 2011-05-01 04:43:54 <kika> that sounds good?
1746 2011-05-01 04:44:01 <Diablo-D3> dont reinstall ubuntu
1747 2011-05-01 04:44:04 <Diablo-D3> just keep running the runs
1748 2011-05-01 04:44:13 <kika> ok, are you sure that will downgrade? okay
1749 2011-05-01 04:44:14 <kika> cool
1750 2011-05-01 04:44:29 zyb has joined
1751 2011-05-01 04:46:17 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: im sorry to ask the same question again but my irc log doesn't go far enough
1752 2011-05-01 04:46:24 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: what do B1,C1,D1 etc stand for
1753 2011-05-01 04:46:25 <vorlov> ?
1754 2011-05-01 04:46:35 Akiron has joined
1755 2011-05-01 04:47:34 <kika> Diablo-D3: using -w 256 and -g 5 it gives me 544717/523222 khash/sec
1756 2011-05-01 04:48:03 <kika> Diablo-D3: that means to calculate how many btc's i might earn, i can place on this calculator http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator.php 544717 khash/s ?
1757 2011-05-01 04:49:00 ninjaneo has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
1758 2011-05-01 04:49:07 <lulzplzkthx> would someone mind sending me a bitcent to test something?
1759 2011-05-01 04:49:24 <lulzplzkthx> Or even, does someone want me to send them a bitcent? Heh.
1760 2011-05-01 04:49:36 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: nm i got it... its the 3 rotations
1761 2011-05-01 04:50:02 Incitatus has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1762 2011-05-01 04:50:03 <lulzplzkthx> Never mind.
1763 2011-05-01 04:50:19 <lulzplzkthx> perfect.
1764 2011-05-01 04:50:39 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: its part of the output state from the first half
1765 2011-05-01 04:50:53 <Diablo-D3> kika: -g doesnt do what you think
1766 2011-05-01 04:50:53 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: thank u
1767 2011-05-01 04:51:03 <kika> Diablo-D3: i dont know what -g does, i just taked it off
1768 2011-05-01 04:51:31 <kika> Diablo-D3: running with -w 256 alone gives me 544717 khash/s i can place that amount on the bitcoin calculator to calculate my possible earnings?
1769 2011-05-01 04:51:48 <Diablo-D3> kika: sure
1770 2011-05-01 04:51:56 <Diablo-D3> btw, -g just controls how many seconds it takes to do getwork
1771 2011-05-01 04:52:12 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: would using loops in opencl slow the kernel even further than those 3%
1772 2011-05-01 04:52:13 <vorlov> ?
1773 2011-05-01 04:52:41 <kika> Diablo-D3: so basically diablominer is telling me 544717 khash/s and the calculator tells me in average i would take Average	10 days, 21 hours, 41 minutes time to generate a valid block and earn 50 BTC; is that correct ? :D
1774 2011-05-01 04:52:50 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: my version of art's kernel DOES allow loops
1775 2011-05-01 04:53:05 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: it does it by default on radeon 5xxx/6xxx, off on everything else (because its slower)
1776 2011-05-01 04:53:17 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: its basically shortcutting on kernel setup time
1777 2011-05-01 04:54:05 Dudley has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep)
1778 2011-05-01 04:54:21 <kika> Diablo-D3: im doing the calculation correctly ? at Average	10 days, 21 hours, 41 minutes mining on diablominer at 544717 khash/s ?
1779 2011-05-01 04:54:28 DavidSJ has joined
1780 2011-05-01 04:54:34 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Daniel Folkinshteyn * r3d992ff60981 supybot-bitcoin-marketmonitor/OTCWebsite/createticker.py: OTCWebsite: ticker creator doesn't fail if mtgox is down. http://tinyurl.com/6fuhquu
1781 2011-05-01 04:54:36 <Diablo-D3> ;;bc,calc 544717000
1782 2011-05-01 04:54:37 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 544717000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 14 minutes and 24 seconds
1783 2011-05-01 04:54:38 <Diablo-D3> er
1784 2011-05-01 04:54:42 <Diablo-D3> ;;bc,calc 544717
1785 2011-05-01 04:54:43 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 544717 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 1 week, 3 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds
1786 2011-05-01 04:54:51 <Diablo-D3> kika: sounds about right
1787 2011-05-01 04:54:54 bitcoinbulletin has joined
1788 2011-05-01 04:55:44 <kika> Diablo-D3: so you are telling me that if i keep my 6990 running 24/7 30 days a month ill earn like 150 btc or 200 btc per month ?
1789 2011-05-01 04:55:52 <lulzplzkthx> How do I reset a "git commit" before a push without resetting the files?
1790 2011-05-01 04:57:46 <B0g4r7> ;;bc,mtgox
1791 2011-05-01 04:57:50 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.75,"vol":62568,"buy":3.422,"sell":3.5698,"last":3.55}}
1792 2011-05-01 04:57:54 <B0g4r7> w00t
1793 2011-05-01 04:58:25 <lulzplzkthx> got it.
1794 2011-05-01 04:58:40 warpi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1795 2011-05-01 04:58:43 <Diablo-D3> kika: it could.
1796 2011-05-01 04:58:48 <vorlov> ;;bc,mtgox
1797 2011-05-01 04:58:51 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.75,"vol":62576,"buy":3.5,"sell":3.5698,"last":3.5}}
1798 2011-05-01 04:58:52 <Diablo-D3> kika: at least, the 6990 will pay for itself within 6 months.
1799 2011-05-01 04:59:13 <kika> Diablo-D3: do you think its more likely that ill earn more than 150btc or less than 150 btc?
1800 2011-05-01 04:59:28 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: how did u determine that A=state0 on the entry and B=B1 etc
1801 2011-05-01 04:59:29 <vorlov> ?
1802 2011-05-01 04:59:34 warpi has joined
1803 2011-05-01 04:59:54 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: because thats where it comes from.
1804 2011-05-01 05:00:02 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: and thats also how sha256 works
1805 2011-05-01 05:00:12 <kika> Diablo-D3: do you know how i can see how much hot is my graphic card? and whats the reasonable amount of hot it can support? the 6990 ?
1806 2011-05-01 05:00:24 <Diablo-D3> kika: aticonfig --odgt --adapters=all
1807 2011-05-01 05:00:25 <kika> Diablo-D3: it does too much noice, im worried about it to burn out
1808 2011-05-01 05:00:30 <Diablo-D3> kika: it shouldnt exceed 85c.
1809 2011-05-01 05:00:30 Myckel has joined
1810 2011-05-01 05:00:30 Myckel has quit (Changing host)
1811 2011-05-01 05:00:30 Myckel has joined
1812 2011-05-01 05:00:36 <Diablo-D3> kika: and stock fans are always loud
1813 2011-05-01 05:01:28 <kika> Diablo-D3: i see let me see, is there a script or something to stand-by the graphic card for a while if it gets too hot while running diablominer?
1814 2011-05-01 05:02:03 <kika> Diablo-D3: i mean a script to check if the graphic card is too hot and if so, then it stand by it a bit, so it can reduce the heat, and then resume when it be more fresh?
1815 2011-05-01 05:02:20 <Diablo-D3> kika: nope.
1816 2011-05-01 05:02:31 <Diablo-D3> because generally, if you've reached that point, buy a more powerful case fan.
1817 2011-05-01 05:02:56 <kika> Adapter 0 - AMD Radeon HD 6990             Sensor 0: Temperature - 46.00 C  Adapter 1 - AMD Radeon HD 6990             Sensor 0: Temperature - 45.50 C
1818 2011-05-01 05:03:07 skyewm has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1819 2011-05-01 05:03:08 larsivi has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1820 2011-05-01 05:03:37 <Diablo-D3> kika: btw, you can manually set the fanspeed, but I forget the command
1821 2011-05-01 05:03:54 <kika> Diablo-D3: by default the fans are 100% ?
1822 2011-05-01 05:04:04 <Diablo-D3> no, auto
1823 2011-05-01 05:04:07 <retinal> export DISPLAY=:0.0; aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 70"
1824 2011-05-01 05:04:07 <retinal> export DISPLAY=:0.3; aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 70"
1825 2011-05-01 05:04:09 <retinal> ^ that's what I do
1826 2011-05-01 05:04:22 <kika> Diablo-D3: what auto means? why the fans arent all the time at 100% by default ?
1827 2011-05-01 05:05:21 <kika> retinal: weird, so basically you are telling someone can accidentally came here and turn OFF my fans??
1828 2011-05-01 05:05:23 <Diablo-D3> kika: automatic, they adjust according to gpu load
1829 2011-05-01 05:05:49 <kika> retinal: and that someone by turning off my gpu fans will automatically destroy my card, right ?
1830 2011-05-01 05:05:55 <retinal> ...
1831 2011-05-01 05:06:00 <retinal> that sets fan speed to 70%
1832 2011-05-01 05:06:09 <kika> what if i set it to 0% ?
1833 2011-05-01 05:06:17 <kika> the card will burn out and crash ?
1834 2011-05-01 05:06:18 <Diablo-D3> setting it to 0 will void your warrenty
1835 2011-05-01 05:06:23 <retinal> either the card automatically overrides that, or ^
1836 2011-05-01 05:06:50 chuck00 has joined
1837 2011-05-01 05:06:54 <retinal> once thermal throttling kicks it, the card /should/ try to keep itself from combusting
1838 2011-05-01 05:06:59 <retinal> s/it/in
1839 2011-05-01 05:07:09 <Diablo-D3> in the real world
1840 2011-05-01 05:07:11 <Diablo-D3> your house burns down
1841 2011-05-01 05:07:13 <kika> retinal: do you think the card witll automatically override it ?
1842 2011-05-01 05:07:17 <retinal> housefires, awww yeah
1843 2011-05-01 05:07:22 <retinal> kika: no
1844 2011-05-01 05:07:32 <retinal> but you're free to try it
1845 2011-05-01 05:07:46 <kika> retinal: so basically if i set fan 0 it will create fire on the PC ?
1846 2011-05-01 05:07:47 <retinal> after all, advice from strangers on the Internet is always right
1847 2011-05-01 05:07:48 <retinal> ;)
1848 2011-05-01 05:08:05 <retinal> that would be... interesting to say the least
1849 2011-05-01 05:08:20 <retinal> "for instant fire, turn off GPU fans!"
1850 2011-05-01 05:08:30 <kika> is this real?
1851 2011-05-01 05:08:36 <Diablo-D3> I would pay to see a computer shit flames
1852 2011-05-01 05:08:51 <kika> if i want to create fire on my house i need to set my cpu fans at 0 ?
1853 2011-05-01 05:08:56 <Diablo-D3> set fans to 0 > HOUSTAN WE HAVE LIFT OFF
1854 2011-05-01 05:09:03 <forrestv> kika, no, the card will likely throttle the clock down if the temperature gets way too high
1855 2011-05-01 05:09:05 <kika> someone send me 1000 btc to pay for the card and ill burn it out and create a video lol
1856 2011-05-01 05:09:16 <retinal> ;;bc,mtgox
1857 2011-05-01 05:09:17 <Diablo-D3> 1000 btc? what the fuck dude
1858 2011-05-01 05:09:21 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.75,"vol":62639,"buy":3.56,"sell":3.5699,"last":3.54}}
1859 2011-05-01 05:09:21 <Diablo-D3> at $3
1860 2011-05-01 05:09:22 <Diablo-D3> thats like
1861 2011-05-01 05:09:25 <retinal> not at these exchange rates :>
1862 2011-05-01 05:09:26 <kika> i payed the card 1000btc
1863 2011-05-01 05:09:28 <Diablo-D3> at least three 6990s
1864 2011-05-01 05:09:33 Dudley has joined
1865 2011-05-01 05:09:35 <Diablo-D3> well
1866 2011-05-01 05:09:38 <Diablo-D3> yeah
1867 2011-05-01 05:09:39 <kika> well acutally 1100 usd i payed it i live in Argentina
1868 2011-05-01 05:09:40 <Diablo-D3> four?
1869 2011-05-01 05:09:45 <kika> only one
1870 2011-05-01 05:09:47 <retinal> oh my
1871 2011-05-01 05:09:50 <Diablo-D3> I mean they're like $700
1872 2011-05-01 05:09:53 <retinal> I got my 5970s for 400USD
1873 2011-05-01 05:09:58 <Diablo-D3> its like 3 and a half
1874 2011-05-01 05:10:03 <kika> here a 6990 costs 1100 USD
1875 2011-05-01 05:10:04 <bk128> fire would be really bad for me.  all my miners are in wooden boxes like art's
1876 2011-05-01 05:10:15 <Diablo-D3> kika: your country sucks.
1877 2011-05-01 05:10:21 <Diablo-D3> bk128: LOL
1878 2011-05-01 05:10:21 <kika> Diablo-D3:  yes
1879 2011-05-01 05:10:32 <Diablo-D3> your plan, not so smart, eh?!
1880 2011-05-01 05:10:38 <kika> Diablo-D3:  the card need to pay lots of taxes to enter the country
1881 2011-05-01 05:10:48 <Diablo-D3> kika: and this is why your country's economy is shit
1882 2011-05-01 05:10:53 <Diablo-D3> EAT THE BANKERS
1883 2011-05-01 05:10:53 <bk128> Diablo-D3: but it's at my parent's house so it's not too big of a concern for me :)
1884 2011-05-01 05:10:56 <kika> Diablo-D3: exactly
1885 2011-05-01 05:11:08 <Diablo-D3> bk128: GLORIOUS
1886 2011-05-01 05:11:15 <bk128> they have insurance...
1887 2011-05-01 05:11:55 <bk128> I actually owe them about $200 for the past 2 months of power :(
1888 2011-05-01 05:11:55 <Diablo-D3> step 1) burn house down
1889 2011-05-01 05:12:02 <Diablo-D3> step 2) collect insurance
1890 2011-05-01 05:12:06 <Diablo-D3> step 3) invest in btc
1891 2011-05-01 05:12:09 <Diablo-D3> step 4) ???
1892 2011-05-01 05:12:14 <Diablo-D3> step 5) go to prison
1893 2011-05-01 05:12:31 <bk128> step 6)profit!
1894 2011-05-01 05:12:36 <Diablo-D3> no step 6.
1895 2011-05-01 05:12:42 <bk128> yes step 6.
1896 2011-05-01 05:12:50 <Diablo-D3> infact, step 4 is pretty much "get tazed in the nuts, bro"
1897 2011-05-01 05:13:21 <kika> Diablo-D3: so guys, whats the real thing that will happen if i set the fan at 0% ? it will just slowdown? the card wont work anymore? fire will be created?
1898 2011-05-01 05:13:24 <bk128> dont taze me bro :(
1899 2011-05-01 05:13:36 <bk128> kika: let us know
1900 2011-05-01 05:13:41 jgarzik has joined
1901 2011-05-01 05:13:51 <kika> bk128: lol im not willing to try
1902 2011-05-01 05:13:52 <kika> lol
1903 2011-05-01 05:14:02 <kika> unless someone sends me first 1000 btc
1904 2011-05-01 05:14:06 <kika> lol
1905 2011-05-01 05:14:16 <kika> so i can pay for it again if it burns out
1906 2011-05-01 05:15:16 <Diablo-D3> kika: most likely it'll just be fucked.
1907 2011-05-01 05:15:36 <kika> Diablo-D3: but it will put my house at risk ? i mean... fire ?
1908 2011-05-01 05:15:52 <bk128> kika: if the computer is in a metal case probably not
1909 2011-05-01 05:16:03 <jgarzik> Boy.  I leave for a week, and all hell breaks loose in bitcoin-land.
1910 2011-05-01 05:16:05 <Diablo-D3> kika: dude, why are we discussing this
1911 2011-05-01 05:16:09 <Diablo-D3> you are a dumbass if you do it
1912 2011-05-01 05:16:13 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: no fucking shit
1913 2011-05-01 05:16:24 <Diablo-D3> apparently the fucking russian mofia is butthurt over bitcoin
1914 2011-05-01 05:16:31 <mrb_> jgarzik: lol
1915 2011-05-01 05:16:34 <kika> Diablo-D3: because ill just leave the card running 24/7 and im worried about it to burn out and create fire on the house
1916 2011-05-01 05:16:40 <Diablo-D3> kika: dude.
1917 2011-05-01 05:16:40 <bk128> they just want to make money off it....the russian way...
1918 2011-05-01 05:16:57 <Diablo-D3> bk128: they can launder their fucking rubles like any other fucker
1919 2011-05-01 05:16:59 <jrabbit> kika: nothing burns...
1920 2011-05-01 05:17:03 <bk128> scam, hack, steal, etc
1921 2011-05-01 05:17:15 <Diablo-D3> kika: dude, if you set it to 70, it stays at 70 until X restarts
1922 2011-05-01 05:17:30 <mrb_> want a summary? day 1: exchange rates goes up +50% in one night. day 2: cia interested in bitcoin. day 3: BTC value goes up another +50% in one night. day 3: mentionned on CNN. day 4: ddos of mtgox.
1923 2011-05-01 05:17:40 <bk128> Diablo-D3: not on windows.  my manual fan speed magically changes
1924 2011-05-01 05:17:41 <mrb_> stay tuned for the next week.
1925 2011-05-01 05:17:49 <kika> Diablo-D3: would it be bad if i set the fans to be 24/7 at 100% ?
1926 2011-05-01 05:17:50 <Diablo-D3> bk128: lawlz
1927 2011-05-01 05:17:58 <Diablo-D3> kika: no point in doing over 80
1928 2011-05-01 05:18:02 <Diablo-D3> kika: gets too loud
1929 2011-05-01 05:18:08 <Diablo-D3> kika: and cooling doesnt increase
1930 2011-05-01 05:18:21 <kika> Diablo-D3: so you recommend 80% 24/7 ?
1931 2011-05-01 05:18:21 <mrb_> Diablo-D3: actually I notice a -5C temp when jumping from 80% to 100%
1932 2011-05-01 05:18:38 <Diablo-D3> kika: I recommend you set it to what you need to keep it below 85c.
1933 2011-05-01 05:18:43 <Diablo-D3> kika: that takes experimentation. go do it.
1934 2011-05-01 05:18:46 <kika> Diablo-D3: okay
1935 2011-05-01 05:18:49 <kika> thxs
1936 2011-05-01 05:18:53 <Diablo-D3> I am not a fucking 8 ball, or google.
1937 2011-05-01 05:19:01 <Diablo-D3> I am superior to both.
1938 2011-05-01 05:19:04 <Diablo-D3> I AM MAN
1939 2011-05-01 05:19:10 <jgarzik> mrb_: yeah, been following it on the forums from the beach (I'm "xf2_org" on the forums)
1940 2011-05-01 05:19:10 * Diablo-D3 flexes muscles
1941 2011-05-01 05:19:18 <Diablo-D3> wait
1942 2011-05-01 05:19:23 <Diablo-D3> xf2? isnt that some pool or some shit?
1943 2011-05-01 05:19:30 <Myckel> bitcoin on CNN?
1944 2011-05-01 05:19:33 <Diablo-D3> also
1945 2011-05-01 05:19:38 <Diablo-D3> Im renaming the command to restart jboss as
1946 2011-05-01 05:19:44 <Diablo-D3> ./poolsclosed
1947 2011-05-01 05:19:44 <mrb_> xf2 is selling mining services: private pools, hosting, etc
1948 2011-05-01 05:19:46 <Diablo-D3> mwhahahahaha
1949 2011-05-01 05:19:53 <luke-jr> jgarzik: did you get the messages I left for you with gribble?
1951 2011-05-01 05:20:48 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: private mining pools, dedicated servers, more services coming.
1952 2011-05-01 05:20:48 <mrb_> Myckel: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2501006
1953 2011-05-01 05:21:07 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: going to be using my software when its done? :D
1954 2011-05-01 05:21:08 <Myckel> mrb_, thank you
1955 2011-05-01 05:21:14 <jgarzik> xf2.org is basically my catch-all for little bitcoin services, that (hopefully, eventually) help grow the bitcoin economy.
1956 2011-05-01 05:21:17 <jgarzik> </plug>
1957 2011-05-01 05:21:24 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: eh?  url?
1958 2011-05-01 05:21:26 <mrb_> Myckel: I don't know if it is referring to the CNN blog, or an actual mention on air
1959 2011-05-01 05:22:04 sacarlson has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1960 2011-05-01 05:22:06 <luke-jr> ;;bc,eligius
1961 2011-05-01 05:22:07 <gribble> 18439726.2575
1962 2011-05-01 05:22:08 <jgarzik> luke-jr: some stuff, but then lost it.  my bitcoin addr is jgarzik@exmulti.com.  that's where github points to; that's where xf2.org supports to; etc.
1963 2011-05-01 05:22:51 <luke-jr> jgarzik: ok, I can attach my patches too?
1964 2011-05-01 05:23:20 <jgarzik> luke-jr: sure
1965 2011-05-01 05:23:30 <luke-jr> jgarzik: want to join my pool? :P
1966 2011-05-01 05:23:35 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: not public yet
1967 2011-05-01 05:23:37 <jgarzik> luke-jr: har :)
1968 2011-05-01 05:23:46 <luke-jr> https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Eligius
1969 2011-05-01 05:23:53 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: what are you writing?  yet another pool?  :)
1970 2011-05-01 05:23:57 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: yeah
1971 2011-05-01 05:24:14 manifold has joined
1972 2011-05-01 05:24:16 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: just like DiabloMiner, if I want it done right, you all make me do it myself
1973 2011-05-01 05:24:24 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: any reason why pushpool is not sufficient?  "it's not Java" ?  :)
1974 2011-05-01 05:24:33 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Daniel Folkinshteyn * rc1217005145e supybot-bitcoin-marketmonitor/OTCWebsite/createticker.py: OTCWebsite: invert inverted bids/asks http://tinyurl.com/6zeud45
1975 2011-05-01 05:24:56 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: see slush's pool?
1976 2011-05-01 05:25:07 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: slush does not use pushpool
1977 2011-05-01 05:25:14 <Diablo-D3> thats not what I asked
1978 2011-05-01 05:25:18 <Diablo-D3> have you see nit?
1979 2011-05-01 05:25:31 <Diablo-D3> thats pretty much the best you're going to get for html if I dont do it myself
1980 2011-05-01 05:25:57 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: oh, you're talking about the flashy web gadgetry front-end, not the pool back-end?
1981 2011-05-01 05:26:06 <jgarzik> puff pieces :)
1982 2011-05-01 05:26:10 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: yeah, the pool backend is going to be mostly the same shit no matter what
1983 2011-05-01 05:26:26 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: backend: https://github.com/jgarzik/pushpool/
1984 2011-05-01 05:26:35 <kika> Diablo-D3: the temp keeps at the 82-84C range, thats normal?
1985 2011-05-01 05:26:43 <Diablo-D3> kika: as long as its below 85c, you're fine
1986 2011-05-01 05:26:47 lulxplzkthx has joined
1987 2011-05-01 05:27:00 <lulxplzkthx> I finished my feature and a thread about it can be found here: http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6937.0
1988 2011-05-01 05:27:00 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: in C? lol
1989 2011-05-01 05:27:03 <kika> Diablo-D3: if it gets at 86C it automatically burns out ? lol
1990 2011-05-01 05:27:14 <luke-jr> jgarzik: sent
1991 2011-05-01 05:27:16 <Diablo-D3> kika: no, you just reduce VRM life
1992 2011-05-01 05:27:23 <bk128> long term the cards will last longer if you run them cooler
1993 2011-05-01 05:27:32 <kika> how much is the VRM life?
1994 2011-05-01 05:27:43 <Diablo-D3> 85c gpu ~= 120c vrm
1995 2011-05-01 05:27:46 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: my pool 'backend' is unique :P
1996 2011-05-01 05:27:48 <Diablo-D3> anything higher than 120c can pop them
1997 2011-05-01 05:27:58 <Diablo-D3> luke-jr: I already have the backend on mine done
1998 2011-05-01 05:28:01 <bk128> kika: could be 20+ years at cool temps probably
1999 2011-05-01 05:28:07 <Myckel> looks like mtgox is back :)
2000 2011-05-01 05:28:11 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: but I bet it can't do the same thing mine does :P
2001 2011-05-01 05:28:22 <Diablo-D3> luke-jr: whats so magical about yours?
2002 2011-05-01 05:28:33 hatmaker has joined
2003 2011-05-01 05:28:34 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: payouts embedded in coinbase
2004 2011-05-01 05:28:36 <bk128> everything starts to die quicker at higher temps, caps, ICs, etc.
2005 2011-05-01 05:28:43 <kika> bk128: so if i run it at 86C it will just recude vrm life?
2006 2011-05-01 05:28:46 <Diablo-D3> luke-jr: erm?
2007 2011-05-01 05:29:03 <kika> bk128: if i run it at 90C for a month, something will happen?
2008 2011-05-01 05:29:10 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: http://blockexplorer.com/block/00000000000041318e2893db3283e5528a7c44292693acc51189145a3d3e2c14
2009 2011-05-01 05:29:31 <_ape> the fan on my 9700 pro finally wore out
2010 2011-05-01 05:29:33 <_ape> after about 10 years
2011 2011-05-01 05:29:34 <_ape> :P
2012 2011-05-01 05:29:34 <bk128> kika: if you always drive your car at 100 mph it wont last as long as if you drive it at 20
2013 2011-05-01 05:29:43 <_ape> card is still good, though
2014 2011-05-01 05:29:52 <Diablo-D3> [01:23:13] <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: my pool 'backend' is unique :P
2015 2011-05-01 05:29:56 <Diablo-D3> also, who cares about yours
2016 2011-05-01 05:29:57 <kika> bk128: but i mean, there arent changes for it to burn out?
2017 2011-05-01 05:30:01 <Diablo-D3> Im more interested in jgarziks
2018 2011-05-01 05:30:05 <bk128> that's surprisingly good for a gpu fan, they usually suck
2019 2011-05-01 05:30:17 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: jgarzik's is only part, and used as that part in mine
2020 2011-05-01 05:30:25 <luke-jr> it doesn't do payouts of any kind
2021 2011-05-01 05:30:36 <Diablo-D3> luke-jr: what am I looking at, exactly?
2022 2011-05-01 05:30:37 <bk128> if every part of the card is 90C or lower it wont instantly die, it'll just reduce the life of the components
2023 2011-05-01 05:30:40 <kika> jgarzik: why when i run diablominer against my pushpool server it hashes at only 20Mhash/s and when i run it against deepbit it hashes at 200Mhash/s ?
2024 2011-05-01 05:30:47 <bk128> just try to keep it as cool as you can.
2025 2011-05-01 05:30:51 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: pool members are paid directly by the block generation
2026 2011-05-01 05:30:58 ion- has joined
2027 2011-05-01 05:31:13 <Diablo-D3> luke-jr: ahh, Im trying to go in the opposite direction
2028 2011-05-01 05:31:23 <Diablo-D3> luke-jr: I want to reduce tx spam
2029 2011-05-01 05:31:35 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: my pool is immune to tx spam
2030 2011-05-01 05:31:46 <Diablo-D3> no, your pool generates it
2031 2011-05-01 05:31:49 <luke-jr> nope
2032 2011-05-01 05:31:49 <jgarzik> kika: dunno.  it's the first I've heard of that.  does Diablo-D3's miner support long polling, and did you set up long polling correctly?
2033 2011-05-01 05:32:00 <Diablo-D3> my miner doesnt do long polling yet
2034 2011-05-01 05:32:13 <retinal> "yet", meaning it's planned?
2035 2011-05-01 05:32:13 <luke-jr> Diablo-D3: yet? last I heard, you thought long polling was dumb
2036 2011-05-01 05:32:27 <Diablo-D3> I may end up doing it
2037 2011-05-01 05:32:34 <Diablo-D3> no one is interested in a mining protocol done correctly
2038 2011-05-01 05:32:35 <warpi> its fun to se that washington post didnt understand how bitcoin works :)
2039 2011-05-01 05:32:36 <warpi> http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/imagining-a-world-without-the-dollar/2011/04/26/AFjawKEF_story_1.html
2040 2011-05-01 05:32:46 <kika> Diablo-D3: i think diablominer needs long pooling, stale shares can be 90% of the found hashes then ?
2041 2011-05-01 05:32:50 <_ape> Diablo-D3: like push instead of polling?
2042 2011-05-01 05:32:56 <warpi> ....and nothing would prevent the operators of the platform from issuing more, in the first instance to themselves. ....
2043 2011-05-01 05:33:02 <Diablo-D3> _ape: yeah
2044 2011-05-01 05:33:09 <_ape> somebody did make push frontends
2045 2011-05-01 05:33:11 <Diablo-D3> I was just going to go directly to server push
2046 2011-05-01 05:33:14 <_ape> but i dont think that really solves it correctly
2047 2011-05-01 05:33:17 <_ape> yeah
2048 2011-05-01 05:33:24 <Diablo-D3> just websockets the whole problem
2049 2011-05-01 05:33:32 <_ape> adding a frontend server just adds one more bottleneck/thing to fail
2050 2011-05-01 05:33:36 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: websockets?  *puke*
2051 2011-05-01 05:33:47 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: pushpool already includes a full push protocol
2052 2011-05-01 05:33:50 <jgarzik> hence the name
2053 2011-05-01 05:33:52 <kika> Diablo-D3: how much btc you want to code long polling on diablominer?
2054 2011-05-01 05:33:53 <_ape> there are protocols for push servers already
2055 2011-05-01 05:33:55 <_ape> i forget the name
2056 2011-05-01 05:34:01 <_ape> but its pretty widespread
2057 2011-05-01 05:34:12 <Diablo-D3> you mean jgarzik's binary protocol?
2058 2011-05-01 05:34:17 <Diablo-D3> the world does not need more binary protocols
2059 2011-05-01 05:34:18 <_ape> no i mean a generic one
2060 2011-05-01 05:34:26 <_ape> not specifically created for bitcoin
2061 2011-05-01 05:34:33 <Diablo-D3> _ape: websockets?
2062 2011-05-01 05:34:34 Lachesis has joined
2063 2011-05-01 05:34:38 <_ape> ugh :P
2064 2011-05-01 05:34:49 semarjt has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2065 2011-05-01 05:34:50 <Diablo-D3> luke-jr, jgarzik: what header does it set for long poll?
2066 2011-05-01 05:35:17 <luke-jr> night
2067 2011-05-01 05:35:46 manifold has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2068 2011-05-01 05:35:47 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: http://deepbit.net/longpolling.php
2069 2011-05-01 05:36:28 <midnightmagic> ;;bc,mtgox/quit
2070 2011-05-01 05:36:28 <gribble> Error: "bc,mtgox/quit" is not a valid command.
2071 2011-05-01 05:37:11 <Lachesis> ;;bc,mtgox
2072 2011-05-01 05:37:13 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.75,"vol":62918,"buy":3.5301,"sell":3.7249,"last":3.5301}}
2073 2011-05-01 05:37:16 <jgarzik> just about every network protocol designer who looks at WebSockets... runs away screaming
2074 2011-05-01 05:38:13 <Diablo-D3> uhhuh.
2075 2011-05-01 05:39:31 <kika> jgarzik: ufasoft miner doesnt work when connecting to pushpoold
2076 2011-05-01 05:39:53 sacarlson has joined
2077 2011-05-01 05:39:54 <kika> jgarzik: what miner you recommend me to use with pushpoold for a ati 6990 card?
2078 2011-05-01 05:40:07 <Diablo-D3> does slush's pool do pushpool?
2079 2011-05-01 05:40:10 <Diablo-D3> er
2080 2011-05-01 05:40:12 <Diablo-D3> long polling
2081 2011-05-01 05:40:20 <kika> Diablo-D3: yes
2082 2011-05-01 05:40:36 <Diablo-D3> sigh.
2083 2011-05-01 05:41:02 CoinMan_ is now known as CoinMan
2084 2011-05-01 05:42:14 thedrs has left ()
2085 2011-05-01 05:43:47 <jgarzik> kika: phoenix or poclbm
2086 2011-05-01 05:43:57 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: no
2087 2011-05-01 05:44:05 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: slush has not yet deployed long polling in production
2088 2011-05-01 05:44:22 <kika> jgarzik: phoenix is the best i think yes for pushpool however it still outperforms diablominer a lot
2089 2011-05-01 05:44:23 <jgarzik> he has code
2090 2011-05-01 05:44:34 Dudley has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep)
2091 2011-05-01 05:44:49 <jgarzik> kika: -ENOPARSE
2092 2011-05-01 05:45:05 <kika> jgarzik: whats that?
2093 2011-05-01 05:45:22 <jgarzik> kika: so you are saying that (a) phoenix is faster than Diablo-D3's miner, and, (b) phoenix is best for pushpool?
2094 2011-05-01 05:45:47 <kika> jgarzik: i tested and phoenix is faster than diablominer when using pushpoold
2095 2011-05-01 05:46:02 <kika> jgarzik: usually diablominer is faster than phoenix on any other pools
2096 2011-05-01 05:46:21 lulxplzkthx has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2097 2011-05-01 05:46:23 <Diablo-D3> I dont trust pheonix's hash meter btw
2098 2011-05-01 05:46:40 <Diablo-D3> too many people have said 50%+ higher rates
2099 2011-05-01 05:47:06 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: who uses long poll then?
2100 2011-05-01 05:47:06 <kika> Diablo-D3: you say the phoenix hashrate that shows is 50% less than its supposed to be?
2101 2011-05-01 05:47:07 <jgarzik> kika: diablominer is outdated without long polling, IMO.  all the other miners support it, at this point.  you _really_ want long polling support.
2102 2011-05-01 05:47:18 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: everyone else?
2103 2011-05-01 05:47:20 <Diablo-D3> kika: no, just insanely high
2104 2011-05-01 05:47:33 <Diablo-D3> jgarzik: who is everyone else? I still remember when slush's was the only
2105 2011-05-01 05:47:35 <kika> jgarzik: yes i think long polling is critical for mining, right ?
2106 2011-05-01 05:47:50 <Diablo-D3> both of you shut up, Im adding the fucking thing already
2107 2011-05-01 05:47:55 <retinal> lol
2108 2011-05-01 05:47:56 <Diablo-D3> just name a pool for me to test on
2109 2011-05-01 05:47:56 llama has joined
2110 2011-05-01 05:48:04 <kika> Diablo-D3: deepnit.net
2111 2011-05-01 05:48:08 <kika> *deepbit.net
2112 2011-05-01 05:48:12 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: scroll up.  link was already sent to you.
2113 2011-05-01 05:49:01 <kika> at deepbit.... 423 (0.70%) stale shares using diablominer
2114 2011-05-01 05:49:07 <kika> i think thats a high percentage?
2115 2011-05-01 05:49:21 <Diablo-D3> not at all
2116 2011-05-01 05:49:23 <Diablo-D3> thats very low
2117 2011-05-01 05:49:27 <vorlov> how often does target change?
2118 2011-05-01 05:49:30 <vorlov> every block?
2119 2011-05-01 05:49:32 <[Tycho]> It depends on askrate
2120 2011-05-01 05:49:42 <jgarzik> vorlov: every couple of weeks
2121 2011-05-01 05:49:53 <vorlov> thanks
2122 2011-05-01 05:49:59 <kika> vorlov: i think every 2weeks or 1024 blocks... i think it changes so that 1 block is created every 10 min always
2123 2011-05-01 05:50:03 <[Tycho]> If you set it to request new getwork frequently then you'll get less stales even w/o LP
2124 2011-05-01 05:50:09 <vorlov> 2016?
2125 2011-05-01 05:50:12 <lfm> 0.7 % and you call it critical? hehe
2126 2011-05-01 05:50:22 <retinal> 5974 (3.55%)
2127 2011-05-01 05:50:26 <retinal> :shrug:
2128 2011-05-01 05:50:43 <jgarzik> as [Tycho] says... it depends on askrate
2129 2011-05-01 05:50:47 <jgarzik> and also how intelligent is your work queueing
2130 2011-05-01 05:50:51 <[Tycho]> The worst case was poclbm-mod, the less effective miner :)
2131 2011-05-01 05:51:14 <kika> what would be the easist way to exchange bitcoins for Western Union or something like that?
2132 2011-05-01 05:51:17 <jgarzik> does the kernel (a) download work, then execute CL kernel, in serial fashion or (b) download work in parallel with CL execution
2133 2011-05-01 05:51:18 <jgarzik> ?
2134 2011-05-01 05:51:19 <[Tycho]> Until they implemented LP it was like 3.5-4% stales :)
2135 2011-05-01 05:51:32 <jgarzik> work queueing efficiency matters
2136 2011-05-01 05:51:36 <lfm> kernel?
2137 2011-05-01 05:51:37 <jgarzik> you don't want to pause for network
2138 2011-05-01 05:51:59 <jgarzik> no idea what algorithm diablominer uses for that
2139 2011-05-01 05:52:03 skeledrew has joined
2140 2011-05-01 05:52:13 <B0g4r7> That was just discussed earlier.
2141 2011-05-01 05:52:29 <jgarzik> each miner calculates hash rate a bit differently, too
2142 2011-05-01 05:52:30 <B0g4r7> It runs 3 miner threads per GPU that take turns executing vs downloading.
2143 2011-05-01 05:52:48 <jgarzik> GPU doesn't download
2144 2011-05-01 05:53:09 <B0g4r7> Miner downloads.
2145 2011-05-01 05:53:12 <B0g4r7> getwork
2146 2011-05-01 05:53:27 <lfm> it downloads 80 byte block header plus some unnessesary stuf
2147 2011-05-01 05:53:30 <_ape> you'd need a very high latency for that to start slowing it down heh
2148 2011-05-01 05:53:47 <Diablo-D3> yeah, my miner runs 3 independent execution threads
2149 2011-05-01 05:53:52 <Diablo-D3> the side effect is, network blocking doesnt
2150 2011-05-01 05:54:11 <jgarzik> even over LAN, that's a -bunch- of hashes you're missing, if you pause for network download
2151 2011-05-01 05:54:13 <B0g4r7> When you're fetching across the internets I'll bet latency can be significant.
2152 2011-05-01 05:54:24 <jgarzik> yep
2153 2011-05-01 05:54:42 <B0g4r7> Queueing up work just makes sense to do.
2154 2011-05-01 05:54:48 <jgarzik> the basic point is that the GPU should be busy at all times, even while downloading work
2155 2011-05-01 05:54:59 <B0g4r7> yep.  Keep that pipeline filled.
2156 2011-05-01 05:54:59 <jgarzik> B0g4r7: ...up to a point. you don't want to queue stale work.
2157 2011-05-01 05:55:07 <B0g4r7> 100.00% duty cycle.
2158 2011-05-01 05:55:15 <lfm> B0g4r7: queueing up work doesnt make sense when a new block comes out
2159 2011-05-01 05:55:54 <kika> [02:40] <jgarzik> kika: -ENOPARSE <-- what is that?
2160 2011-05-01 05:55:59 <B0g4r7> I think that anything lost computing stale work due to a 1-deep buffer will be more than offset by the gains from not waiting on the network.
2161 2011-05-01 05:56:14 <B0g4r7> And with long polling that's moot anyway.
2162 2011-05-01 05:56:33 <lfm> stale work is always relevant
2163 2011-05-01 05:56:59 <B0g4r7> "Long polling" is a more proper solution than altering queueing strategies.
2164 2011-05-01 05:57:04 <B0g4r7> IMO.
2165 2011-05-01 05:57:21 <lfm> ya probably true
2166 2011-05-01 05:57:37 <Diablo-D3> [01:50:09] <B0g4r7> Queueing up work just makes sense to do.
2167 2011-05-01 05:57:40 <Diablo-D3> except thats dumb
2168 2011-05-01 05:57:44 <Diablo-D3> that will cause extreme stale shares
2169 2011-05-01 05:58:04 <Lachesis> it makes perfect sense - think of how pipelines in computers work
2170 2011-05-01 05:58:10 <Lachesis> *cpus
2171 2011-05-01 05:58:16 <Diablo-D3> Lachesis: see above.
2172 2011-05-01 05:58:16 <Lachesis> they fill as often as they can
2173 2011-05-01 05:58:19 <Diablo-D3> shares go stale easily
2174 2011-05-01 05:58:24 <jgarzik> yep
2175 2011-05-01 05:58:27 <Lachesis> if they fill too much, they just empty
2176 2011-05-01 05:58:34 <Lachesis> fill when they shouldn't *
2177 2011-05-01 05:58:41 <lfm> Lachesis: whole queue would need to be thrown out when new block shows up
2178 2011-05-01 05:58:46 <Lachesis> yes
2179 2011-05-01 05:58:47 <Lachesis> so?
2180 2011-05-01 05:58:54 <lfm> so why bother
2181 2011-05-01 05:58:55 <Lachesis> queuing work is cheap, isn't it?
2182 2011-05-01 05:59:02 <B0g4r7> Should be.
2183 2011-05-01 05:59:02 <Diablo-D3> its expensive if the shares go stale.
2184 2011-05-01 05:59:04 <Lachesis> b/c new blocks show up every 6 mintues or something
2185 2011-05-01 05:59:19 <Lachesis> if you get N stale shares, kill the queue and get a new one
2186 2011-05-01 05:59:20 <Diablo-D3> every 10, but you have no clue how close you're to that 10
2187 2011-05-01 05:59:27 <lfm> Lachesis: queueing work that isnt needed is load on pool server
2188 2011-05-01 05:59:30 <Lachesis> yeah, but it's fairly rare
2189 2011-05-01 05:59:33 <Diablo-D3> but how do you know if they're stale until you've already hit that
2190 2011-05-01 05:59:43 <Lachesis> doesn't the pool send back an error for stale shares?
2191 2011-05-01 05:59:53 <bk128> luke-jr: so how long do you think it'll be unitll I receive a payout?  (singe 5870 350 mhash)
2192 2011-05-01 05:59:56 <jgarzik> Lachesis: sure, but at that point, you've already lost money
2193 2011-05-01 06:00:25 <Lachesis> as long as the gpu can stay busy 100% of the time without queuing, i agree, it's pointless
2194 2011-05-01 06:00:41 <B0g4r7> Queueing up more work is not going to cause a miner to learn of a new block any later than it would otherwise, if Long Polling is used.
2195 2011-05-01 06:00:45 <Lachesis> but if it ever drops below 100% without a queue, it seems that the gains from keeping it at 100% would offset those few lost shares
2196 2011-05-01 06:00:46 <lfm> Lachesis: by the time you get stale shares you have wasted a lot of time already. you should be able to know when a new prev block hash comes out, toss all you old work
2197 2011-05-01 06:00:46 retinal has quit ()
2198 2011-05-01 06:00:48 <Lachesis> yeah, that too
2199 2011-05-01 06:01:09 <B0g4r7> Now what's wasted bandwidth is miners that don'r use up nonce and spastically request new work in an effort to stay fresh.
2200 2011-05-01 06:03:06 <lfm> B0g4r7: but queueing more that one extra "getwork" is a waste
2201 2011-05-01 06:03:19 <B0g4r7> Yeah, 1 is all that's needed.
2202 2011-05-01 06:03:27 <B0g4r7> Well, the one being worked on, and another one to have at the ready.
2203 2011-05-01 06:03:31 <kika> export DISPLAY=:0.0; aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 100" would set the fan for gpu 0 at 100% ?
2204 2011-05-01 06:03:57 <jrabbit> who knows
2205 2011-05-01 06:04:00 <lfm> B0g4r7: agreed, longer queues would make other problems
2206 2011-05-01 06:04:15 <B0g4r7> Yeah, no need except for super extreme latency.
2207 2011-05-01 06:04:57 <lfm> B0g4r7: if latency is that bad I would kick you outa my pool if I was admin
2208 2011-05-01 06:05:02 <B0g4r7> lol
2209 2011-05-01 06:05:10 <B0g4r7> My latency is that bad sometimes.
2210 2011-05-01 06:05:19 <lfm> you on a modem?
2211 2011-05-01 06:05:36 <lfm> 56k baud?
2212 2011-05-01 06:05:38 <B0g4r7> EVDO out in the sticks, running through a signal amp and rooftop antenna.
2213 2011-05-01 06:05:41 <B0g4r7> http
2214 2011-05-01 06:05:50 Kicchiri has joined
2215 2011-05-01 06:05:50 ForceDestroyer has quit (Disconnected by services)
2216 2011-05-01 06:05:57 <B0g4r7> http://www.titsnbeer.com/stuff/antenna_rig.jpg
2217 2011-05-01 06:06:11 <lfm> B0g4r7: geez man get with the 21st centruy
2218 2011-05-01 06:06:16 <B0g4r7> indeed
2219 2011-05-01 06:06:28 <B0g4r7> I suppose a miner could start off with a queue depth of 1, and adjust it upwards if an underrun occurred.
2220 2011-05-01 06:07:07 <lfm> naw just have queue of one and accept other problems as unavoidable
2221 2011-05-01 06:07:27 <B0g4r7> I disagree with your design philosophy.   :)
2222 2011-05-01 06:07:45 warpi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2223 2011-05-01 06:08:31 <lfm> queueing more than one makes pool server waste time building work units (and remembering them). servers are quite well loaded already
2224 2011-05-01 06:09:04 warpi has joined
2225 2011-05-01 06:09:35 <lfm> would be better to allow clients to update timestamp
2226 2011-05-01 06:09:57 <vorlov> question
2227 2011-05-01 06:10:31 <lfm> old versions of bitcoin allowed miners to updates timestamp if nonce overflowed
2228 2011-05-01 06:10:47 netxshare is now known as dhw
2229 2011-05-01 06:10:51 pigeons has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2230 2011-05-01 06:11:00 <vorlov> if in the time between a getwork and a local "solve" of the block, a different node publishes a solved block, does that make my block invalid becuz the transactions that i will broadcast in it are already spent?
2231 2011-05-01 06:11:03 dhw is now known as netxshare
2232 2011-05-01 06:11:04 <Lachesis> ideally pools would be stateless
2233 2011-05-01 06:11:15 <Lachesis> they'd just pass along the info required for the miner to generate its own shares
2234 2011-05-01 06:11:16 <jgarzik> lfm: current versions of bitcoind permit timestampd updating
2235 2011-05-01 06:11:20 <lfm> vorlov: ya its stale
2236 2011-05-01 06:11:21 <jgarzik> lfm: it's just the pool servers that do not
2237 2011-05-01 06:11:54 <lfm> jgarzik: ok, thats a shortcomming of pool servers then
2238 2011-05-01 06:11:55 <vorlov> do the current miners stop trying to solve blocks once the blockcount increases?
2239 2011-05-01 06:11:56 <Lachesis> well, as stateless as possible
2240 2011-05-01 06:12:06 <jgarzik> lfm: correct
2241 2011-05-01 06:12:09 <lfm> vorlov: they should
2242 2011-05-01 06:12:17 <vorlov> do they tho?
2243 2011-05-01 06:12:24 <jgarzik> slush has introduced "X-Ntime" header in poclbm
2244 2011-05-01 06:12:27 <jgarzik> to prepare for ntime updating
2245 2011-05-01 06:12:56 <lfm> vorlov: thats part of what long pole and push work are meant to solve
2246 2011-05-01 06:13:05 <vorlov> i see
2247 2011-05-01 06:13:05 Lachesis has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2248 2011-05-01 06:13:06 <lfm> pole -> poll
2249 2011-05-01 06:13:18 <vorlov> lfm: its alrihgt, pole was a nice thought too ;-)
2250 2011-05-01 06:14:21 <lfm> vorlov: afaik its a bit tricky to interrupt a gpu and tell it to forget the current work and start new work
2251 2011-05-01 06:14:40 <vorlov> i see.....
2252 2011-05-01 06:15:07 <Diablo-D3> why bother
2253 2011-05-01 06:15:11 <Diablo-D3> just let the kernel finish
2254 2011-05-01 06:15:36 <Diablo-D3> default length in mine and poclbm is 1/60th of a second
2255 2011-05-01 06:15:36 <lfm> 0.7 % worries some people they are losing money
2256 2011-05-01 06:15:50 <jgarzik> with long polling and X-Ntime, the client simply waits for new work from pool server at all times
2257 2011-05-01 06:15:53 <jgarzik> -never- requesting work
2258 2011-05-01 06:16:01 <jgarzik> 100% push
2259 2011-05-01 06:16:04 <Diablo-D3> X-Ntime?
2260 2011-05-01 06:24:54 grabemquick has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2261 2011-05-01 06:25:36 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: see poclbm source.  if present, it indicates the kernel may increment ntime as well as nonce.
2262 2011-05-01 06:25:47 <jgarzik> Diablo-D3: keeps the kernel working, until interrupted by new block
2263 2011-05-01 06:25:49 <Diablo-D3> feh
2264 2011-05-01 06:25:50 <jgarzik> or new TX's
2265 2011-05-01 06:38:13 CoinMan has left ()
2266 2011-05-01 06:38:14 jgarzik has quit (Quit: early morning comes too soon)
2267 2011-05-01 06:41:27 <lfm> mtgox.com is unresponsive due to what thye claim is a ddos
2268 2011-05-01 06:42:21 <citiz3n> isn't there a way to filter out the IPs that are involved in the DDoS?
2269 2011-05-01 06:42:29 <_ape> he said hes moving servers
2270 2011-05-01 06:42:30 <_ape> check the thread
2271 2011-05-01 06:42:42 <_ape> http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6931.0
2272 2011-05-01 06:42:52 <lfm> citiz3n: ya, to be effective you need upstream routers to cooperate
2273 2011-05-01 06:43:26 <citiz3n> so he's changing hosts to someone who will work with him to block this i take it
2274 2011-05-01 06:43:34 <lfm> oh is my dns cache stale?
2275 2011-05-01 06:50:05 DavidSJ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2276 2011-05-01 06:50:51 DavidSJ has joined
2277 2011-05-01 06:54:42 retinal has joined
2278 2011-05-01 06:54:47 <da2ce7> quick poll:  MIT or LGPL?
2279 2011-05-01 06:55:06 <lfm> da2ce7: flame war troll?
2280 2011-05-01 06:55:52 <da2ce7> no, about my project... what do ppl think is better to release it on?
2281 2011-05-01 06:56:12 <_ape> no preference really, i like the mit license t hough
2282 2011-05-01 06:56:34 <lfm> well lpgl is for libraries that might get linked into larger programs, is that what you have?
2283 2011-05-01 06:57:28 <da2ce7> ah, no it is a self-standing project, but people are going to build other things on-top of it...
2284 2011-05-01 06:57:45 <da2ce7> via pluggins.
2285 2011-05-01 06:58:04 <lfm> seems to me you could just use gpl then
2286 2011-05-01 06:58:10 <_ape> yeah doesnt matter
2287 2011-05-01 06:58:13 <gjs278> ;;bc,mtgox
2288 2011-05-01 06:58:19 skeledrew has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2289 2011-05-01 06:58:24 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.75,"vol":63179,"buy":3.6051,"sell":3.7,"last":3.6051}}
2290 2011-05-01 06:58:27 <doublec> do you want them to be able to create close sourced forks? Or not contribute back? If so MIT. If not GPL.
2291 2011-05-01 06:58:46 <gjs278> if you use anything other than bsd you are a nazi
2292 2011-05-01 06:59:02 <_ape> yeah bsd too :D
2293 2011-05-01 06:59:11 <da2ce7> isn't bsd = mit?
2294 2011-05-01 06:59:14 zyb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2295 2011-05-01 06:59:30 <lfm> gjs278: ya, see what I ment about flame war troll
2296 2011-05-01 06:59:55 skeledrew has joined
2297 2011-05-01 07:00:10 <da2ce7> lfm, no troll, (this time)
2298 2011-05-01 07:00:27 <da2ce7> well anyway... it is a hard choice.
2299 2011-05-01 07:00:29 vorlov has quit (Quit: vorlov)
2300 2011-05-01 07:00:31 <idnar> GPL doesn't force you to contribute back
2301 2011-05-01 07:00:50 <idnar> you can always just not release your fork at all
2302 2011-05-01 07:01:15 <lfm> well gpl is stronger encouragement Id say. but it might just encourage you to stay away if you hate gpl
2303 2011-05-01 07:01:20 <da2ce7> this is for the server side software of an online site.
2304 2011-05-01 07:01:51 <idnar> I prefer BSD/Expat-style licenses because they're compatible with basically anything
2305 2011-05-01 07:02:19 <lfm> da2ce7: oh it doesnt matter what licence you use then. prolly no one will ever admit theyre using your code
2306 2011-05-01 07:02:39 * da2ce7 dosn't agree with copywrite anyway... so I don't think bsd style will be best.
2307 2011-05-01 07:02:45 <idnar> I think the GPL is completely pointless for that sort of software, because hardly anyone is going to be distributing the software in the first place
2308 2011-05-01 07:02:51 <da2ce7> *so I think
2309 2011-05-01 07:03:03 <idnar> if you want to try to force people to "contribute back" or whatever, then the AGPL somewhat covers that
2310 2011-05-01 07:03:07 Cusipzzz has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/)
2311 2011-05-01 07:03:56 <idnar> da2ce7: if you don't agree with copyright, then I think a copyright license that gives away almost all of the rights that copyright law gives to you exclusively makes perfect sense :P
2312 2011-05-01 07:05:11 <da2ce7> fuck licences, fuck the GPL... The choice I have is simple: to release the sorce code. or not.
2313 2011-05-01 07:05:13 <doublec> da2ce7: use CC0 then
2314 2011-05-01 07:05:23 <doublec> http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
2315 2011-05-01 07:05:34 <da2ce7> na I'll stick with mit.
2316 2011-05-01 07:05:43 <da2ce7> I need some legal protection.
2317 2011-05-01 07:06:02 <gjs278> BSD
2318 2011-05-01 07:06:05 <gjs278> BSD
2319 2011-05-01 07:06:19 <gjs278> again, you are actively killing jews by choosing anything else
2320 2011-05-01 07:06:30 <lfm> da2ce7: just make a decaration that you wrote it and did not copy it from somewhere else and you swear you wont persue anyone for using it in any way.
2321 2011-05-01 07:06:47 <idnar> gjs278: ...
2322 2011-05-01 07:07:16 <idnar> gjs278: are you channeling Theo de Raadt? :P
2323 2011-05-01 07:07:21 <da2ce7> lfm, it is fucked that I need to do that at all.
2324 2011-05-01 07:07:33 <gjs278> idnar if I had a chance to prevent slavery or remove the gpl from ever existing, guess which one I would take
2325 2011-05-01 07:07:48 * da2ce7 dosn't respect gpl anyway.
2326 2011-05-01 07:08:12 <idnar> gjs278: the differences between the MIT and BSD licenses are absurdly trivial
2327 2011-05-01 07:08:19 <_ape> different letters
2328 2011-05-01 07:08:30 <da2ce7> however afaik, I haven't broken it (gpl) either.
2329 2011-05-01 07:08:31 <gjs278> so were the differences between teh white man and the indians
2330 2011-05-01 07:08:32 <lfm> gjs278: so you are so dedicated to that point of view that you refuse to use anything compiled by gcc?
2331 2011-05-01 07:08:37 <gjs278> yes
2332 2011-05-01 07:08:44 <lfm> cool! grin
2333 2011-05-01 07:08:46 <gjs278> I don't even use the linux kernel
2334 2011-05-01 07:09:09 * da2ce7 uses a mixture of bsd and windows.
2335 2011-05-01 07:09:25 <gjs278> I compile all of it on clang on freebsd after I remove everything gpl with grep made with a bsd license
2336 2011-05-01 07:09:30 <lfm> doesnt bsd use gcc?
2337 2011-05-01 07:10:02 <gjs278> I'm ready to move to ClangBSD any day now
2338 2011-05-01 07:10:11 <_ape> what about all the web apps you use running on apache
2339 2011-05-01 07:10:18 <_ape> or do you only frequent websites hosted on nginx lol
2340 2011-05-01 07:11:01 lsparrish has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
2341 2011-05-01 07:11:20 <gjs278> I only run nginx that is compiled with -werror
2342 2011-05-01 07:11:24 <idnar> nginx isn't under the BSD license
2343 2011-05-01 07:11:34 <idnar> it's 2-clause
2344 2011-05-01 07:11:38 pogden has joined
2345 2011-05-01 07:11:44 <_ape> conflict detected, shutting down
2346 2011-05-01 07:11:52 <_ape> * gjs278 has left #bitcoin-dev
2347 2011-05-01 07:11:58 BCSX has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2348 2011-05-01 07:12:08 <gjs278> it doesn't compile with -werror right now with clang noob
2349 2011-05-01 07:12:16 <gjs278> so of course I dont use it
2350 2011-05-01 07:13:06 <idnar> oh, I'm in #-dev
2351 2011-05-01 07:13:11 <idnar> oops
2352 2011-05-01 07:13:28 <lfm> hehe
2353 2011-05-01 07:13:30 aksoo has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
2354 2011-05-01 07:14:09 <lfm> I think everything should be glp3 really
2355 2011-05-01 07:14:16 <lfm> gpl3 that is
2356 2011-05-01 07:17:20 skeledrew1 has joined
2357 2011-05-01 07:17:23 Dudley has joined
2358 2011-05-01 07:18:44 skeledrew has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2359 2011-05-01 07:21:00 bk128 has quit (Quit: bk128)
2360 2011-05-01 07:22:00 <lfm> mtgox.com is unable to connect now, not even the message about ddos trouble
2361 2011-05-01 07:22:43 <_ape> yeah guess it kicked up again
2362 2011-05-01 07:22:50 <sacarlson> lfm: I recall we saw alot of trafic from rusia into bitcoin and now I was told this ddos is coming from there
2363 2011-05-01 07:23:23 <lfm> ya its sad
2364 2011-05-01 07:23:39 <_ape> it will make the system more resilient to attacks in the future so whatever
2365 2011-05-01 07:23:48 <_ape> better to get it over with now while the network is still small
2366 2011-05-01 07:24:01 <lfm> maybe, or maybe it will just get bigger attacks
2367 2011-05-01 07:24:04 <_ape> that too
2368 2011-05-01 07:24:05 <_ape> :P
2369 2011-05-01 07:24:20 <sacarlson> lfm: I guess he needs like distributed sites with differnt names of something like what happend to pokerstars.com not long ago got thrown out of usa
2370 2011-05-01 07:24:36 zyb has joined
2371 2011-05-01 07:24:46 <_ape> hopefully somebody will make a distributed exchange system
2372 2011-05-01 07:24:51 <_ape> so we dont have to rely on one site
2373 2011-05-01 07:25:01 <sacarlson> I have one
2374 2011-05-01 07:25:12 <sacarlson> but there is no trafic and it's not tested yet
2375 2011-05-01 07:25:42 <lfm> I dont know if that would really help
2376 2011-05-01 07:25:50 <sacarlson> http://exchange.surething.biz/  I now have it working with two chains at the same time
2377 2011-05-01 07:26:14 <sacarlson> lfm: I could add another that goes from USD to btc
2378 2011-05-01 07:26:58 <sacarlson> also another from baht to btc
2379 2011-05-01 07:27:14 <sacarlson> I have banks on both of those currency
2380 2011-05-01 07:27:29 <_ape> lol nice page
2381 2011-05-01 07:27:29 <_ape> :P
2382 2011-05-01 07:27:32 <_ape> loads pretty slow here
2383 2011-05-01 07:27:57 <sacarlson> _ape: I just got it hooked to my adsl from my home at the moment
2384 2011-05-01 07:28:06 <_ape> ah ok thats what i figured
2385 2011-05-01 07:28:07 chuck00 has quit ()
2386 2011-05-01 07:28:30 <sacarlson> but I have a 900kb/sec connection
2387 2011-05-01 07:28:32 <lfm> you need to rescan that note straighter
2388 2011-05-01 07:28:56 <sacarlson> lfm: I stole the note just downloaded it from the internet
2389 2011-05-01 07:29:30 <lfm> the scan operator looked like the guy in the pic
2390 2011-05-01 07:29:52 <sacarlson> lfm: looks like someone spent alot of time drawing it
2391 2011-05-01 07:30:56 <lfm> ya, it looks good, just I feel like I am falling over looking at it
2392 2011-05-01 07:31:35 <cosurgi> ;;bc,mtgox
2393 2011-05-01 07:31:35 <gribble> Connection refused.
2394 2011-05-01 07:31:57 <sacarlson> lfm: it's not setup to trade in testnet  with weeds
2395 2011-05-01 07:32:06 <sacarlson> btc = testnet
2396 2011-05-01 07:32:14 <lfm> cosurgi your countymen are being blamed for mtgox ddos
2397 2011-05-01 07:32:28 <sacarlson> it's now setup to trade in testnet
2398 2011-05-01 07:33:00 <lfm> sacarlson: ok, so its just testing so far, good luck with tthat
2399 2011-05-01 07:34:40 <sacarlson> can't run anything without testing it first,  I later hope to base a currency on the price of one 12 oz can of Leo Beer set from price seen at 7-11's in thailand
2400 2011-05-01 07:35:27 <lfm> is that something people need over there?
2401 2011-05-01 07:35:29 <sacarlson> today's price would be 30 baht or about $1
2402 2011-05-01 07:35:47 <sacarlson> people know the relitive price of beer all over the world
2403 2011-05-01 07:36:15 <sacarlson> when I travel I always judge a currency on what it cost to buy a can of bottle of beer
2404 2011-05-01 07:36:53 Dudley has quit (Quit: Get MacIrssi - http://www.sysctl.co.uk/projects/macirssi/)
2405 2011-05-01 07:36:54 <lfm> so you're makeing new currency just so you can trade it yourself?
2406 2011-05-01 07:37:31 <sacarlson> lfm: well it's all for fun for me,  but I guess so,
2407 2011-05-01 07:38:30 <lfm> ok ya, fun, I sorta got that idea from the web page, just isnt sinking in! grin
2408 2011-05-01 07:38:41 <sacarlson> lfm: I explained my plans or how I see the future in my pdf document http://exchange.surething.biz/docs/crypto-currency-trust.pdf
2409 2011-05-01 07:40:22 edcba has joined
2410 2011-05-01 07:41:05 <sacarlson> I think the price of beer will mark the rate of inflation
2411 2011-05-01 07:41:38 <sacarlson> and can keep a flat currency that buys more or less the same things over time
2412 2011-05-01 07:42:01 fimp has joined
2413 2011-05-01 07:43:29 <sacarlson> the assets collected from other currency would go into the trust to be used as decided by the voters as would be agreed opon in the trust
2414 2011-05-01 07:45:32 skeledrew has joined
2415 2011-05-01 07:45:44 <sacarlson> the weakness I see would be a government seasing assets from the trust so it does have it flaws
2416 2011-05-01 07:46:04 ghshephard has quit (Quit: ghshephard)
2417 2011-05-01 07:46:24 <lfm> you could just call em coupons?
2418 2011-05-01 07:47:24 <sacarlson> lfm: coupons?  that's not a cool name
2419 2011-05-01 07:47:56 skeledrew1 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2420 2011-05-01 07:47:57 <lfm> but if the government asks it could keep you outa jail for counterfitting or something
2421 2011-05-01 07:48:09 <sacarlson> lfm: I do agree it needs another name but that could be decided by the first board members
2422 2011-05-01 07:48:37 <lfm> but theyll be too stoned or drunk
2423 2011-05-01 07:49:02 <sacarlson> ifm: well I guess we will have to nominate managers that aren't?
2424 2011-05-01 07:49:17 coinedupthewazoo has joined
2425 2011-05-01 07:49:28 <sacarlson> lfm: I nominate YOU
2426 2011-05-01 07:49:42 <lfm> who would want to be a manager then?
2427 2011-05-01 07:50:16 <sacarlson> lfm: I don't know who would want to be the president of the USA?   probly not me
2428 2011-05-01 07:50:30 <lfm> you dont want me, I told you, id call em coupons and thats not cool enuf for you
2429 2011-05-01 07:50:58 <sacarlson> lfm: your just the manager the board still has to vote on changes like that
2430 2011-05-01 07:51:56 <lfm> your gonna have to pay that manager real good, it sounds like his job is gonna suck!
2431 2011-05-01 07:52:56 <sacarlson> lfm: I"m not sure it couldn't cost much since we don't have that much money.  the first trust plan is to only be worth a total of 10,000 baht or about $300
2432 2011-05-01 07:53:31 <cosurgi> lfm: ??
2433 2011-05-01 07:53:35 <sacarlson> lfm: it's based on 90% gold and 10% btc
2434 2011-05-01 07:53:44 <lfm> he cant partake of the product and every thing he does has to be approved by the board
2435 2011-05-01 07:53:48 <cosurgi> what countymen, who's blaming?
2436 2011-05-01 07:54:25 <lfm> cosurgi they're saying its russians behind the ddos of mtgox
2437 2011-05-01 07:54:30 <sacarlson> cosurgi I"m sure it's the rusians, are you rusian?
2438 2011-05-01 07:54:40 <cosurgi> nope
2439 2011-05-01 07:55:00 <lfm> cosurgi http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6931.0
2440 2011-05-01 07:55:17 <lfm> oh sorry I thot you were russian
2441 2011-05-01 07:56:11 <cosurgi> what russioans forum he is talking about?
2442 2011-05-01 07:56:35 <lfm> something offa bcex? not sure
2443 2011-05-01 07:56:46 <cosurgi> I can barely read russian, uhh.. much weaker than my french. I could try to translate something
2444 2011-05-01 07:57:15 joepie92 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2445 2011-05-01 07:58:42 witten has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2446 2011-05-01 07:58:48 witten__ has joined
2447 2011-05-01 07:59:04 witten__ is now known as witten
2448 2011-05-01 07:59:35 <lfm> looks like mtgox ddos has let up now anyway
2449 2011-05-01 08:02:21 <sacarlson> wow with those dips I wonder if my buy got in
2450 2011-05-01 08:03:42 <sacarlson> my .98 price didn't get touched
2451 2011-05-01 08:03:44 ntosme2 has joined
2452 2011-05-01 08:04:29 <ntosme2> can anyone explain why I can connect to a slush's pool with one machine, and get no response with another? poclbm with exact same setup
2453 2011-05-01 08:05:31 <ntosme2> I don't have any port forwards or dmz configured
2454 2011-05-01 08:05:40 <sacarlson> ntosme2: my guess is your trying to connect two systems over a nat ip so you can't share the same port to the pool over one ip just a guess
2455 2011-05-01 08:07:17 <cosurgi> wow, btcex already removed from charts.
2456 2011-05-01 08:07:24 <cosurgi> tcatm: that was fast
2457 2011-05-01 08:07:26 larsivi has joined
2458 2011-05-01 08:07:45 <ntosme2> sacarlson: nat should choose a random outgoing port for each connection
2459 2011-05-01 08:08:29 <cosurgi> and many more got removed
2460 2011-05-01 08:09:53 <sacarlson> ntosme2: I'm not a miner so I was just guessing.  if you shutdown the one that works and restart the one that fails will it start working?
2461 2011-05-01 08:11:04 <ntosme2> oddly, no
2462 2011-05-01 08:11:05 berto- has joined
2463 2011-05-01 08:14:56 <ntosme2> the strange thing is I've had both working for several months and I had to restart them, and now only one will connect
2464 2011-05-01 08:16:01 x6763 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2465 2011-05-01 08:16:09 <Tril> what's an easy way to turn off debug.log?
2466 2011-05-01 08:16:16 <cosurgi> ;;bc,mtgox
2467 2011-05-01 08:16:17 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.75,"vol":63401,"buy":3.694,"sell":3.745,"last":3.715}}
2468 2011-05-01 08:16:29 <cosurgi> chaos, we got.
2469 2011-05-01 08:16:43 echelon has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2470 2011-05-01 08:17:42 <cosurgi> we need more trade sites which are as big as mtgox. decentralization is the universal solution. It would be hard to ddos all of them at the same time.
2471 2011-05-01 08:18:20 skeledrew1 has joined
2472 2011-05-01 08:18:34 skeledrew has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2473 2011-05-01 08:18:48 <gjs278> there's no way mtgox should be able to get ddossed like that
2474 2011-05-01 08:18:53 <Myckel> I hope bitmarket.eu gets their deposit system up soon.
2475 2011-05-01 08:19:03 <gjs278> especially for stuff like their api at the very least
2476 2011-05-01 08:20:00 <Myckel> trades on bitmarket.eu are to slow... waiting 3 working days to do a transaction is to slow.
2477 2011-05-01 08:20:50 ghshephard has joined
2478 2011-05-01 08:20:54 pogden has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2479 2011-05-01 08:21:36 <Tril> well, this works: sudo mknod debug.log c 1 3
2480 2011-05-01 08:21:56 <Tril> on Linux
2481 2011-05-01 08:22:03 pogden has joined
2482 2011-05-01 08:22:09 <Tril> (it's the device number for /dev/null)
2483 2011-05-01 08:22:35 slueth has joined
2484 2011-05-01 08:22:37 B0g4r7 has quit (Quit: Router reboot)
2485 2011-05-01 08:23:35 <cosurgi> how is it possible that mtgox low is at 2.75, when there was no transaaction at this price?
2486 2011-05-01 08:23:59 <cosurgi> oh, there was.
2487 2011-05-01 08:24:08 echelon has joined
2488 2011-05-01 08:24:08 <ntosme2> ok so here's the main problem, I can't `telnet mining.bitcoin.cz 8332` from my desktop but it works from my VPS
2489 2011-05-01 08:24:18 joepie92 has joined
2490 2011-05-01 08:25:05 <gjs278> isp conspiracy
2491 2011-05-01 08:25:15 x6763 has joined
2492 2011-05-01 08:25:38 <lfm> ntosme2: try the ip number it maybe just in dns
2493 2011-05-01 08:26:22 <ntosme2> mining.bitcoin.cz has address
2494 2011-05-01 08:26:29 <ntosme2> is that what you see?
2495 2011-05-01 08:26:37 <ntosme2> I can ping fine
2496 2011-05-01 08:27:01 B0g4r7 has joined
2497 2011-05-01 08:27:15 <lfm> oh if you can ping then its just port blocked somewhere?
2498 2011-05-01 08:28:31 <lfm> ya I get same dns lookup
2499 2011-05-01 08:28:34 <ntosme2> lfm: in theory...I'll reboot my router, I don't have a firewall besides the NAT
2500 2011-05-01 08:28:55 joepie92 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2501 2011-05-01 08:29:10 skeledrew has joined
2502 2011-05-01 08:30:16 skeledrew1 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2503 2011-05-01 08:30:35 brenton has joined
2504 2011-05-01 08:31:29 <ntosme2> no effect
2505 2011-05-01 08:34:39 <lfm> traceroute go through?
2506 2011-05-01 08:35:38 <lfm> use traceroute -p 8332
2507 2011-05-01 08:35:46 DavidSJ has quit (Quit: DavidSJ)
2508 2011-05-01 08:36:12 <ntosme2> hmm...I get the first 10 hops and * * * after that
2509 2011-05-01 08:36:24 kokjo has joined
2510 2011-05-01 08:37:04 <lfm> ntosme2: I just tried too did yours stop at ?
2511 2011-05-01 08:37:12 skeledrew has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2512 2011-05-01 08:37:14 <ntosme2> yes
2513 2011-05-01 08:37:18 skeledrew has joined
2514 2011-05-01 08:37:23 <ntosme2> so I guess that's fine
2515 2011-05-01 08:37:42 <lfm> k next node after that is dropping thoise packets looks like
2516 2011-05-01 08:37:55 <ntosme2> jerks
2517 2011-05-01 08:38:08 <lfm> could be theyre overloaded or something
2518 2011-05-01 08:38:15 pirrr has joined
2519 2011-05-01 08:39:07 da2ce7 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2520 2011-05-01 08:40:08 <ntosme2> actually, I can't reach 80 either for mining.bitcoin.cz
2521 2011-05-01 08:40:22 dvide has joined
2522 2011-05-01 08:40:54 brenton has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2523 2011-05-01 08:41:05 <gjs278> join deepbit, it;'s better anyways
2524 2011-05-01 08:41:11 <gjs278> you don't have to wait 120 block confirmations
2525 2011-05-01 08:41:23 berto- has quit (Quit: sleep)
2526 2011-05-01 08:41:30 <ntosme2> gjs278: you have a point
2527 2011-05-01 08:41:49 <ntosme2> maybe I should diversify anyway
2528 2011-05-01 08:41:51 <gjs278> even if it's just temporarily
2529 2011-05-01 08:41:57 <gjs278> no point in having an idle gpu
2530 2011-05-01 08:42:14 <gjs278> when you want to switch back over, hit the instant payout on deep and there you go
2531 2011-05-01 08:42:43 slueth has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2532 2011-05-01 08:43:02 <lfm> science fiction author Joanna Russ died yesterday. sad
2533 2011-05-01 08:43:14 slueth has joined
2534 2011-05-01 08:45:39 <[Tycho]> What's going on there on the bitcoinmonitor ? :)
2535 2011-05-01 08:45:51 berto- has joined
2536 2011-05-01 08:46:48 <ntosme2> gjs278: thanks for the tip, deepbit seems to be working fine
2537 2011-05-01 08:49:14 berto- has quit (Client Quit)
2538 2011-05-01 08:49:49 me has joined
2539 2011-05-01 08:50:13 me is now known as Guest90302
2540 2011-05-01 08:50:14 <[Tycho]> Looks like lots of <1 transactions
2541 2011-05-01 08:50:36 <sipa> luke-jr: love your pool - my hashrate (for one particular core) is 383Mhash/s, the rate calculated from the accepted shares is 382.8Mhash/s
2542 2011-05-01 08:51:43 <lfm> well the odds that random numbers work out that close are probably quite low
2543 2011-05-01 08:51:49 <cosurgi> sipa: what's the URL of luke-jr pool?
2544 2011-05-01 08:51:58 <cosurgi> gotta check this out
2545 2011-05-01 08:52:34 <sipa> cosurgi: http://pool.bitcoin.dashjr.org:8337, use the address you want to receive rewards at as username
2546 2011-05-01 08:53:34 <cosurgi> sipa: but the website?
2547 2011-05-01 08:53:35 <gjs278> how do you check your lukejr stats
2548 2011-05-01 08:53:48 Guest90302 has quit (Client Quit)
2549 2011-05-01 08:53:54 <sipa> there is no website, just some json interfaces to request your balance
2550 2011-05-01 08:53:59 <gjs278> oh
2551 2011-05-01 08:54:13 <sipa> http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/pool/hashrate.php?addr=<youraddress>
2552 2011-05-01 08:54:30 <gjs278> what's his total hashrate
2553 2011-05-01 08:54:37 MartianW has joined
2554 2011-05-01 08:54:49 <sipa> ;;bc,lukepool
2555 2011-05-01 08:54:51 <gribble> 18998072.006
2556 2011-05-01 08:54:51 <gjs278> 18998072005
2557 2011-05-01 08:55:00 <sipa> 19Ghash/s
2558 2011-05-01 08:55:23 <gjs278> eh... 19 isn't big enough to be consistent. too much of a gamble imo
2559 2011-05-01 08:55:35 <MartianW> ;;bc,mtgox
2560 2011-05-01 08:55:35 <LightRider> The client made me pay .03 transaction fee. Is this normal behavior now? I haven't had a single tranaction in the past week or so without having to pay for it.
2561 2011-05-01 08:55:36 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.75,"vol":62736,"buy":3.705,"sell":3.794,"last":3.794}}
2562 2011-05-01 08:56:30 <sipa> ;;bc,prob [bc,lukepool] 1d
2563 2011-05-01 08:56:31 <gribble> 0.969339416739
2564 2011-05-01 08:56:45 <lfm> ;bc,calc 18998.072006
2565 2011-05-01 08:56:54 <lfm> ;;bc,calc 18998.072006
2566 2011-05-01 08:56:54 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 18998.072006 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 40 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 5 minutes, and 49 seconds
2567 2011-05-01 08:56:55 <cosurgi> ;;bc,gen [bc,lukepool] 1d
2568 2011-05-01 08:56:56 <sipa> gjs278: 96.9% chance that during a given day at least one block is found, good enough for me :)
2569 2011-05-01 08:56:56 <gribble> Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
2570 2011-05-01 08:57:03 <cosurgi> ;;bc,gen [bc,lukepool]
2571 2011-05-01 08:57:04 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 18998072.006 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 174.238869111 BTC per day and 7.25995287962 BTC per hour.
2572 2011-05-01 08:57:07 AStove has joined
2573 2011-05-01 08:57:13 <gjs278> yeah but what do you pull in with the one block found
2574 2011-05-01 08:57:26 <lfm> ;;bc,calc 18998072.006
2575 2011-05-01 08:57:27 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 18998072.006 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 6 hours, 53 minutes, and 13 seconds
2576 2011-05-01 08:59:18 <sipa> gjs278: i got 6 BTC from a block found a few hours ago (at 1.4Ghash/s)
2577 2011-05-01 09:00:02 da2ce7 has joined
2578 2011-05-01 09:00:06 <lfm> ;;bc,gen 1400000
2579 2011-05-01 09:00:07 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 1400000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 12.8399564271 BTC per day and 0.534998184461 BTC per hour.
2580 2011-05-01 09:00:52 <lfm> sipa so that should have been 1/2 days work
2581 2011-05-01 09:01:34 <sipa> it was for 2 hours work, but the round was remarkably short ;)
2582 2011-05-01 09:02:32 coinedupthewazoo has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2583 2011-05-01 09:02:34 BlueMatt has joined
2584 2011-05-01 09:02:34 BlueMatt has quit (Changing host)
2585 2011-05-01 09:02:34 BlueMatt has joined
2586 2011-05-01 09:03:38 gjs278 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2587 2011-05-01 09:06:44 <topi`> LightRider: I have also found out that the client made me pay a 0.01 tx fee for my 0.01 btc transaction. found that very odd.
2588 2011-05-01 09:06:51 gjs278 has joined
2589 2011-05-01 09:07:31 <gjs278> sipa: what's your per24 hour rate so far
2590 2011-05-01 09:07:36 <gjs278> on the new difficulty
2591 2011-05-01 09:07:51 <gjs278> I'm at about 8.50 at 1ghash
2592 2011-05-01 09:07:59 Runnigan has joined
2593 2011-05-01 09:08:04 <gjs278> er
2594 2011-05-01 09:08:05 <gjs278> 8.05
2595 2011-05-01 09:08:18 <sipa> i've been switching miners and pools a few times the past 24 hours, hard to say :)
2596 2011-05-01 09:08:30 <Runnigan> Hi, newbie here, how do I compile bitcoin in Windows using mingw?
2597 2011-05-01 09:08:38 zyb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2598 2011-05-01 09:09:41 <gjs278> sacrifice a goat first
2599 2011-05-01 09:09:45 <ntosme2> man I need to catch up, I'm only at 0.67ghash
2600 2011-05-01 09:10:05 <gjs278> then look for the topic where a guy offers to pay 100 coins for windows build instructions
2601 2011-05-01 09:10:08 <gjs278> they will be there
2602 2011-05-01 09:10:18 <Runnigan> k thx
2603 2011-05-01 09:10:21 <lfm> Runnigan: with great difficulty! its a project for the greatly dedicated
2604 2011-05-01 09:10:23 ghshephard has quit (Quit: ghshephard)
2605 2011-05-01 09:10:34 <slueth> whats mingw?
2606 2011-05-01 09:11:01 <lfm> gcc fro windows plus libc I guess
2607 2011-05-01 09:11:13 <slueth> oh
2608 2011-05-01 09:11:28 <ntosme2> aka the non-sucky replacement for cygwin compiling
2609 2011-05-01 09:11:38 <sipa> BlueMatt: you were looking at mingw compilation, right?
2610 2011-05-01 09:13:26 kokjo has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2611 2011-05-01 09:14:41 <topi`> LightRider: what was the transfer amount which your client paid 0.03 tx fee for?
2612 2011-05-01 09:16:05 cenuij has joined
2613 2011-05-01 09:16:06 cenuij has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2614 2011-05-01 09:16:12 justmoon has joined
2615 2011-05-01 09:19:33 skeledrew1 has joined
2616 2011-05-01 09:20:10 <da2ce7> collecting pledges: https://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6947.0
2617 2011-05-01 09:21:15 skeledrew has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2618 2011-05-01 09:23:31 <BlueMatt> sipa: yea Ive gotten bitcoin to compile on linux for win32
2619 2011-05-01 09:25:25 <lfm> we hit 1e12 hash/sec for the day yesterday
2620 2011-05-01 09:25:27 <sipa> Runnigan: ask BlueMatt :)
2621 2011-05-01 09:25:57 <BlueMatt> Runnigan: Im assuming you found http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=5851.msg86700#msg86700
2622 2011-05-01 09:26:06 <BlueMatt> ask me if you have any questions
2623 2011-05-01 09:26:26 <LightRider> 1.17016665
2624 2011-05-01 09:27:09 <lfm> 1.01145e+12 hash/s for Sat Apr 30 UTC 2011
2625 2011-05-01 09:29:12 danbri has joined
2626 2011-05-01 09:30:39 FabianB has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2627 2011-05-01 09:33:16 FabianB has joined
2628 2011-05-01 09:34:50 skeledrew1 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2629 2011-05-01 09:43:31 <AAA_awright> da2ce7: What's the prompt for this?
2630 2011-05-01 09:44:11 <da2ce7> all the arguements about how the network will become insecure as the transaction fee drops down to 0
2631 2011-05-01 09:44:22 <da2ce7> I want to see if the maths supports it.
2632 2011-05-01 09:53:49 <topi`> da2ce7: were you the one who started the thread about bounties for bitcoin wikipedia translations?
2633 2011-05-01 09:54:08 <da2ce7> ummm... one of them.
2634 2011-05-01 09:54:24 * da2ce7 searches for it.
2635 2011-05-01 09:54:33 <topi`> da2ce7: I guess the bounties don't exist anymore, because I did not receive my reward...
2636 2011-05-01 09:54:46 <da2ce7> either did I
2637 2011-05-01 09:55:04 <da2ce7> I didn't create it. I was made a thread telling people about it
2638 2011-05-01 09:55:15 wolfspraul has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2639 2011-05-01 09:55:52 * da2ce7 cannot find thread... maybe it was something else
2640 2011-05-01 09:55:53 wolfspraul has joined
2641 2011-05-01 09:55:53 <topi`> ok
2642 2011-05-01 09:56:04 <da2ce7> I donated like 50BTC to it back in the day tho.
2643 2011-05-01 09:58:38 <topi`> right
2644 2011-05-01 10:03:20 BCBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2645 2011-05-01 10:04:27 BCBot has joined
2646 2011-05-01 10:06:11 slueth has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2647 2011-05-01 10:06:48 slueth has joined
2648 2011-05-01 10:07:51 <Runnigan> Hi BlueMatt, yes I found it thank you.
2649 2011-05-01 10:08:14 Runnigan has left ()
2650 2011-05-01 10:10:58 TiagoTiago has joined
2651 2011-05-01 10:11:59 <TiagoTiago> is bitcoin.org compromised or is the new SSL error just a innocent slip?
2652 2011-05-01 10:12:08 antivigilante has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2653 2011-05-01 10:13:19 Blue_Helix has joined
2654 2011-05-01 10:13:20 pogden has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2655 2011-05-01 10:13:43 <FellowTraveler> If you're even using Certificate Authorities at all, then you are compromised.
2656 2011-05-01 10:14:13 <AAA_awright> FellowTraveler: Uh, no.
2657 2011-05-01 10:14:19 dvide_ has joined
2658 2011-05-01 10:14:24 <Blue_Helix> hello everyone
2659 2011-05-01 10:14:29 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: I'm getting an SSL error too
2660 2011-05-01 10:14:40 <lfm> what new ssl error? You mean the old certificate warning?
2661 2011-05-01 10:14:47 <TiagoTiago> the certificate is missing the TLD now
2662 2011-05-01 10:14:52 <AAA_awright> Which is an SSL error
2663 2011-05-01 10:14:56 <BlueMatt> lfm: TiagoTiago says the certificate has changed
2664 2011-05-01 10:15:22 <Blue_Helix> I got an issue with btc-otc gpg verifying can someone assist me?
2665 2011-05-01 10:15:39 <AAA_awright> Anyone know of some way where multiple people can send to an address, but the recipiant can only choose one?
2666 2011-05-01 10:15:49 antivigilante has joined
2667 2011-05-01 10:15:49 <AAA_awright> Suchall the other transactions fail?
2668 2011-05-01 10:16:03 DuoSRX has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2669 2011-05-01 10:16:14 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: I dont think so
2670 2011-05-01 10:16:17 dvide has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2671 2011-05-01 10:16:19 <lfm> I am on bitcoin.org https and no error, no warning
2672 2011-05-01 10:16:20 <TiagoTiago> like in an auction?
2673 2011-05-01 10:16:25 joepie92 has joined
2674 2011-05-01 10:16:34 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: Exactly
2675 2011-05-01 10:16:59 DuoSRX has joined
2676 2011-05-01 10:17:00 <AAA_awright> The recipient could choose any but there's no reason why they would want to choose anything but the lowest
2677 2011-05-01 10:17:07 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: not without a central authority determining which tx goes through
2678 2011-05-01 10:17:15 pogden has joined
2679 2011-05-01 10:17:20 <Blue_Helix> I was following the howto's and it didnt worked out yet
2680 2011-05-01 10:17:20 <AAA_awright> Why a central authority?
2681 2011-05-01 10:17:31 <AAA_awright> Blue_Helix: The central authority is the recipient
2682 2011-05-01 10:17:45 <AAA_awright> Whichever transaction they spend invalidates all the others sent to them
2683 2011-05-01 10:17:58 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: well youd have to do some kind of escrow
2684 2011-05-01 10:18:02 <AAA_awright> Why?
2685 2011-05-01 10:18:10 <BlueMatt> to say this tx goes through and the rest dont
2686 2011-05-01 10:18:19 <AAA_awright> That's what scripting is for
2687 2011-05-01 10:18:28 <BlueMatt> AFAIK there is no scrip option that gets info from other txes
2688 2011-05-01 10:18:32 <lfm> scripting is disabled
2689 2011-05-01 10:18:33 <AAA_awright> To say which transactions are claimed by who
2690 2011-05-01 10:18:42 <Blue_Helix> AAA_awright: What does that have to do with my gpg Problem ?
2691 2011-05-01 10:18:59 <BlueMatt> lfm: not if you pay a miner to disable IsStandard()
2692 2011-05-01 10:19:34 <AAA_awright> wha?
2693 2011-05-01 10:19:36 <TiagoTiago> hm, perhaps it's just on my side... Firefox has been behaving kind weird today...
2694 2011-05-01 10:19:58 <lfm> TiagoTiago: you are pwned?
2695 2011-05-01 10:20:23 <AAA_awright> lfm: I thought you had to specify which addresses could claim the transaction
2696 2011-05-01 10:20:38 <lfm> AAA_awright: normal txn ya
2697 2011-05-01 10:20:39 <TiagoTiago> i hope it's just a temporary glitch
2698 2011-05-01 10:21:12 <lfm> AAA_awright: I dont really know what is possible with scripts
2699 2011-05-01 10:21:19 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: there are any number of ways to specify what has to be given to spend coins
2700 2011-05-01 10:21:39 cdecker has joined
2701 2011-05-01 10:21:43 <BlueMatt> You can easily make a tx that just says anyone can spend this
2702 2011-05-01 10:21:53 <BlueMatt> https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script
2703 2011-05-01 10:22:12 <AAA_awright> I think the point is by default such features are disabled
2704 2011-05-01 10:22:49 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: only sort of, if a tx makes it into a block, clients will accept it fine
2705 2011-05-01 10:23:17 <lfm> can you say you need any 3 out of these 5 signatures?
2706 2011-05-01 10:23:18 <TiagoTiago> How many bids are you expecting?
2707 2011-05-01 10:23:29 gjs278 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2708 2011-05-01 10:23:30 <BlueMatt> lfm: yes
2709 2011-05-01 10:23:53 <AAA_awright> What would be the cost of moving to 1-minute blocks instead of 10 minute
2710 2011-05-01 10:24:04 <Blue_Helix> i still get this:
2711 2011-05-01 10:24:04 <Blue_Helix> (12:19:10) Blue Helix: ;;gpg verify http://sprunge.us/aJEW
2712 2011-05-01 10:24:04 <Blue_Helix> (12:19:11) gribble: Error: Signature verification failed.
2713 2011-05-01 10:24:13 <lfm> AAA_awright: more collisions
2714 2011-05-01 10:24:27 <TiagoTiago> AAA, how many bids are you expecting?
2715 2011-05-01 10:24:36 <AAA_awright> What's wrong with a collision
2716 2011-05-01 10:24:49 <da2ce7> if my wallet gets courupt, how do I manualy extract the private keys?
2717 2011-05-01 10:24:54 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: it defeats the purpose of "one vote per cpu"
2718 2011-05-01 10:24:54 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: 2 to 2ki maybe
2719 2011-05-01 10:24:59 <lfm> AAA_awright: you lose block rewards that you expect
2720 2011-05-01 10:25:09 <BlueMatt> and you waste cpupower
2721 2011-05-01 10:25:12 <da2ce7> and inport them back into a new wallet?
2722 2011-05-01 10:25:24 <AAA_awright> ... Doesn't generation do that anyways?
2723 2011-05-01 10:25:29 <TiagoTiago> two thousand bids?
2724 2011-05-01 10:25:44 <AAA_awright> Yeah.
2725 2011-05-01 10:25:48 <AAA_awright> lfm: So what?
2726 2011-05-01 10:25:50 <lfm> AAA_awright: but more frequent block would mean more frequent collisions
2727 2011-05-01 10:26:11 <lfm> so you wont get miners to agree to a change like that
2728 2011-05-01 10:26:30 <da2ce7> lfm, it would mean that you have more chances also, so it would cancle itself out.
2729 2011-05-01 10:26:37 <AAA_awright> Exactly
2730 2011-05-01 10:26:55 <TiagoTiago> If it wasn't so many you could create an address dedicated to the bids and then once the auction ends you send back all the bids that didn't  win
2731 2011-05-01 10:26:57 <lfm> you would need to reduce the reward to 5 btc per block
2732 2011-05-01 10:26:59 <AAA_awright> Also, I thought collision was a really bad thing, if two people generated the same BitCoin address
2733 2011-05-01 10:27:04 <AAA_awright> *Bitcoin
2734 2011-05-01 10:27:15 <da2ce7> AAA_awright, that is inpossible
2735 2011-05-01 10:27:21 <da2ce7> w/o the same private ket.
2736 2011-05-01 10:27:23 <da2ce7> *key.
2737 2011-05-01 10:27:24 <AAA_awright> da2ce7: No, it's just hard
2738 2011-05-01 10:27:27 <lfm> AAA_awright: no not that sort of collision
2739 2011-05-01 10:27:35 <BlueMatt> more frequent blocks does not mean collisions it means duplication of work
2740 2011-05-01 10:27:42 <da2ce7> very_hard
2741 2011-05-01 10:27:43 <BlueMatt> but I think thats what lfm means
2742 2011-05-01 10:27:45 <AAA_awright> lfm: Yeah I got that, I'm sugguesting there's a better word than collision?
2743 2011-05-01 10:27:52 <da2ce7> yeah
2744 2011-05-01 10:27:55 <Blue_Helix> where do I get some support ? I already read the http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication
2745 2011-05-01 10:27:55 <AAA_awright> What was it
2746 2011-05-01 10:28:13 <lfm> colliding blocks make block chain forks
2747 2011-05-01 10:28:18 <cdecker> AFAIK the only real problem with lower difficulty and higher block rate is that the traffic would go through the roof
2748 2011-05-01 10:28:27 <da2ce7> lfm, only for one block
2749 2011-05-01 10:28:32 <cdecker> Forks are not that big of a problem
2750 2011-05-01 10:28:32 <AAA_awright> But what's the problem with that
2751 2011-05-01 10:28:57 <lfm> cdecker: but ten times as many as we have now?
2752 2011-05-01 10:29:00 <AAA_awright> It's as if the loser who generated an otherwise valid block, never generated one
2753 2011-05-01 10:29:07 <AAA_awright> That's all
2754 2011-05-01 10:29:08 <cdecker> Not really
2755 2011-05-01 10:29:23 <cdecker> Since it's a flooding broadcast it's actually more than 10 times that
2756 2011-05-01 10:29:30 <AAA_awright> What's the current algorithm for deciding the winner, lower solution to the problem?
2757 2011-05-01 10:29:32 <lfm> cdecker: they are normal and handled but not desirable
2758 2011-05-01 10:30:09 taco_the_paco has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2759 2011-05-01 10:30:09 <BlueMatt> the problem with higher frequency of blocks is that you get more wasted work.  If 50% of the network power goes to blocks which just make forks, then it becomes much easier to attack the network
2760 2011-05-01 10:30:25 <topi`> TiagoTiago: do you know what happened to the funds that were donated towards the bitcoin wikipedia translations?
2761 2011-05-01 10:30:27 <AAA_awright> Wiki just went down/
2762 2011-05-01 10:30:28 <cdecker> Exactly, not really a problem as they already happen, but I'm more concerned about the traffic
2763 2011-05-01 10:30:30 <AAA_awright> Wiki just went down
2764 2011-05-01 10:30:32 <AAA_awright> bah
2765 2011-05-01 10:30:33 <AAA_awright> Wiki just went down?
2766 2011-05-01 10:31:01 <cdecker> I'm doing a survey of how long it takes to propagate a block through the network and right now it's well below 1 min
2767 2011-05-01 10:31:03 taco_the_paco has joined
2768 2011-05-01 10:31:09 <BlueMatt> note that assuming it takes ~1 minute for a block to propagate, about 25% of blocks are wasted
2769 2011-05-01 10:31:25 <BlueMatt> if you use 1 minute block times
2770 2011-05-01 10:31:37 <BlueMatt> cdecker: and when the network grows?
2771 2011-05-01 10:31:38 <lfm> AAA_awright: bitcoin wiki? seems fine from here
2772 2011-05-01 10:31:38 <cdecker> Wasted is such an ugly word
2773 2011-05-01 10:31:44 <TiagoTiago> I got 23 for my translation i think, already spent  about 5 of it
2774 2011-05-01 10:31:48 <BlueMatt> cdecker: but it is wasted
2775 2011-05-01 10:31:53 <cdecker> It's not wasted as you actually do the work anyway
2776 2011-05-01 10:31:57 <AAA_awright> Blue_Helix: That's a good reason... But does it really take 1 minute?
2777 2011-05-01 10:32:02 <cdecker> It's just message number that increases
2778 2011-05-01 10:32:03 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: its up but gives some errors sometimes for me
2779 2011-05-01 10:32:16 <cdecker> (and people will be frustrated by a 25% rejection rate :)
2780 2011-05-01 10:32:19 <AAA_awright> Now it's working
2781 2011-05-01 10:32:21 <BlueMatt> cdecker: it is wasted, the "total" network hash power decreases
2782 2011-05-01 10:32:32 <TiagoTiago> dunno about what was left for other translations
2783 2011-05-01 10:32:33 <BlueMatt> ie it becomes easier to attack the network
2784 2011-05-01 10:32:36 <BlueMatt> (by 25%)
2785 2011-05-01 10:32:40 <cdecker> Oh now I get it
2786 2011-05-01 10:33:05 <cdecker> You mean that a miner starts the new block even if its old one might be rejected
2787 2011-05-01 10:33:16 <Blue_Helix> huhuh:
2788 2011-05-01 10:33:16 <Blue_Helix> (12:27:25) AAA_awright: Blue_Helix: That's a good reason... But does it really take 1 minute?
2789 2011-05-01 10:33:25 <topi`> TiagoTiago: as far as I know, a lot of ppl did not receive a bounty for their translations, including me
2790 2011-05-01 10:33:35 <lfm> and youd never convince the miners to reduce their income by 25% (or whatever percent)
2791 2011-05-01 10:33:58 <BlueMatt> cdecker: blocks dont get "rejected" its just that miners havnt heard about them when they start mining
2792 2011-05-01 10:34:00 <AAA_awright> What about it
2793 2011-05-01 10:34:09 <topi`> TiagoTiago: as far as I know, there were btc left for at least 4-6 translations
2794 2011-05-01 10:34:23 <BlueMatt> lfm: no they wouldnt lose 25% as they would get more blocks
2795 2011-05-01 10:34:33 <lfm> BlueMatt: they are rejected in that they are never "confirmed"
2796 2011-05-01 10:34:40 <TiagoTiago> back in the thread i offered to split part of what i got among the people that didn't get paid for their work if they weren't too many
2797 2011-05-01 10:34:50 <AAA_awright> lfm: How would that reduce their income by .25?
2798 2011-05-01 10:35:01 <BlueMatt> lfm: effectively yes, rejected but not actually rejected, just unkown
2799 2011-05-01 10:35:24 <lfm> if you have a block every minute youd have to make the payment 5 btc instead of 50
2800 2011-05-01 10:35:43 <AAA_awright> lfm: The valid, generating blocks per miner wouldn't change, therefore there's no change in income
2801 2011-05-01 10:35:44 <BlueMatt> lfm: yes, but miners wouldnt actually lose income
2802 2011-05-01 10:35:50 <TiagoTiago> 'cause if there are too many each one would only receive a small fraction of a coin and i would be out a big part of y own reward
2803 2011-05-01 10:36:08 <BlueMatt> except that the miners with better connections would get more reward (most likely)
2804 2011-05-01 10:36:29 <TiagoTiago> my*
2805 2011-05-01 10:36:47 <TiagoTiago> who was holding the money for the rewards?
2806 2011-05-01 10:36:52 <lfm> ya ok the difficulty would adjust to hide the 25%
2807 2011-05-01 10:37:12 <topi`> TiagoTiago: as far as I understood, 'cw' was holding the money
2808 2011-05-01 10:37:27 <lfm> TiagoTiago: no one holds it, it is created
2809 2011-05-01 10:37:36 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: I need to guarentee that non-winning transactions will fail
2810 2011-05-01 10:38:00 <AAA_awright> *guarantee
2811 2011-05-01 10:38:02 <lfm> TiagoTiago: or your talking about something else?
2812 2011-05-01 10:38:04 <TiagoTiago> ifm: i was talking about the Wikipedia translations bounty
2813 2011-05-01 10:38:11 <lfm> oh ok
2814 2011-05-01 10:38:50 TD has joined
2815 2011-05-01 10:38:53 <topi`> TiagoTiago: I think 'cw' has just abandoned the thread but we could ask the original donators if they would directly donate to the translators
2816 2011-05-01 10:39:43 <TiagoTiago> AAA, i think that you will need an auction software of some sort, separated from the actual money transfer system, with the winning bidder having to manually transfer the money once the auction ends
2817 2011-05-01 10:40:08 <topi`> TiagoTiago: the original post from cw said: "Please, send bitcoins to 1FDP9PT2R4vnQNWx17Yv4k2d2otZAUaoj2 so we can fund more translations." so it means that he is the one who has the btc
2818 2011-05-01 10:40:22 <TiagoTiago> i see
2819 2011-05-01 10:40:31 gjs278 has joined
2820 2011-05-01 10:40:33 <_ape> heh
2821 2011-05-01 10:40:36 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: That's easily attacked or at least delayed, but probably not an impossible solution
2822 2011-05-01 10:41:34 <TiagoTiago> i don't think you can hold and then void bitcoin transfers once they are spread thru the network, i could be wrong
2823 2011-05-01 10:43:20 <BlueMatt> if you control >50% of network power you can stop txes from getting confirmations
2824 2011-05-01 10:44:21 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: No actually, that's not good enough, this auction has to be distributed
2825 2011-05-01 10:44:34 <AAA_awright> So some sort of p2p bidding mechanism has to be employed
2826 2011-05-01 10:45:03 <TiagoTiago> I don't think Bitcoin can do that
2827 2011-05-01 10:45:38 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: there are no opcodes in scripting which allow you to reference any other txes
2828 2011-05-01 10:46:04 <BlueMatt> youd have to do some kind of escrow possibly with multiple "voters" who determine when coins can be spent
2829 2011-05-01 10:46:06 <AAA_awright> BlueMatt: Even if there were how would it work and would it be secure?
2830 2011-05-01 10:46:10 Blue_Helix has left ()
2831 2011-05-01 10:46:27 <BlueMatt> If there were you could say only one of these txes are allowed to be spent
2832 2011-05-01 10:46:31 <AAA_awright> Maybe some sort of auction tied to the block chain, where people indicate up or down if they will make a transaction at a certain price
2833 2011-05-01 10:47:00 <AAA_awright> And the price goes up or down depending on how many people indicate they're willing to big
2834 2011-05-01 10:47:09 <AAA_awright> But that's open to attack if you have no proof of what you're able to spend
2835 2011-05-01 10:47:40 <BlueMatt> though as TiagoTiago said, bitcoin cant do that
2836 2011-05-01 10:48:06 <AAA_awright> Can't do what in particular? I know it can't do operations on previous txs
2837 2011-05-01 10:48:26 <AAA_awright> But a seperate network, could it reference bitcoin blocks and be secure from trolls?
2838 2011-05-01 10:48:30 <BlueMatt> or reference anything outside of the tx
2839 2011-05-01 10:48:34 <AAA_awright> Who say they're willing to bid no matter what
2840 2011-05-01 10:48:38 <BlueMatt> youd need miners and such
2841 2011-05-01 10:48:51 <BlueMatt> or just proof of ownership of bitcoins
2842 2011-05-01 10:48:59 <BlueMatt> ie sign something w/ your bitcoin privkey
2843 2011-05-01 10:50:34 <AAA_awright> Is it possible to send a transaction with zero money but a large fee?
2844 2011-05-01 10:51:00 <BlueMatt> yes, but why?
2845 2011-05-01 10:51:02 <AAA_awright> I wonder if we could just send a transactionof zero + registration fee to SHA1(domain name)
2846 2011-05-01 10:51:22 <TiagoTiago> brb
2847 2011-05-01 10:51:35 BlueMatt has left ("Ex-Chat")
2848 2011-05-01 10:52:15 BlueMatt has joined
2849 2011-05-01 10:52:15 BlueMatt has quit (Changing host)
2850 2011-05-01 10:52:15 BlueMatt has joined
2851 2011-05-01 10:52:56 <BlueMatt> AAA_awright: a fee always goes to the miner, not to any specific destination
2852 2011-05-01 10:53:00 <AAA_awright> Exactly
2853 2011-05-01 10:53:09 <TiagoTiago> back
2854 2011-05-01 10:53:27 <BlueMatt> you mean to prove ownership, you send a tx with a fee and 0 outputs?
2855 2011-05-01 10:53:54 <topi`> AAA_awright: the logic behind bitcoin block chains is already complicated enough, I advocate the "KISS" principle.
2856 2011-05-01 10:54:06 <BlueMatt> I agree
2857 2011-05-01 10:54:10 <AAA_awright> topi`: What is simpler than that?
2858 2011-05-01 10:54:11 <topi`> if some kind of other logic is required, then using an escrow service would be the preferred approach
2859 2011-05-01 10:54:21 <AAA_awright> KISS isn't a useful paradigm in cryprography anyways
2860 2011-05-01 10:54:34 <AAA_awright> The whole point is to make hard-to-solve problems :p
2861 2011-05-01 10:54:35 <topi`> it very much is
2862 2011-05-01 10:54:39 <BlueMatt> yes it is, VERY, VERY much
2863 2011-05-01 10:54:47 <topi`> agree with BlueMatt :)
2864 2011-05-01 10:54:59 <AAA_awright> I think we have very different ideas of what KISS is
2865 2011-05-01 10:55:05 <BlueMatt> if you make a complicated problem, it is less likely to be understood and could be broken in the future
2866 2011-05-01 10:55:05 <topi`> anyways, what's wrong with escrow sites?
2867 2011-05-01 10:55:14 <AAA_awright> It's centralized?
2868 2011-05-01 10:55:15 <BlueMatt> if you make a simple one, it is likely secure
2869 2011-05-01 10:55:31 <topi`> the amount of escrow sites is NOT mandated by any governments, like banks are
2870 2011-05-01 10:55:40 <topi`> so everyone can start their escrow site :)
2871 2011-05-01 10:55:41 <iera> right, the more complex the problem, the higher is the possibilty to do a nasty trick
2872 2011-05-01 10:56:07 <sipa> understand this: everyone is smart enough to make a encryption scheme that he himself cannot crack
2873 2011-05-01 10:56:14 <AAA_awright> topi`: Distributed isn't enough, it needs to be p2p
2874 2011-05-01 10:56:20 <sipa> but you need to know whether others aren't able to do so as well
2875 2011-05-01 10:56:27 <AAA_awright> serverless (i.e. everyone is a server)
2876 2011-05-01 10:56:51 <sipa> and if it is simple and still uncracked, you know a lot more than when it is complex and still uncracked
2877 2011-05-01 10:57:29 <sipa> 2:50:00 < AAA_awright> The whole point is to make hard-to-solve problems   -> yes, but possible very simple hard-to-solve problems :)
2878 2011-05-01 10:57:45 <AAA_awright> Fair enough
2879 2011-05-01 10:58:06 <AAA_awright> But this doesn't clarify topi`'s allegation this isn't KISS
2880 2011-05-01 10:58:19 <AAA_awright> How much simpler could one make it?
2881 2011-05-01 10:58:28 <BlueMatt> trying to build a p2p network for bidding isnt KISS by any means
2882 2011-05-01 10:58:49 <AAA_awright> Answer my question then, how much simpler could one make it?
2883 2011-05-01 10:58:50 <BlueMatt> simplest way is just use a server
2884 2011-05-01 10:58:58 <AAA_awright> That's out of the question
2885 2011-05-01 10:59:07 <sipa> bitcoin scripts cannot reference any data except the transaction itself
2886 2011-05-01 10:59:09 <sipa> by design
2887 2011-05-01 10:59:16 <AAA_awright> That's been established
2888 2011-05-01 10:59:26 <sipa> sorry, just reading up ;)
2889 2011-05-01 10:59:50 <BlueMatt> then the simplest way (instead of complicated spends and such) is just have users who want to bid broadcast their address and sign the broadcast with the privkey to prove ownership then say how much they will bid (obviously signed as well)
2890 2011-05-01 11:00:46 <TiagoTiago>  Why when i try to access bitcoin.org Firefox says the certificate is for the wrong site (it says its for "Bitcoin." instead of "bitcoin.org") ?
2891 2011-05-01 11:00:53 <AAA_awright> To re-iterate, the point of this is for people to pay for ownership of some resource, the highest bidder wins by pushing their accepted winning bid into the block chain as a reward to the miner
2892 2011-05-01 11:01:38 <AAA_awright> Needing to trust a central server at all kills this
2893 2011-05-01 11:02:02 <BlueMatt> wait, so you are bidding on something and when you pay the most, you donate to a third party? what is the point of that?
2894 2011-05-01 11:02:12 F has joined
2895 2011-05-01 11:02:39 <TiagoTiago> a philantropic(sp?) auction?
2896 2011-05-01 11:04:14 <lfm> how do you know when the auction is over?
2897 2011-05-01 11:09:47 m00p has joined
2898 2011-05-01 11:11:42 * subpar just read the buffer and is totally lost ;)
2899 2011-05-01 11:12:23 <BlueMatt> subpar: welcome to the club
2900 2011-05-01 11:12:26 <subpar> TiagoTiago: I get the same error FWIW
2901 2011-05-01 11:12:57 <TiagoTiago> so it isn't just with me that it has this new error?
2902 2011-05-01 11:13:09 <subpar> It isn't a new error
2903 2011-05-01 11:13:19 <subpar> been there whenever I use https
2904 2011-05-01 11:13:28 <subpar> the cert is signed by bitcoin
2905 2011-05-01 11:13:37 <subpar> not Verisign etc
2906 2011-05-01 11:13:46 <subpar> and bitcoin isn't a known CA
2907 2011-05-01 11:13:55 <subpar> I assume that is the "root" of the error
2908 2011-05-01 11:14:39 <sipa> it's just a self-signed cert, right?
2909 2011-05-01 11:14:46 <subpar> looks it sipa
2910 2011-05-01 11:14:53 <subpar> noting to fret about
2911 2011-05-01 11:14:58 <subpar> worry
2912 2011-05-01 11:15:45 fimp_ has joined
2913 2011-05-01 11:15:57 <TiagoTiago> no, besides the self signing it's also complaining it's for the wrong site, the URL in the certificate is just Bitcoin. with capitabl B and no TLD
2914 2011-05-01 11:16:00 fimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
2915 2011-05-01 11:19:39 fimp_ has quit (Client Quit)
2916 2011-05-01 11:19:46 <TiagoTiago> here, try testing bitcoin.org in this site: http://www.digicert.com/help/
2917 2011-05-01 11:20:01 <TiagoTiago> it also complains about the name not matching
2918 2011-05-01 11:20:48 <BlueMatt> in chrome it just says ssl error, but if I check the cert the CN is Bitcoin. so yes, no tld
2919 2011-05-01 11:21:08 <sipa> ... we really need to fix this
2920 2011-05-01 11:21:15 <BlueMatt> I guess satoshi didnt know what CN was
2921 2011-05-01 11:21:22 <BlueMatt> but yea, we need a startssl cert
2922 2011-05-01 11:21:30 <Diablo-D3> heh.
2923 2011-05-01 11:21:49 <TiagoTiago> That error seems new, i don't think i was getting that before...
2924 2011-05-01 11:21:53 <sacarlson> there are free ones but I think there only good for about 3 months at a time
2925 2011-05-01 11:22:00 <sacarlson> free cirts
2926 2011-05-01 11:22:05 <sacarlson> certs
2927 2011-05-01 11:22:07 <BlueMatt> 1 year for startssl
2928 2011-05-01 11:22:09 <BlueMatt> free
2929 2011-05-01 11:22:12 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,stats
2930 2011-05-01 11:22:14 <gribble> Current Blocks: 121211 | Current Difficulty: 109670.13329248 | Next Difficulty At Block: 122975 | Next Difficulty In: 1764 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 10 hours, 52 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 142590.41247922
2931 2011-05-01 11:22:35 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: ya I tried that startssl but seems my browser didn't have it by default yet
2932 2011-05-01 11:22:48 <BlueMatt> what browser?
2933 2011-05-01 11:23:03 <sacarlson> firefox
2934 2011-05-01 11:23:04 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,gen 620000
2935 2011-05-01 11:23:05 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 620000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 5.6862664177 BTC per day and 0.236927767404 BTC per hour.
2936 2011-05-01 11:23:19 <finnomenon> what are you mining with rlifchitz?
2937 2011-05-01 11:23:22 <BlueMatt> sacarlson: does bitcoin wiki ssl give you an error?
2938 2011-05-01 11:23:29 <sacarlson> but it's a custom compiled older version not sure it's not part of some  of the new ones
2939 2011-05-01 11:23:31 <BlueMatt> TiagoTiago: does bitcoin wiki ssl give you an error?
2940 2011-05-01 11:23:31 <rlifchitz> finnomenon: ATI HD 5970
2941 2011-05-01 11:23:41 <BlueMatt> sacarlson: bitcoin wiki is signed by startssl
2942 2011-05-01 11:23:49 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: give me the full path
2943 2011-05-01 11:23:54 <BlueMatt> what?
2944 2011-05-01 11:23:56 <TiagoTiago> sec
2945 2011-05-01 11:24:04 <finnomenon> a single one?
2946 2011-05-01 11:24:08 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: https of bitcoin wiki
2947 2011-05-01 11:24:13 <BlueMatt> en.bitcoin.it
2948 2011-05-01 11:24:18 <BlueMatt> with an https:// in front
2949 2011-05-01 11:24:28 <TiagoTiago> it's a different domain there, .it and not .org
2950 2011-05-01 11:24:51 <BlueMatt> yea, but sacarlson said ff doesnt accept startssl certs, I wanted you to check if yours did
2951 2011-05-01 11:25:01 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: that came back with no errors
2952 2011-05-01 11:25:02 <BlueMatt> and bitcoin wiki is startssl iirc
2953 2011-05-01 11:25:03 <TiagoTiago> no probs here
2954 2011-05-01 11:25:28 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: must have been some error I made in installing the cert on my server
2955 2011-05-01 11:25:48 <rlifchitz> finnomenon: yes single one, but it's dual core
2956 2011-05-01 11:25:48 <BlueMatt> oh well, no, bitcoin wiki is startssl paid (he has 2 years) so Im not sure...
2957 2011-05-01 11:26:22 <BlueMatt> yea he has a class 2, anyway, it would be much better to have a startssl cert on bitcoin.org
2958 2011-05-01 11:26:28 <BlueMatt> anything is better than self-signed
2959 2011-05-01 11:26:35 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: oh yes the paid one works with no errors so I'm told but the free one seemed to be different at the time
2960 2011-05-01 11:27:28 <BlueMatt> well the free one is a signed by a different sub-ca of startcom (startssl).  Though I kinda doubt ff has one of the sub-cas in their built-in certs
2961 2011-05-01 11:27:34 <BlueMatt> as that is highly unrecommended by cas
2962 2011-05-01 11:28:07 <TiagoTiago> is there a way to see if the certificate being used right now is the same that was being used, say, a month or a year ago?
2963 2011-05-01 11:29:31 Incitatus has joined
2964 2011-05-01 11:29:32 <BlueMatt> TiagoTiago: only if you write down the certificate's hash
2965 2011-05-01 11:29:58 <TiagoTiago> the certificate is not archived by archive.org, is it?
2966 2011-05-01 11:30:05 <sacarlson> TiagoTiago: you can look at the cert certificate in your browser to see when it was isued
2967 2011-05-01 11:30:06 <BlueMatt> dont think so
2968 2011-05-01 11:30:28 <BlueMatt> though iirc eff does some kind of certificate study, maybe they log them?
2969 2011-05-01 11:30:53 <TiagoTiago> can't the issuing time be forged?
2970 2011-05-01 11:31:11 <BlueMatt> you can set issuing time to whatever you want
2971 2011-05-01 11:31:17 <sacarlson> TiagoTiago: not if it's signed by a reputable entity
2972 2011-05-01 11:31:20 <BlueMatt> though no ca will sign it if its too old
2974 2011-05-01 11:31:30 * Diablo-D3 molests a guitar
2975 2011-05-01 11:31:43 <BlueMatt> wtf?
2976 2011-05-01 11:31:56 * Diablo-D3 goes all fucking guns and roses on you fuckers
2977 2011-05-01 11:32:05 <TiagoTiago> but the certificate for bitcoin.org has always been self signed, no?
2978 2011-05-01 11:32:16 <BlueMatt> yep
2979 2011-05-01 11:32:26 <Diablo-D3> [5/1/11 7:25:31 AM] DEBUG: Enabling long poll support
2980 2011-05-01 11:32:29 <Diablo-D3> ah ha ha ha
2981 2011-05-01 11:32:30 <Diablo-D3> fuckers
2982 2011-05-01 11:32:32 <noagendamarket> we need bitcoin certificates
2983 2011-05-01 11:32:53 <BlueMatt> cacert?
2984 2011-05-01 11:33:04 <TiagoTiago> some people don't like the CAs out there
2985 2011-05-01 11:34:36 <justmoon> noagendamarket: doesn't namecoin provide domain ownership validation out of the box - you could sign stuff with your coin == distributed CA?
2986 2011-05-01 11:34:37 <BlueMatt> for good reason
2987 2011-05-01 11:34:44 <TiagoTiago> was Bitcoin mentioned on CNN yesterday?! O.O
2988 2011-05-01 11:34:56 <BlueMatt> just a passing mention in an article on their website
2989 2011-05-01 11:35:00 <BlueMatt> not really worth much
2990 2011-05-01 11:35:06 <Diablo-D3> [5/1/11 7:30:14 AM] DEBUG: Long poll getwork returned
2991 2011-05-01 11:35:08 <Diablo-D3> IITT WOOOORRRKKKS
2992 2011-05-01 11:35:09 <TiagoTiago> ah
2993 2011-05-01 11:36:17 <TiagoTiago> no way to tell is the certifcate has been changed recently, is there?
2994 2011-05-01 11:36:42 <topi`> TiagoTiago: Bitcoin was mentioned in one of the blogs on cnn.com
2995 2011-05-01 11:36:48 <topi`> so not a feature article
2996 2011-05-01 11:36:56 <TiagoTiago> ok
2997 2011-05-01 11:37:59 <sacarlson> ok seems my weeds exchange works on deposit and withdraw of testnet btc and weeds chains  so I guess I'll create a USD to BTC and baht to BTC tomaro to compete with mtgox
2998 2011-05-01 11:40:28 <topi`> did anyone understand what AAA_awright really wanted to see implemented?
2999 2011-05-01 11:40:50 <topi`> I guess he wants to have built-in bidding so that we don't need Mt.gox anymore
3000 2011-05-01 11:40:57 <TiagoTiago> a decentralised auction system i think
3001 2011-05-01 11:41:09 <BlueMatt> but the payments when to miners?
3002 2011-05-01 11:41:17 <AAA_awright> Well it has to go somewhere
3003 2011-05-01 11:41:21 <AAA_awright> Why not the miners?
3004 2011-05-01 11:41:33 <AAA_awright> It's a voluntary exchange
3005 2011-05-01 11:41:35 <sacarlson> topi`: I was reading most of that,  I was thinking maybe close to what he wants would be something like my group escrow
3006 2011-05-01 11:41:41 <AAA_awright> Yes the economics are doubious
3007 2011-05-01 11:41:51 <AAA_awright> But there's really no better solution I can think of
3008 2011-05-01 11:41:52 <TiagoTiago> so people who lost the auction still loose their money?
3009 2011-05-01 11:42:02 <AAA_awright> The point is to avoid that, topi`
3010 2011-05-01 11:42:04 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago:
3011 2011-05-01 11:42:35 <topi`> but right now I don't need mt.gox, since I can exchange btc and EUR with someone on #bitcoin-otc
3012 2011-05-01 11:42:47 <TD> BitCoin actually had a p2p marketplace built in at one point
3013 2011-05-01 11:42:48 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: My solution is you have a seperate network that selects the person willing to pay the most, and then they pay it, and no one argues it.
3014 2011-05-01 11:42:52 <topi`> what AAA wants to create, is essentially a web of trust.
3015 2011-05-01 11:43:03 <TD> however it was never finished and most of the code was removed before release. Satoshi abandoned it in favor of the JSON-RPC API
3016 2011-05-01 11:43:04 <AAA_awright> TiagoTiago: The problem is what if you have trolls who say they're willing to pay any amount, even more money than actually exists
3017 2011-05-01 11:43:17 <sacarlson> topi`: can you trade with ACH trasnfers on bitcoin-otc?
3018 2011-05-01 11:43:21 <AAA_awright> topi`: No.
3019 2011-05-01 11:43:41 <AAA_awright> Web of trust is something entirely different, there's no need to trust individuals here
3020 2011-05-01 11:43:47 <AAA_awright> There shouldn't be
3021 2011-05-01 11:43:53 <AAA_awright> That's why my seperate network is so problematic
3022 2011-05-01 11:43:59 <TiagoTiago> a decentralised escrow system?
3023 2011-05-01 11:44:23 <AAA_awright> Not quite, but in all likelihood it would support doing that, TiagoTiago
3024 2011-05-01 11:44:25 <sacarlson> TiagoTiago: yes escrow as I stated
3025 2011-05-01 11:44:50 <sacarlson> I have an escrow idea that should be posible with idividuals and groups
3026 2011-05-01 11:45:02 <noagendamarket> if ssl certs are in a block chain no one can claim to be you unless they own the keys
3027 2011-05-01 11:46:40 mologie has joined
3028 2011-05-01 11:48:48 cdecker has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
3029 2011-05-01 11:50:26 <TiagoTiago> do i need to worry about the certificate missing the TLD or the odds are it has always been like that?
3030 2011-05-01 11:51:22 <BlueMatt> TiagoTiago: if you trust your network environment, dont worry about it
3031 2011-05-01 11:52:27 <TiagoTiago> my concern it with what goes outside my house, the stuff past the cablemodem
3032 2011-05-01 11:53:07 <BlueMatt> meh, dont worry about it
3033 2011-05-01 11:54:15 <TiagoTiago> better be safe than sorry
3034 2011-05-01 11:56:58 <sipa> is there some command-line tool for indenting json?
3035 2011-05-01 11:57:15 <sacarlson> sipa: indenting?
3036 2011-05-01 11:57:34 <sipa> like, formatting, inserting newline, tabs, spaces, ...
3037 2011-05-01 11:58:53 <sipa> ;;bc,calc [bc,lukepool]
3038 2011-05-01 11:58:55 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 21446203.3647 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 6 hours, 6 minutes, and 3 seconds
3039 2011-05-01 12:00:13 eps has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3040 2011-05-01 12:06:54 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,mtgox
3041 2011-05-01 12:06:55 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.5,"vol":59110,"buy":2.5,"sell":2.7497,"last":2.7499}}
3042 2011-05-01 12:07:14 <Myckel> yep, it collapsed
3043 2011-05-01 12:13:25 <TiagoTiago> is it 'cause of the Paypal issue?
3044 2011-05-01 12:15:18 <Myckel> no, price was most likely to high.
3045 2011-05-01 12:15:33 <noagendamarket> prices are way too high
3046 2011-05-01 12:15:42 <Blitzboom> yep. even 3$ is way too high
3047 2011-05-01 12:15:50 <noagendamarket> might drop back to 1.5-2
3048 2011-05-01 12:15:52 <Blitzboom> i don’t know what idiots bought at those prices
3049 2011-05-01 12:16:19 <TiagoTiago> too good to be true :/
3050 2011-05-01 12:16:26 <BlueMatt> yep
3051 2011-05-01 12:16:36 <Myckel> Almost time to buy again ;)
3052 2011-05-01 12:16:39 <Blitzboom> now watch the downfall and enjoy
3053 2011-05-01 12:16:56 <Blitzboom> because all those morons are going to be punished :D
3054 2011-05-01 12:17:12 <Blitzboom> and probably panic sell with a loss
3055 2011-05-01 12:17:16 manifold has joined
3056 2011-05-01 12:17:46 <BlueMatt> hopefully
3057 2011-05-01 12:17:58 <TiagoTiago> lol
3058 2011-05-01 12:18:02 MartianW` has joined
3059 2011-05-01 12:18:12 MartianW` has left ()
3060 2011-05-01 12:18:16 <Blitzboom> BlueMatt agreeing with me – highlight of the day
3061 2011-05-01 12:18:33 <BlueMatt> lol, Blitzboom not talking up bitcoin - highlight of the day
3062 2011-05-01 12:18:34 <noagendamarket> that will take some of the heat out of the market
3063 2011-05-01 12:18:46 <Blitzboom> i was fine with 1$
3064 2011-05-01 12:18:49 <Blitzboom> i was fine with 2$
3065 2011-05-01 12:18:53 <Blitzboom> but i’m not fine with this
3066 2011-05-01 12:19:15 MartianW has quit (Disconnected by services)
3067 2011-05-01 12:19:22 <JFK911> ;;bc,mtgox
3068 2011-05-01 12:19:22 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.15,"low":2.5,"vol":59800,"buy":3,"sell":3.49,"last":3.49}}
3069 2011-05-01 12:21:51 <topi`> wtf
3070 2011-05-01 12:22:25 cdecker has joined
3071 2011-05-01 12:22:28 <Myckel> man, all bids almost gone.
3072 2011-05-01 12:22:42 <Blitzboom> lol. try selling your bitcoins now on mtgox
3073 2011-05-01 12:22:55 <idnar> well, it is a sunday :P
3074 2011-05-01 12:23:37 <topi`> maybe the amount of bids and sells are just so small that huge fluctuations like these are possible
3075 2011-05-01 12:23:57 <Blitzboom> hehe, are we now at the justifying stage?
3076 2011-05-01 12:24:04 <Blitzboom> "this can’t be true, maybe x y z"
3077 2011-05-01 12:24:17 TiagoTiago has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3078 2011-05-01 12:24:40 <idnar> I don't know why anyone is acting as if large swings in the price are an unexpected or strange event
3079 2011-05-01 12:24:46 <Blitzboom> ^
3080 2011-05-01 12:25:07 TiagoTiago has joined
3081 2011-05-01 12:25:12 <idnar> as long as the market is being primarily driven by speculation, that will continue to happen
3082 2011-05-01 12:25:20 <BlueMatt> yep
3083 2011-05-01 12:25:26 <Myckel> true
3084 2011-05-01 12:25:40 <Blitzboom> a LOT of people only bought to sell in the SHORT TERM for a higher price
3085 2011-05-01 12:25:42 <Blitzboom> this can’t end well
3086 2011-05-01 12:26:02 <Blitzboom> there’s a difference between long term investors and short term speculators
3087 2011-05-01 12:26:28 <Blitzboom> because they were impressed by the charts and thought this could continue, lol
3088 2011-05-01 12:28:27 <Myckel> imagine the faces of the US people when they wake up and see this.
3089 2011-05-01 12:28:34 <sipa> ;;bc,calcd 103000 0.5
3090 2011-05-01 12:28:34 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 103000 Khps, given the supplied difficulty of 0.5, is 20 seconds
3091 2011-05-01 12:30:55 <TiagoTiago> gotta go, cya
3092 2011-05-01 12:33:28 eps has joined
3093 2011-05-01 12:33:40 TiagoTiago has quit (Quit: TiagoTiago)
3094 2011-05-01 12:34:46 Incitatus has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3095 2011-05-01 12:35:10 mologie has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
3096 2011-05-01 12:36:05 manifold has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3097 2011-05-01 12:39:43 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,gen 5500
3098 2011-05-01 12:39:45 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 5500 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.0504426859634 BTC per day and 0.00210177858181 BTC per hour.
3099 2011-05-01 12:40:15 Zarutian has joined
3100 2011-05-01 12:40:53 <luke-jr> gjs278: 19 is enough to get a few blocks every day. the more join, the more it will keep up with difficulty
3101 2011-05-01 12:46:40 mologie has joined
3102 2011-05-01 12:47:22 RazielZ has joined
3103 2011-05-01 12:48:09 * Myckel wonders if there is a second downward wave coming.
3104 2011-05-01 12:49:12 Incitatus has joined
3105 2011-05-01 12:50:04 RazielZ has quit (Client Quit)
3106 2011-05-01 12:50:34 RazielZ has joined
3107 2011-05-01 12:50:48 RazielZ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3108 2011-05-01 12:51:04 RazielZ has joined
3109 2011-05-01 12:51:53 <topi`> Myckel: if new investors, who haven't yet burned their fingers, come in, then there's nothing to stop the upward wave
3110 2011-05-01 12:52:16 <genjix> topi`: do you have caedes phone?
3111 2011-05-01 12:52:21 <Myckel> I mean very short term (like in next hour)
3112 2011-05-01 12:54:32 WakiMiko_ has joined
3113 2011-05-01 12:55:02 <topi`> genjix: nope
3114 2011-05-01 12:55:53 <genjix> kk
3115 2011-05-01 12:56:08 <genjix> topi`: probably we're relocating to warsaw now
3116 2011-05-01 12:56:19 <genjix> me, caedes, donald
3117 2011-05-01 12:57:16 WakiMiko has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3118 2011-05-01 12:59:42 <topi`> genjix: do you intend to meet the polish bitcoin devs there?
3119 2011-05-01 13:00:33 <genjix> topi`: which ones?
3120 2011-05-01 13:01:38 <luke-jr> there are Polish devs?
3121 2011-05-01 13:02:13 <topi`> dunno. but at least some polish have been active, since there's a polish btc exchange site
3122 2011-05-01 13:02:17 <BlueMatt> we have a huge uptake in belgium and england
3123 2011-05-01 13:02:32 <topi`> sipa has been advocating? :)
3124 2011-05-01 13:02:38 <BlueMatt> plus northeast
3125 2011-05-01 13:03:02 <luke-jr> topi`: haven't had anyone interested in translating Spesmilo to Polish it seems
3126 2011-05-01 13:03:40 fimp has joined
3127 2011-05-01 13:04:58 boaz has joined
3128 2011-05-01 13:05:13 <genjix> jaromil: hey
3129 2011-05-01 13:07:23 mmoya has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3130 2011-05-01 13:09:04 BlueMatt has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3131 2011-05-01 13:09:45 BlueMatt has joined
3132 2011-05-01 13:11:55 pirrr has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
3133 2011-05-01 13:12:49 DukeOfURL has joined
3134 2011-05-01 13:13:10 kiba has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3135 2011-05-01 13:13:40 chmod755 has joined
3136 2011-05-01 13:27:16 molecular has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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3138 2011-05-01 13:31:55 mologie has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
3139 2011-05-01 13:32:17 mologie has joined
3140 2011-05-01 13:32:17 docl has joined
3141 2011-05-01 13:34:52 TD has quit (Quit: TD)
3142 2011-05-01 13:39:36 welterde has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
3143 2011-05-01 13:43:35 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Gavin Andresen master * r06d9156 / contrib/gitian.yml :
3144 2011-05-01 13:43:35 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Merge pull request #187 from devrandom/master.
3145 2011-05-01 13:43:35 <CIA-30> bitcoin: New gitian descriptor for 0.3.21 - http://bit.ly/mLWgA7
3146 2011-05-01 13:44:09 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Gavin Andresen master * r249aff4 / (build-unix.txt ui.cpp):
3147 2011-05-01 13:44:09 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Merge pull request #186 from TheBlueMatt/nopng.
3148 2011-05-01 13:44:09 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Remove unnecessary line which creates a dependency on wx's png library. - http://bit.ly/lvbweB
3149 2011-05-01 13:46:00 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Gavin Andresen master * r2296647 / main.h :
3150 2011-05-01 13:46:00 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Merge pull request #181 from sipa/fixcheckconf.
3151 2011-05-01 13:46:00 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Bugfix in recursive check in IsConfirmed() - http://bit.ly/jwUb8p
3152 2011-05-01 13:46:30 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Gavin Andresen master * r76160f7 / init.cpp :
3153 2011-05-01 13:46:30 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Merge pull request #179 from wizeman/segfault-lockfile.
3154 2011-05-01 13:46:30 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Fix segfault when we're unable to create the lock file. - http://bit.ly/kMPmbh
3155 2011-05-01 13:51:13 slueth1 has joined
3156 2011-05-01 13:51:29 welterde has joined
3157 2011-05-01 13:53:55 slueth has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3158 2011-05-01 13:59:00 cdecker has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
3159 2011-05-01 14:00:14 RBecker has joined
3160 2011-05-01 14:00:48 TD has joined
3161 2011-05-01 14:01:41 <lulzplzkthx> :\
3162 2011-05-01 14:03:29 mmoya has joined
3163 2011-05-01 14:05:03 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,gen 15000
3164 2011-05-01 14:05:04 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 15000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.137570961718 BTC per day and 0.00573212340494 BTC per hour.
3165 2011-05-01 14:05:40 <F> UxIuS!~F|UxIuS@213-245-154-127.rev.numericable.fr|;;bc,gen 15000000
3166 2011-05-01 14:05:42 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 15000000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 137.570961718 BTC per day and 5.73212340494 BTC per hour.
3167 2011-05-01 14:05:49 <F> UxIuS!~F|UxIuS@213-245-154-127.rev.numericable.fr|:)
3168 2011-05-01 14:06:36 <rlifchitz> :)
3169 2011-05-01 14:06:38 <lulzplzkthx> If I "git fetch upstream" and "git merge upstream/master", how can I then commit those changes? A standard commit isn't notcing them.
3170 2011-05-01 14:06:38 <cosurgi> luke-jr: how do you divide 50 BTC based on shares?
3171 2011-05-01 14:10:07 Kiba has joined
3172 2011-05-01 14:13:01 <BlueMatt> lulzplzkthx: dont have to commit, just have to push
3173 2011-05-01 14:13:17 <BlueMatt> lulzplzkthx: (assuming you want to push to your own github repo)
3174 2011-05-01 14:13:20 <lulzplzkthx> git push says "! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)"
3175 2011-05-01 14:13:37 <BlueMatt> lulzplzkthx: then your repo is not the same as master
3176 2011-05-01 14:13:42 <lulzplzkthx> eh?
3177 2011-05-01 14:13:42 <BlueMatt> try git diff upstream/master
3178 2011-05-01 14:14:00 RBecker has quit (Laptop!~Ryan@unaffiliated/rbecker|Quit: You care. You're there for me.  You love me so much, and I never want to let it go.  You are the one truly amazing person. MDR 3/6/11 <3)
3179 2011-05-01 14:14:03 <lulzplzkthx> okay, so if i'm okay with the chanegs that have been made, what do i do?
3180 2011-05-01 14:14:24 <BlueMatt> wait what have you done?
3181 2011-05-01 14:14:33 <lulzplzkthx> Okay, lol.
3182 2011-05-01 14:14:37 <BlueMatt> the idea is that you keep a master which is identical to upstream, and do your work in branches
3183 2011-05-01 14:14:47 <lulzplzkthx> I did... but I kind of screwed that up.
3184 2011-05-01 14:14:56 <lulzplzkthx> SO I did my work in master, then added it to a branch or soething, I'mr eally not even sure.
3185 2011-05-01 14:15:05 <lulzplzkthx> Because I didn't know I was supposed to do it in a branch.
3186 2011-05-01 14:15:18 <lulzplzkthx> https://github.com/johnmaguire2013/bitcoin <-- you can see my commits here
3187 2011-05-01 14:15:40 <BlueMatt> oh ok, well if you wont lose anything git push -f
3188 2011-05-01 14:15:41 <lulzplzkthx> oh wow. so i just merged the stuff apparently into tray instead of maser on accident
3189 2011-05-01 14:15:43 <BlueMatt> will force the push
3190 2011-05-01 14:15:49 <lulzplzkthx> Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into tray
3191 2011-05-01 14:15:51 <BlueMatt> but make sure you wont lose anything
3192 2011-05-01 14:16:08 <BlueMatt> you shouldnt merge into your branches you should git rebase -i
3193 2011-05-01 14:16:14 <BlueMatt> (assuming you want to make a pull request)
3194 2011-05-01 14:16:40 <BlueMatt> (dont feel bad, look at my original upnp pull request mess and all the crap I did there when I was learning git ;)
3195 2011-05-01 14:17:26 <lulzplzkthx> heh, okay. Now I'm really not sure what I did because I did a "git revert HEAD^1" and don't know how to undo that, heh. I haven't committed it yet.
3196 2011-05-01 14:17:35 <lulzplzkthx> git reset?
3197 2011-05-01 14:17:41 <BlueMatt> git reset --hard commitish
3198 2011-05-01 14:17:52 <BlueMatt> or just git reset --hard to go to last commit in git log
3199 2011-05-01 14:17:58 <lulzplzkthx> Thanks.
3200 2011-05-01 14:18:33 <lulzplzkthx> Going to see if I can figure out git rebase
3201 2011-05-01 14:18:57 <BlueMatt> the idea of rebase is to update to master after you have done changes
3202 2011-05-01 14:19:02 <BlueMatt> git rebase -i upstream/master
3203 2011-05-01 14:19:15 <BlueMatt> (its also useful if you want to merge two commits into one for a pull request)
3204 2011-05-01 14:19:23 <sipa> lulzplzkthx: just remember one thing: git rebase is magic... you'll love it if it works without understanding why, and you'll hate it when it does strange things :)
3205 2011-05-01 14:20:15 <lulzplzkthx> Apparently that commit revert HEAD^1 still exists...
3206 2011-05-01 14:20:34 <lulzplzkthx> git revert HEAD^1*
3207 2011-05-01 14:21:08 <BlueMatt> just git reset --hard (latest commit from upstream/master) on your master branch and you are good to go
3208 2011-05-01 14:21:22 <BlueMatt> (might have to git fetch upstream first)
3209 2011-05-01 14:21:38 <lulzplzkthx> I'm confused.
3210 2011-05-01 14:21:45 <lulzplzkthx> I did a git reset --hard, but that didn't help.
3211 2011-05-01 14:21:51 <lulzplzkthx> And will I lose my tray modifications that way?
3212 2011-05-01 14:21:58 <BlueMatt> what branch are you on and what are you trying to do?
3213 2011-05-01 14:22:26 <lulzplzkthx> I'm on branch tray. I'm trying to a) undo a git revert HEAD^1, and b) rebase the tray stuff instead of just merging it like you said
3214 2011-05-01 14:22:50 <lulzplzkthx> My last commit was a git revert HEAD^1, and it hasn't been pushed.
3215 2011-05-01 14:23:54 <BlueMatt> git reset --hard a78cdac7ead is your last commit in tray that was pushed
3216 2011-05-01 14:23:59 <BlueMatt> if you reset there you should be ok
3217 2011-05-01 14:24:04 <BlueMatt> then git rebase -i upstream/master
3218 2011-05-01 14:24:14 tabsa has joined
3219 2011-05-01 14:24:24 <BlueMatt> if you have more commits, reset to those instead
3220 2011-05-01 14:24:46 <lulzplzkthx> Should I switch to the master branch before the rebase?
3221 2011-05-01 14:24:51 <BlueMatt> no
3222 2011-05-01 14:24:55 <lulzplzkthx> Okay.
3223 2011-05-01 14:24:56 <BlueMatt> you should be on the branch you want to rebase
3224 2011-05-01 14:25:33 wolfspraul has quit (Quit: leaving)
3225 2011-05-01 14:25:50 <lulzplzkthx> After I run rebase, do I commit/push, just push?
3226 2011-05-01 14:25:57 <BlueMatt> just push
3227 2011-05-01 14:26:20 <BlueMatt> might have to push -f in this case
3228 2011-05-01 14:27:30 <lulzplzkthx> Hmm... while git push -f was needed and worked, whatever the rebase did, I don't think it's what we wanted.
3229 2011-05-01 14:27:43 <lulzplzkthx> As the master branch looks the same, but the tray has changed dramatically with the changes from upstream.
3230 2011-05-01 14:27:47 <lulzplzkthx> I'm really not good at this. :S
3231 2011-05-01 14:27:57 <BlueMatt> that is what the point of rebase is
3232 2011-05-01 14:28:05 <lulzplzkthx> I want the upstream changes in "tray"?
3233 2011-05-01 14:28:10 <BlueMatt> it pulls in all the upstream stuff so that your commits are good to go on the latest version
3234 2011-05-01 14:28:20 <lulzplzkthx> Don't I want them in master though?
3235 2011-05-01 14:28:34 <BlueMatt> then you probably want to git checkout master; git reset --hard 76160f784
3236 2011-05-01 14:28:35 pirrr has joined
3237 2011-05-01 14:28:41 <BlueMatt> which will put you back to the latest master
3238 2011-05-01 14:29:47 <lulzplzkthx> That is perfect. Thank you very much.
3239 2011-05-01 14:29:59 <lulzplzkthx> And I kind of understand what happened. A little.
3240 2011-05-01 14:30:14 danbri has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3241 2011-05-01 14:34:15 Incitatus has quit (Quit: Leaving)
3242 2011-05-01 14:35:59 tabsa has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3243 2011-05-01 14:44:28 <topi`> hehe, git is a mystery :)
3244 2011-05-01 14:44:59 redengin has joined
3245 2011-05-01 14:45:00 <lulzplzkthx> Yes. Yes it is. :P
3246 2011-05-01 14:45:01 <soultcer> Actually git is pretty straightforward
3247 2011-05-01 14:45:06 <lulzplzkthx> Psh, whatever sipa
3248 2011-05-01 14:45:10 <lulzplzkthx> soultcer: *
3249 2011-05-01 14:45:52 <BlueMatt> talk to linus about it
3250 2011-05-01 14:45:53 DukeOfURL has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3251 2011-05-01 14:46:00 noagendamarket has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3252 2011-05-01 14:50:14 AStove has quit ()
3253 2011-05-01 14:53:01 redengin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3254 2011-05-01 14:53:17 slueth has joined
3255 2011-05-01 14:54:46 chmod755 has left ("Leaving.")
3256 2011-05-01 14:55:58 slueth1 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3257 2011-05-01 14:56:56 Cusipzzz has joined
3258 2011-05-01 14:57:46 RBecker has joined
3259 2011-05-01 14:57:46 RBecker has quit (Laptop!~Ryan@|Changing host)
3260 2011-05-01 14:57:46 RBecker has joined
3261 2011-05-01 14:57:57 redengin has joined
3262 2011-05-01 14:58:37 <Diablo-D3> I think
3263 2011-05-01 14:58:39 <Diablo-D3> deepbit
3264 2011-05-01 14:58:40 <Diablo-D3> is on
3265 2011-05-01 14:58:42 <Diablo-D3> DRUGS
3266 2011-05-01 14:58:58 <BlueMatt> I think Diablo-D3 has been on something for the last 3 or so days
3267 2011-05-01 14:59:07 <Diablo-D3> well
3268 2011-05-01 14:59:09 <Diablo-D3> it keeps telling me
3269 2011-05-01 14:59:12 <Diablo-D3> Im giving it
3270 2011-05-01 14:59:19 <Diablo-D3> bad blocks
3271 2011-05-01 15:00:30 fimp has quit (Quit: Leaving)
3272 2011-05-01 15:03:19 <lulzplzkthx> Diablo-D3 keeps telling me I'm using bad languages. I think he's on DRUGS.
3273 2011-05-01 15:08:56 zyb has joined
3274 2011-05-01 15:09:09 B0g4r7_ has joined
3275 2011-05-01 15:09:24 B0g4r7 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3276 2011-05-01 15:09:43 B0g4r7_ is now known as B0g4r7
3277 2011-05-01 15:12:56 <lulzplzkthx> It's accepting my blocks fine Diablo-D3
3278 2011-05-01 15:16:29 <Diablo-D3> lulzplzkthx: with my miner?
3279 2011-05-01 15:16:56 <lulzplzkthx> Eh, no. I'm using Umasoft's.
3280 2011-05-01 15:17:07 <Diablo-D3> then you dont actually know if it is.
3281 2011-05-01 15:17:11 <lulzplzkthx> Lol.
3282 2011-05-01 15:17:17 <lulzplzkthx> Sorry, I don't use Java resource whores. :\
3283 2011-05-01 15:17:23 <lulzplzkthx> :P
3284 2011-05-01 15:17:41 <lulzplzkthx> What's the max length of a Bitcoin address?
3285 2011-05-01 15:17:49 <Diablo-D3> over 9000.
3286 2011-05-01 15:18:03 <lulzplzkthx> 34. Thanks.
3287 2011-05-01 15:18:12 <Diablo-D3> 34? that sounds weird
3288 2011-05-01 15:19:49 <lulzplzkthx> 25-34 chars, yup.
3289 2011-05-01 15:22:29 TD has quit (Quit: TD)
3290 2011-05-01 15:25:51 KuT-Sickness has joined
3291 2011-05-01 15:26:42 NickelBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3292 2011-05-01 15:28:24 NickelBot has joined
3293 2011-05-01 15:31:18 berto- has joined
3294 2011-05-01 15:32:38 <lulzplzkthx> Only one transaction in the last block.
3295 2011-05-01 15:32:41 <lulzplzkthx> And 123 in the one before it.
3296 2011-05-01 15:32:43 <lulzplzkthx> Heh
3297 2011-05-01 15:33:57 <lulzplzkthx> One transaction == 50 BTC. Does that mean it's someone who doesn't accept transactions?
3298 2011-05-01 15:34:15 Teslah has joined
3299 2011-05-01 15:34:16 <sipa> or that there were none
3300 2011-05-01 15:35:16 fring has joined
3301 2011-05-01 15:35:46 <lulzplzkthx> True, but that's kind of unlikely, looking at the whole chart.
3302 2011-05-01 15:35:50 <lulzplzkthx> There's usually at least a few.
3303 2011-05-01 15:37:40 slueth1 has joined
3304 2011-05-01 15:38:07 slueth has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
3305 2011-05-01 15:42:12 Akiron has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3306 2011-05-01 15:42:28 RBecker has quit (Laptop!~Ryan@unaffiliated/rbecker|Quit: You care. You're there for me.  You love me so much, and I never want to let it go.  You are the one truly amazing person. MDR 3/6/11 <3)
3307 2011-05-01 15:43:57 <sacarlson> this line is giveing me errors  $coin->sendfrom("", $addy, $amount);
3308 2011-05-01 15:44:16 <sacarlson> Warning: fopen(http://...@localhost:38332/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!
3309 2011-05-01 15:44:27 <sacarlson> shouldn't that work?
3310 2011-05-01 15:46:47 <BlueMatt> can you manually make that request?
3311 2011-05-01 15:48:14 <lfm> thats just like bitcoind sendtoaddress addr amount
3312 2011-05-01 15:49:41 <lfm> you maybe got the user/passwrd wrong?
3313 2011-05-01 15:49:53 berto- has quit (Quit: sleep)
3314 2011-05-01 15:50:28 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: yes but I think it doesn't like the "" in side the ("", $addy, $amount)
3315 2011-05-01 15:51:12 <lfm> from address "" means from any address?
3316 2011-05-01 15:51:14 <sacarlson> lfm ya I think that's what I"ll use the sendtoaddress
3317 2011-05-01 15:51:30 <BlueMatt> what does the api say to do?
3318 2011-05-01 15:51:53 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: api?
3319 2011-05-01 15:52:45 <BlueMatt> the api you are calling with sendfrom
3320 2011-05-01 15:53:04 lulzplzkthx has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3321 2011-05-01 15:53:35 sshc has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3322 2011-05-01 15:54:23 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: well I got farther now with the sendtoaddress
3323 2011-05-01 15:55:04 sshc has joined
3324 2011-05-01 15:55:09 <sacarlson> but now it says I don't have funds so now it's something else I'll have to find
3325 2011-05-01 15:55:40 Dark_Apostrophe has joined
3326 2011-05-01 15:55:56 <Dark_Apostrophe> Just wondering, is there any reason the "Generate coins" function is still included in the main client? If not, may I suggest removing it? All it does is confuse newcomers
3327 2011-05-01 15:56:29 lulzplzkthx has joined
3328 2011-05-01 15:56:34 <Dark_Apostrophe> Also, any chance you could post changelogs with the new version releases? :)
3329 2011-05-01 15:57:23 <BlueMatt> Dark_Apostrophe: there is ongoing discussion about removing generate coins from the client
3330 2011-05-01 15:57:45 <Dark_Apostrophe> cool
3331 2011-05-01 15:57:51 <BlueMatt> Please comment on the forums (I think it will probably be removed/replaced with a warning eventually)
3332 2011-05-01 15:58:04 <Dark_Apostrophe> I'm not a forum member
3333 2011-05-01 15:58:09 <BlueMatt> Gavin typically posts the big changes in the release thread (as in 0.3.21)
3334 2011-05-01 15:58:22 m00p has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3335 2011-05-01 15:58:26 <BlueMatt> but you could also check the commits on github
3336 2011-05-01 15:58:38 <BlueMatt> Dark_Apostrophe: well join ;)
3337 2011-05-01 15:58:50 <Dark_Apostrophe> oh.. but no link to changelog on the main site?
3338 2011-05-01 15:59:08 Netsniper has quit (Quit: Anarchism, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. -Emma Goldman)
3339 2011-05-01 15:59:09 <BlueMatt> dont think so
3340 2011-05-01 15:59:28 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: I use the -gen function but I guess I wouldn't need it in a gui user envirnment
3341 2011-05-01 15:59:39 <Dark_Apostrophe> okay.. well, those are my two bitcents
3342 2011-05-01 15:59:45 <BlueMatt> sacarlson: dont, cpuminer gets much better performace
3343 2011-05-01 15:59:49 Netsniper has joined
3344 2011-05-01 16:00:03 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: I don't need performance in a small network
3345 2011-05-01 16:00:14 <BlueMatt> oh you mean for weeds...
3346 2011-05-01 16:00:20 <sacarlson> BlueMatt: yes
3347 2011-05-01 16:00:26 Kiba has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3348 2011-05-01 16:00:33 <BlueMatt> well I think the way it will be done (if it is released) is to leave the code there, just remove references to the option
3349 2011-05-01 16:00:38 <sacarlson> but I would be a minority I'm sure
3350 2011-05-01 16:00:51 <Diablo-D3> {"result":null,"error":{"code":-1,"message":"Wrong data: checkWork: this nonce already completed"},"id":"1"}
3351 2011-05-01 16:00:58 <Diablo-D3> I wonder if that complies with the json spec
3352 2011-05-01 16:01:32 skreuzer_ has joined
3353 2011-05-01 16:04:39 <Dark_Apostrophe> When new users download the blockchain, they download it from the P2P network, right? From other users?
3354 2011-05-01 16:04:48 <Dark_Apostrophe> If so, is there any way to see how much bandwidth it uses?
3355 2011-05-01 16:05:50 <BlueMatt> Dark_Apostrophe: you mean how much bw people use sending blocks to others?
3356 2011-05-01 16:06:35 <Dark_Apostrophe> Basically
3357 2011-05-01 16:07:03 <Dark_Apostrophe> But I imagine the initial startup, when the client has to download the entire blockchain, takes the most bandwidth - dunno if it gets everything from different users, or hammers some more than others
3358 2011-05-01 16:07:49 <warpi> i thought i should share a new acumulated graph i just made :)
3359 2011-05-01 16:07:50 <warpi> http://warpi.net/bitcoin/
3360 2011-05-01 16:07:57 <BlueMatt> according to my router, my node (which has ports forwarded and such, currently 35 connections) has used ~4GB in in the past month and 1.44GB out
3361 2011-05-01 16:08:10 <Dark_Apostrophe> not too bad
3362 2011-05-01 16:08:35 <sipa> warpi: nice
3363 2011-05-01 16:08:47 <BlueMatt> the limiting factor in blockchain download speed is actually cpu power, not bw. Even for really fast computers
3364 2011-05-01 16:08:54 <warpi> sipa, thx :)
3365 2011-05-01 16:09:07 <sipa> warpi: some units/grid may be useful though
3366 2011-05-01 16:09:15 aceat64 has quit (Quit: brb)
3367 2011-05-01 16:09:28 <warpi> sipa, yepp,, i just wanted to throw something out there :)
3368 2011-05-01 16:09:40 <warpi> there is room for improvements :)
3369 2011-05-01 16:09:40 <sipa> what is the grey vertical bar?
3370 2011-05-01 16:09:54 <warpi> average between bid/ask
3371 2011-05-01 16:10:00 <sipa> ok
3372 2011-05-01 16:11:08 <warpi> before i was "copy/paste" into a spreadsheet, and i got tired of it, so i made this website instead :)
3373 2011-05-01 16:11:51 <Dark_Apostrophe> There was a good post on the forum (I believe) a month or two ago giving a thorough, but comprehensible explanation of Bitcoin
3374 2011-05-01 16:12:00 <Dark_Apostrophe> Does anyone remember it, or who wrote it?
3375 2011-05-01 16:12:02 <sipa> the one by emancipator?
3376 2011-05-01 16:12:06 <Dark_Apostrophe> might be
3377 2011-05-01 16:12:06 m00p has joined
3378 2011-05-01 16:12:36 <Dark_Apostrophe> sipa: Got a link, by any chance?
3379 2011-05-01 16:15:35 <sipa> http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=5523.msg81170#msg81170
3380 2011-05-01 16:26:21 DukeOfURL has joined
3381 2011-05-01 16:26:51 sshc_ has joined
3382 2011-05-01 16:29:15 <Dark_Apostrophe> sipa: thanks :)
3383 2011-05-01 16:29:34 sshc has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3384 2011-05-01 16:33:28 <Diablo-D3> you know
3385 2011-05-01 16:33:37 <Diablo-D3> I find it hilarious deepbit never tested his code with my miner
3386 2011-05-01 16:37:48 <sacarlson> I'm not sure why but sendtoaddress doesn't like the value to send from this line  $repr = bcdiv($repr, pow(10, 8), $precision);  is this the wrong type?
3387 2011-05-01 16:38:14 <sacarlson> in php
3388 2011-05-01 16:38:24 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Pieter Wuille master * rfbfbf94 / makefile.unix :
3389 2011-05-01 16:38:24 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Merge pull request #178 from wizeman/link-pthread.
3390 2011-05-01 16:38:24 <CIA-30> bitcoin: Link with libpthread on Linux, required by libboost_thread. - http://bit.ly/l4zilx
3391 2011-05-01 16:39:02 <sacarlson> and I guess my problem is json not bitcoin
3392 2011-05-01 16:39:27 AStove has joined
3393 2011-05-01 16:39:53 <BlueMatt> sipa: why is ^ required? shouldnt boost_thread deal with that?
3394 2011-05-01 16:40:13 <BlueMatt> nevermind, didnt read the pullreq
3395 2011-05-01 16:41:40 <Diablo-D3> hey guys
3396 2011-05-01 16:41:43 <Diablo-D3> is there a deepbit channel?
3397 2011-05-01 16:41:51 <Diablo-D3> because theres something really screwy with his shit, and I cant figure out what
3398 2011-05-01 16:42:06 alkor has joined
3399 2011-05-01 16:44:03 zyb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3400 2011-05-01 16:45:43 <CIA-30> DiabloMiner: Patrick McFarland master * rf3246cd / src/main/java/com/diablominer/DiabloMiner/DiabloMiner.java : Add long poll support, fold -dd into -d, improve error handling - http://bit.ly/myM01s
3401 2011-05-01 16:45:46 Teslah has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3402 2011-05-01 16:46:11 MartianW has joined
3403 2011-05-01 16:47:18 caedes has joined
3404 2011-05-01 16:48:02 <caedes> hey hey
3405 2011-05-01 16:48:36 skyewm has joined
3406 2011-05-01 16:48:37 kermit has joined
3407 2011-05-01 16:49:13 <sacarlson> this fixed my problem with json  $amount = (float)$amount;  to convert the value to float in $coin->sendtoaddres($addy, $amount);  seems it can't take strings
3408 2011-05-01 16:55:01 <netxshare> looks like the market is evening oout
3409 2011-05-01 16:56:08 <Diablo-D3> actually
3410 2011-05-01 16:56:11 <Diablo-D3> who owns deepbit?
3411 2011-05-01 16:56:48 <JFK911> ;;bc,mtgox
3412 2011-05-01 16:56:48 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.09,"low":2.5,"vol":49576,"buy":2.8,"sell":2.889,"last":2.8}}
3413 2011-05-01 16:57:43 <sipa> [Tycho], no?
3414 2011-05-01 16:58:12 <Diablo-D3> [Tycho]: ^?
3415 2011-05-01 16:59:24 fimp has joined
3416 2011-05-01 16:59:32 skeledrew has joined
3417 2011-05-01 17:02:06 jgarzik has joined
3418 2011-05-01 17:02:12 dust1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3419 2011-05-01 17:02:31 alkor has quit (Quit: alkor)
3420 2011-05-01 17:04:02 <cosurgi> a little ddos, and BTC bubble ends.
3421 2011-05-01 17:05:28 tabsa has joined
3422 2011-05-01 17:08:44 <warpi> cosurgi, the depth of market was week before, now its getting more and more stabile
3423 2011-05-01 17:08:44 <warpi> http://warpi.net/bitcoin/
3424 2011-05-01 17:09:00 m00p has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3425 2011-05-01 17:09:05 <warpi> a real sharp edge at 2.5... about $24500
3426 2011-05-01 17:09:11 <luke-jr> cosurgi: equally
3427 2011-05-01 17:09:29 <warpi> weak*
3428 2011-05-01 17:10:26 Teslah has joined
3429 2011-05-01 17:13:35 <cosurgi> luke-jr: proportional to shares?
3430 2011-05-01 17:13:57 <cosurgi> luke-jr: how can I check pool strength, how can I check my shares, or whatever?
3431 2011-05-01 17:14:20 joepie92 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3432 2011-05-01 17:14:30 <cosurgi> luke-jr: maybe instead of "it works!" you could just put a short list of commands? :)
3433 2011-05-01 17:15:52 MartianW has quit (Quit: Bye all.)
3434 2011-05-01 17:16:18 <sipa> ;;bc,lukepool
3435 2011-05-01 17:16:18 MartianW has joined
3436 2011-05-01 17:16:19 <gribble> 17566416.2406
3437 2011-05-01 17:16:20 dust2 has joined
3438 2011-05-01 17:16:34 <sipa> 17.5 Ghash/s
3439 2011-05-01 17:17:12 F has quit (UxIuS!~F|UxIuS@213-245-154-127.rev.numericable.fr|Quit: Quitte)
3440 2011-05-01 17:18:24 skreuzer_ has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad - http://colloquy.mobi)
3441 2011-05-01 17:18:31 Netsniper has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3442 2011-05-01 17:19:13 skyewm has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3443 2011-05-01 17:22:17 manifold_ has joined
3444 2011-05-01 17:24:05 <luke-jr> cosurgi: http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/pool
3445 2011-05-01 17:24:35 pogden has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3446 2011-05-01 17:25:30 pogden has joined
3447 2011-05-01 17:25:49 Cusipzzz has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3448 2011-05-01 17:26:22 Cusipzzz has joined
3449 2011-05-01 17:27:46 <cosurgi> hmm, amdoverdrivectrl is not working for my 5870
3450 2011-05-01 17:28:08 <cosurgi> any other idea how to downclock memory?
3451 2011-05-01 17:28:38 <cosurgi> memory has minimum speed at 1000, but I want to clock it 300 ...
3452 2011-05-01 17:28:54 skyewm has joined
3453 2011-05-01 17:30:01 joepie92 has joined
3454 2011-05-01 17:33:02 <sipa> define not working?
3455 2011-05-01 17:34:26 skeledrew has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3456 2011-05-01 17:34:56 aaerox has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3457 2011-05-01 17:35:35 <cosurgi> sipa: it only prints a message, which I can't paste now, but it was saying that couldn't start communication with this card. And only displays read-only values. But it works good with 5850 in the same PC.
3458 2011-05-01 17:35:41 jimrandomh has quit (Quit: Page closed)
3459 2011-05-01 17:38:12 <sipa> cosurgi: the device id's it sees are sometimes strange
3460 2011-05-01 17:38:12 <cosurgi> sipa: it prints 9 different cards upon startup. 3 active and 6 inactive. Which is roughly correct, because there are 3 GPUs there. So to get to 5870 I invoke with -i 3
3461 2011-05-01 17:38:35 <sipa> yeah
3462 2011-05-01 17:38:50 <sipa> i need 0, 3, 4 and 7 to communicate with dual 5970's
3463 2011-05-01 17:39:47 <cosurgi> I need 0,3,6 to communicte with those, but only -i 0 (the 5850) works. Other are just read-only + this communication problem message in terminal
3464 2011-05-01 17:40:00 T_X has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3465 2011-05-01 17:41:35 T_X has joined
3466 2011-05-01 17:41:35 <BlueMatt> has anyone done any work towards bitcoin-gui on ubuntu 11.04?
3467 2011-05-01 17:42:06 Teslah has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3468 2011-05-01 17:42:35 joepie92 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3469 2011-05-01 17:43:24 ghshephard has joined
3470 2011-05-01 17:43:37 * BlueMatt took the plunge and got ubuntu11.04 on a vm, compiled bitcoin+wxtrunk and got gui, will post a binary in a sec
3471 2011-05-01 17:44:41 <cosurgi> luke-jr: can all my clients connect with the same payout address?
3472 2011-05-01 17:45:10 <cosurgi> luke-jr: or I need to use different address for each?
3473 2011-05-01 17:45:50 kika has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3474 2011-05-01 17:46:00 mologie has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
3475 2011-05-01 17:46:54 vorlov has joined
3476 2011-05-01 17:46:56 <vorlov> hello
3477 2011-05-01 17:47:18 redengin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3478 2011-05-01 17:47:37 <vorlov> how do you guys go about the 10 mins wait when collecting bitcoin payments in your websites for online goods
3479 2011-05-01 17:47:38 <vorlov> ?
3480 2011-05-01 17:47:44 <sipa> cosurgi: i use the same for all, and it seems to work
3481 2011-05-01 17:48:05 <sipa> vorlov: you use a trading api to know when the money has arrived
3482 2011-05-01 17:48:19 <vorlov> sipa: which trading api
3483 2011-05-01 17:48:20 <vorlov> ?
3484 2011-05-01 17:48:26 <sipa> mybitcoin sci eg.
3485 2011-05-01 17:49:01 <luke-jr> cosurgi: up to you
3486 2011-05-01 17:49:23 <luke-jr> cosurgi: I doubt it would be a problem, but make no guarantees.
3487 2011-05-01 17:50:09 redengin has joined
3488 2011-05-01 17:50:15 boaz has quit (Quit: boaz)
3489 2011-05-01 17:51:55 <vorlov> is there a charge using the SCI interface?
3490 2011-05-01 17:52:43 skeledrew has joined
3491 2011-05-01 17:54:33 <BlueMatt> https://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6299.msg102276#msg102276
3492 2011-05-01 17:54:38 <BlueMatt> for those who want bitcoin on 11.04
3493 2011-05-01 17:54:41 gasteve has quit (Quit: gasteve)
3494 2011-05-01 17:57:27 manifold_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3495 2011-05-01 18:02:02 MartianW has quit (Quit: Bye all.)
3496 2011-05-01 18:02:26 <dust2> do you have a 64 bit build?
3497 2011-05-01 18:04:10 <BlueMatt> dust2: not atm, Ill go get the iso and make another vm in a sec
3498 2011-05-01 18:07:06 <dust2> k i'll try to compile it myself
3499 2011-05-01 18:07:48 <BlueMatt> should just svn checkout http://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk wxWidgets-trunk
3500 2011-05-01 18:07:59 skeledrew has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
3501 2011-05-01 18:08:09 <BlueMatt> cd wxWidgets-trunk && ./configure ...(follow the build-unix.txt guide)
3502 2011-05-01 18:09:20 ArtForzZz has joined
3503 2011-05-01 18:09:23 dishwara has joined
3504 2011-05-01 18:10:10 jrabbit has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
3505 2011-05-01 18:11:01 sgornick has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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3507 2011-05-01 18:11:04 Netsniper has joined
3508 2011-05-01 18:12:17 ArtForz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3509 2011-05-01 18:12:47 iera has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
3510 2011-05-01 18:14:14 sgornick has joined
3511 2011-05-01 18:16:58 <cosurgi> luke-jr: I just connected. Checking this out.
3512 2011-05-01 18:17:16 <cosurgi> all GPUs use the same payout address. I hope this will work
3513 2011-05-01 18:18:48 mologie has joined
3514 2011-05-01 18:20:09 <luke-jr> cosurgi: hope so
3515 2011-05-01 18:20:22 OVerLoRDI has joined
3516 2011-05-01 18:22:22 <dust2> bluematt: working!
3517 2011-05-01 18:22:22 jgarzik has quit (Changing host)
3518 2011-05-01 18:22:22 jgarzik has joined
3519 2011-05-01 18:22:43 <BlueMatt> dust2: nice, Ill post a new one for people to use in a sec
3520 2011-05-01 18:23:01 <vorlov> ;;bc,mtgox
3521 2011-05-01 18:23:01 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.09,"low":2.5,"vol":48205,"buy":3.0704,"sell":3.33,"last":3.22}}
3522 2011-05-01 18:23:55 lianj_ has joined
3523 2011-05-01 18:23:57 lianj_ has quit (Changing host)
3524 2011-05-01 18:23:57 lianj_ has joined
3525 2011-05-01 18:24:20 <cosurgi> luke-jr: when I want to check my score, in firefox it asks me to download a .php file, instead of displying contens. Can I use irc for doing this, instead?
3526 2011-05-01 18:24:42 <cosurgi> luke-jr: I mean - meybe griblle supports displaying score for given address?
3527 2011-05-01 18:25:24 <luke-jr> cosurgi: I don't have a score.
3528 2011-05-01 18:25:56 <sipa> you do have a number of shares
3529 2011-05-01 18:26:04 <cosurgi> and my hashrate
3530 2011-05-01 18:26:37 <cosurgi> sorry I meant score=hashrate. anyway - can I ask gribble to show me a reply from that .php ?
3531 2011-05-01 18:26:59 <luke-jr> ]web fetch http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/pool/hashrate.php
3532 2011-05-01 18:27:10 <luke-jr> sipa: it's only a count from the last 5 misn
3533 2011-05-01 18:27:14 <luke-jr> ;;web fetch http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/pool/hashrate.php
3534 2011-05-01 18:27:15 <gribble> {"timedelta":300,"shares":1277,"hashrate":18282244123.307}
3535 2011-05-01 18:27:25 <cosurgi> thanks.
3536 2011-05-01 18:27:55 <luke-jr> cosurgi: I would think Firefox can be configured to display JSON data tho
3537 2011-05-01 18:27:57 <cosurgi> it works, thanks
3538 2011-05-01 18:29:01 <cosurgi> hmm.. but is wrong.
3539 2011-05-01 18:29:35 <cosurgi> if I count all "accepted" from all GPUs I get 465
3540 2011-05-01 18:29:50 <cosurgi> but {"timedelta":300,"shares":177,"hashrate":2534030704.64}
3541 2011-05-01 18:29:55 <cosurgi> says it's only 177
3542 2011-05-01 18:29:56 <luke-jr> cosurgi: again, the php only shows the last 300 seconds
3543 2011-05-01 18:29:59 skreuzer_ has joined
3544 2011-05-01 18:30:01 WantToBuy has joined
3545 2011-05-01 18:30:39 <cosurgi> hmm.. ok, so maybe it's ok.
3546 2011-05-01 18:30:59 Myckel has quit (Quit: Ik ga weg)
3547 2011-05-01 18:31:31 <cosurgi> luke-jr: why only 300sec ?
3548 2011-05-01 18:31:43 <luke-jr> cosurgi: because it's not aware of blocks
3549 2011-05-01 18:32:04 <dishwara> luke-jr : i got a confusion, http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/pool/hashrate.php?addr=
3550 2011-05-01 18:32:25 <luke-jr> dishwara: ?
3551 2011-05-01 18:32:25 <dishwara> around 10 hours back i saw the shares going down
3552 2011-05-01 18:32:32 <luke-jr> yes
3553 2011-05-01 18:32:43 <dishwara> & now also i see 1306, 1302....
3554 2011-05-01 18:32:43 <gribble> Error: "now" is not a valid command.
3555 2011-05-01 18:32:46 <luke-jr> that means they're older than 5 minutes
3556 2011-05-01 18:32:48 <luke-jr> :p
3557 2011-05-01 18:32:59 <dishwara> timedelta":300,"shares":1274,"hashrate":18239294450.347}
3558 2011-05-01 18:33:18 <dishwara> {"timedelta":300,"shares":1243,"hashrate":17795481163.093}
3559 2011-05-01 18:33:35 <dishwara> its going down for every refresh, 5 sec
3560 2011-05-01 18:33:50 <luke-jr> sounds like the address isn't maintaining the same rae
3561 2011-05-01 18:33:51 <luke-jr> rate
3562 2011-05-01 18:33:56 <dishwara> {"timedelta":300,"shares":1224,"hashrate":17523466567.68}
3563 2011-05-01 18:34:25 <dishwara> u saying this shows shares for particular address, not pool shares?
3564 2011-05-01 18:34:55 <luke-jr> if you leave it null
3565 2011-05-01 18:35:00 <dishwara> {"timedelta":300,"shares":1232,"hashrate":17637999028.907}
3566 2011-05-01 18:35:01 <luke-jr> then it's the whole pool
3567 2011-05-01 18:35:13 <luke-jr> {"timedelta":300,"shares":1250,"hashrate":17895697066.667}
3568 2011-05-01 18:35:27 <dishwara> it seems, it parallel to hashrate
3569 2011-05-01 18:35:34 <luke-jr> of course
3570 2011-05-01 18:35:37 <dishwara> if hash increase it increases
3571 2011-05-01 18:35:39 <luke-jr> hashrate is calculates from it
3572 2011-05-01 18:35:45 <luke-jr> calculated*
3573 2011-05-01 18:35:52 <dishwara> ok
3574 2011-05-01 18:35:57 <luke-jr> 1250 shares over the last 300 seconds
3575 2011-05-01 18:36:03 <luke-jr> = 17895697066 H/s
3576 2011-05-01 18:37:22 RazielZ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
3577 2011-05-01 18:41:24 thedrs has joined
3578 2011-05-01 18:42:29 <vorlov> ;;bc,mtgox
3579 2011-05-01 18:42:30 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":4.09,"low":2.5,"vol":47876,"buy":3.17,"sell":3.33,"last":3.33}}
3580 2011-05-01 18:44:20 PatrikR has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3581 2011-05-01 18:45:36 <cosurgi> luke-jr: there is no way to know when your pool makes a block and you divide equally on all shares, right?
3582 2011-05-01 18:45:57 <cosurgi> luke-jr: when do you pay off ?
3583 2011-05-01 18:46:28 <BlueMatt> luke-jr: is there a web-interface for your bot which shows one's accumulated balance?
3584 2011-05-01 18:46:54 slueth has joined
3585 2011-05-01 18:47:03 <lianj_>  http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/pool/balances.json
3586 2011-05-01 18:47:18 <cosurgi> but that's huge
3587 2011-05-01 18:48:22 <cosurgi> why there are negative values, like this one  "balance":-97557, ?
3588 2011-05-01 18:48:37 slueth1 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3589 2011-05-01 18:48:51 <lianj_> dunno, im curious too
3590 2011-05-01 18:49:24 gasteve has joined
3591 2011-05-01 18:49:54 <luke-jr> cosurgi: correct, for the moment
3592 2011-05-01 18:50:08 <luke-jr> cosurgi: generally, payoff is immediate when your balance is over 1 BTC
3593 2011-05-01 18:50:24 <luke-jr> BlueMatt: you mean excluding the current block earnings?
3594 2011-05-01 18:50:37 <luke-jr> cosurgi: sometimes the pool overpays people
3595 2011-05-01 18:50:53 <BlueMatt> luke-jr: oh, didnt know the link from lianj existed, sorry
3596 2011-05-01 18:50:54 <cosurgi> oh, then it goes negative.
3597 2011-05-01 18:51:04 <cosurgi> why this happens?
3598 2011-05-01 18:51:27 <luke-jr> cosurgi: because the payout effectively happens before the final share counts are known
3599 2011-05-01 18:51:48 <cosurgi> luke-jr: so you payout constantly? not when a block gets generated?
3600 2011-05-01 18:51:53 sshc_ is now known as sshc
3601 2011-05-01 18:52:23 <luke-jr> cosurgi: the pool has to make the block data before the block is found
3602 2011-05-01 18:52:56 <cosurgi> I'm lost
3603 2011-05-01 18:53:06 <lianj_> luke-jr: did you get my pm? :)
3604 2011-05-01 18:53:13 WantToBuy has left ()
3605 2011-05-01 18:53:38 brunner has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
3606 2011-05-01 18:53:45 Teslah has joined
3607 2011-05-01 18:53:45 <cosurgi> luke-jr: when my balance goes from zero to !=zero ? Right after a block generation, or when?
3608 2011-05-01 18:54:20 <luke-jr> cosurgi: balance is basically never zero
3609 2011-05-01 18:54:24 llama has left ()
3610 2011-05-01 18:54:38 ghshephard has quit (Quit: ghshephard)
3611 2011-05-01 18:55:23 <cosurgi> luke-jr: so what are those numbers? {"balance":144796079,"oldest":1304275353.92,"newest":1304275353.92}
3612 2011-05-01 18:55:40 <luke-jr> cosurgi: I explained this in the forum thread ;)
3613 2011-05-01 18:56:57 <cosurgi> aha! I should find it
3614 2011-05-01 18:57:09 <cosurgi> or ou could tell me where is it? :)
3615 2011-05-01 18:57:26 <luke-jr> https://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6667.msg102307#msg102307
3616 2011-05-01 18:57:58 <luke-jr> lianj_: hi
3617 2011-05-01 18:58:11 <luke-jr> lianj_: about taking shares from 16A8sZ4KJkhUYiRqUkCKBkKweGzKoiks56
3618 2011-05-01 18:58:15 <luke-jr> how do I know that is yours? ;)
3619 2011-05-01 18:58:38 <lianj_> hehe good one, should i sign something with its private key?
3620 2011-05-01 18:58:50 <luke-jr> you have its private key? O.o
3621 2011-05-01 18:58:59 redengin has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3622 2011-05-01 18:59:38 <lianj_> luke-jr: oh lol, its the mybitcoin one. damn it, thats true, i cant
3623 2011-05-01 18:59:48 <luke-jr> >_<
3624 2011-05-01 19:00:18 <lianj_> fuck that :D trust me, i mined from a single static ip
3625 2011-05-01 19:00:38 <lianj_> why doesnt it work with mybitcoin anyhow?
3626 2011-05-01 19:00:47 <luke-jr> I guess mybitcoin is broken? nfc
3627 2011-05-01 19:00:52 sneak has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3628 2011-05-01 19:01:28 <luke-jr> lianj_: the balance is .0093
3629 2011-05-01 19:01:37 <luke-jr> how about I just send you .01 BTC myself and call it happy?
3630 2011-05-01 19:01:44 sneak has joined
3631 2011-05-01 19:01:57 <cosurgi> luke-jr: just for the record, I invoked phoenix without any password
3632 2011-05-01 19:02:05 <luke-jr> cosurgi: so?
3633 2011-05-01 19:02:09 <lianj_> luke-jr: oh that would be fine :)
3634 2011-05-01 19:02:10 sneak is now known as Guest60942
3635 2011-05-01 19:02:20 <luke-jr> lianj_: to that 1D3K?
3636 2011-05-01 19:02:26 <cosurgi> luke-jr: it works without password, or at least seems to work.
3637 2011-05-01 19:02:31 <lianj_> luke-jr: yep
3638 2011-05-01 19:02:37 <luke-jr> sent
3639 2011-05-01 19:02:43 <cosurgi> luke-jr: in forum you used password 'x'
3640 2011-05-01 19:02:44 <luke-jr> cosurgi: it should
3641 2011-05-01 19:03:03 <luke-jr> cosurgi: nah, I only put that cuz I don't want to troubleshoot clients that can't handle null passwords
3642 2011-05-01 19:03:07 <lianj_> luke-jr: thanks! now i keep the 1D3 address pooling for a while ;)
3643 2011-05-01 19:03:48 <luke-jr> #   seams like i happen to solve that block, look at the times.
3644 2011-05-01 19:03:50 <luke-jr> what block?
3645 2011-05-01 19:04:23 <lianj_>  121148
3646 2011-05-01 19:04:26 <luke-jr> 121148 is not related to the pool
3647 2011-05-01 19:04:43 <luke-jr> [2011-05-01 05:40:50] PROOF OF WORK RESULT: true (yay‼!)
3648 2011-05-01 19:04:45 <luke-jr> that's just a share
3649 2011-05-01 19:05:11 Guest16822 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
3650 2011-05-01 19:05:44 <luke-jr> btw, http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/pool/blocks/?C=M;O=A
3651 2011-05-01 19:05:45 <lianj_> ok then the time match was pure coincidence :) i'll keep shut now
3652 2011-05-01 19:05:50 greyface has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3653 2011-05-01 19:05:53 <luke-jr> lianj_: it was a whole minute apart :P
3654 2011-05-01 19:06:45 <lianj_> ^^ haha
3655 2011-05-01 19:07:27 <thedrs> ;;bc,help
3656 2011-05-01 19:07:27 <gribble> Alias bc,avgprc, Alias bc,bcm, Alias bc,blocks, Alias bc,btcex, Alias bc,calc, Alias bc,calcd, Alias bc,channels, Alias bc,diff, Alias bc,eligius, Alias bc,estimate, Alias bc,gen, Alias bc,gend, Alias bc,help, Alias bc,hextarget, Alias bc,labs, Alias bc,lbs, Alias bc,lukepool, Alias bc,mtgox, Alias bc,nexttarget, Alias bc,poolstats, Alias bc,prob, Alias bc,stats, Alias bc,timetonext, Alias (1 more message)
3657 2011-05-01 19:07:39 slueth1 has joined
3658 2011-05-01 19:07:44 <thedrs> ;;bc,gen 2000
3659 2011-05-01 19:07:45 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 2000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.0183427948958 BTC per day and 0.000764283120658 BTC per hour.
3660 2011-05-01 19:08:29 <lianj_> luke-jr: also, maybe put the mybitcoin info on the wiki entry too
3661 2011-05-01 19:08:47 james has joined
3662 2011-05-01 19:09:03 slueth has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3663 2011-05-01 19:09:12 james is now known as Guest68214
3664 2011-05-01 19:10:11 <luke-jr> lianj_: it's on there somewhere. and the wiki can be edited by anyone ;)
3665 2011-05-01 19:11:14 <Dark_Apostrophe> May I suggest posting (a slightly updated, perhaps) version of this explanation at bitcoin.org? http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=5523.msg81170#msg81170
3666 2011-05-01 19:12:20 <cosurgi> ;;bc,lukepool
3667 2011-05-01 19:12:20 <gribble> 19126921.0249
3668 2011-05-01 19:12:38 greyface has joined
3669 2011-05-01 19:12:39 <Dark_Apostrophe> What's that? The hashrate?
3670 2011-05-01 19:12:51 <luke-jr> yeah
3671 2011-05-01 19:12:54 <lianj_> luke-jr: dont like account, thats why your pool is so convenient
3672 2011-05-01 19:12:55 <luke-jr> 19 GH
3673 2011-05-01 19:13:03 <Dark_Apostrophe> Maybe it should be written in gHash/s
3674 2011-05-01 19:13:16 <luke-jr> Dark_Apostrophe: it's kH, so it can be used like this:
3675 2011-05-01 19:13:22 <luke-jr> ;;bc,calc [bc,lukepool]
3676 2011-05-01 19:13:24 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 19126921.0249 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 6 hours, 50 minutes, and 26 seconds
3677 2011-05-01 19:13:29 <Dark_Apostrophe> oh
3678 2011-05-01 19:13:37 <Dark_Apostrophe> The bot should use mhash, though.
3679 2011-05-01 19:13:39 <Dark_Apostrophe> :P
3680 2011-05-01 19:13:42 <luke-jr> :P
3681 2011-05-01 19:13:46 <Dark_Apostrophe> khash is a bit outdated :P
3682 2011-05-01 19:14:04 <luke-jr> ;;bc,calc 1000
3683 2011-05-01 19:14:05 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 1000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 14 years, 48 weeks, 5 days, 17 hours, 33 minutes, and 55 seconds
3684 2011-05-01 19:14:12 <luke-jr> yeah, kH is useless precision :P
3685 2011-05-01 19:14:53 <Dark_Apostrophe> luke-jr: Would it be possible, btw, to hold off on delivery of bitcoins until complete numbers are reached? For example, if I have stored up enough shares for 1.4834451, I only get 1 delivered and the rest just waits and accumulates until it also hits 1 again
3686 2011-05-01 19:15:08 <Dark_Apostrophe> I hate having 8 decimal points showing :P
3687 2011-05-01 19:15:24 <Dark_Apostrophe> Could perhaps be an option set in the URL used by the miner
3688 2011-05-01 19:17:13 disq has joined
3689 2011-05-01 19:18:14 Xer has joined
3690 2011-05-01 19:18:22 Xer has left ()
3691 2011-05-01 19:19:09 <CIA-30> DiabloMiner: Patrick McFarland master * re1c6378 / src/main/java/com/diablominer/DiabloMiner/DiabloMiner.java : Improved long poll support - http://bit.ly/lIlaKP
3692 2011-05-01 19:19:12 <luke-jr> Dark_Apostrophe: then I need to implement authentication
3693 2011-05-01 19:19:37 <cosurgi> luke-jr: this option could be the 'unused' password.
3694 2011-05-01 19:19:51 <cosurgi> luke-jr: so any password is accepted, and if it's not empty - it's parsed.
3695 2011-05-01 19:19:52 <luke-jr> cosurgi: then I need to implement authentication
3696 2011-05-01 19:20:24 <BlueMatt> not really, just have to keep track of user settings as well as balance
3697 2011-05-01 19:20:38 <cosurgi> but how would he configure that?
3698 2011-05-01 19:21:02 <BlueMatt> however he has it currently configured?
3699 2011-05-01 19:21:07 <luke-jr> BlueMatt: and what stops JoeCracker from changing your settings?
3700 2011-05-01 19:21:13 <cosurgi> or... you could parse the address for paying, and use evertyhing after '_' as options. But anyway, whatever it would be, that's extra work.
3701 2011-05-01 19:21:34 <BlueMatt> luke-jr: nothing, but its not like the settings are a huge deal, just when to pay out.  No one is going to bother changing that
3702 2011-05-01 19:22:27 <luke-jr> BlueMatt: it does take work as cosurgi points out :p
3703 2011-05-01 19:22:39 <BlueMatt> fair enough
3704 2011-05-01 19:22:54 <luke-jr> maybe when signmessage or whatever is implemented, it can use that
3705 2011-05-01 19:23:01 <luke-jr> so you sign a setting change with your address
3706 2011-05-01 19:23:10 skreuzer_ has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad - http://colloquy.mobi)
3707 2011-05-01 19:23:26 <BlueMatt> oh, dont do that.  signmessage should be used sparingly and not by default for anything which doesnt need it
3708 2011-05-01 19:23:40 <luke-jr> …
3709 2011-05-01 19:25:04 <Diablo-D3> heh
3710 2011-05-01 19:25:13 <Diablo-D3> deepbits average speed estimator is lol
3711 2011-05-01 19:25:19 <Diablo-D3> Im doing 76.6 on the node
3712 2011-05-01 19:25:21 <Diablo-D3> it says 91
3713 2011-05-01 19:25:48 <sipa> BlueMatt: this looks like a good purpose, i'd say
3714 2011-05-01 19:25:53 <sipa> proving you own an address
3715 2011-05-01 19:27:36 <luke-jr> my 298 MH/s in practice calculates to 315 MH
3716 2011-05-01 19:27:45 <BlueMatt> sipa: mm, I disagree.  Although I dont mind having signmessage in the client, I think its use should be discouraged as much as possible
3717 2011-05-01 19:27:54 <BlueMatt> for this case, it provides little advantage
3718 2011-05-01 19:28:53 zyb has joined
3719 2011-05-01 19:29:08 james_ has joined
3720 2011-05-01 19:29:25 Guest68214 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3721 2011-05-01 19:29:33 dishwara has quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
3722 2011-05-01 19:33:00 Cusipzzz has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3723 2011-05-01 19:41:05 <luke-jr> BlueMatt: obviously changing peoples payout settings is terrorism!
3724 2011-05-01 19:42:25 TD has joined
3725 2011-05-01 19:43:19 <BlueMatt> luke-jr: good point...
3726 2011-05-01 19:43:22 eao has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3727 2011-05-01 19:43:34 * BlueMatt is taking the plunge and upgrading to 11.04, wish me luck
3728 2011-05-01 19:44:37 Cusipzzz has joined
3729 2011-05-01 19:45:55 <devrandom> BlueMatt - gavin merged the build descriptor pull request...
3730 2011-05-01 19:46:05 <BlueMatt> devrandom: saw that, nice
3731 2011-05-01 19:47:52 <BlueMatt> devrandom: I forked your gist on how to build
3732 2011-05-01 19:47:54 <devrandom> I'll update the gist...
3733 2011-05-01 19:48:08 <devrandom> ah
3734 2011-05-01 19:48:08 <BlueMatt> with a bit more info
3735 2011-05-01 19:48:15 <BlueMatt> https://gist.github.com/950031
3736 2011-05-01 19:48:37 <BlueMatt> You can copy it back if you want, I just did that for sipa
3737 2011-05-01 19:48:43 <BlueMatt> (I think it was sipa building at the time)
3738 2011-05-01 19:49:01 <devrandom> was he successful?
3739 2011-05-01 19:49:20 <BlueMatt> dont know, I think he went to bed before actually trying
3740 2011-05-01 19:49:32 Cusipzzz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3741 2011-05-01 19:49:43 <BlueMatt> anyway, Im rebooting to upgrade to 11.04, wish me luck ;)
3742 2011-05-01 19:50:56 <devrandom> ooh
3743 2011-05-01 19:51:12 BlueMatt_ has joined
3744 2011-05-01 19:51:31 Cusipzzz has joined
3745 2011-05-01 19:52:11 bk128 has joined
3746 2011-05-01 19:54:02 boaz has joined
3747 2011-05-01 19:54:36 BlueMatt has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3748 2011-05-01 19:54:47 warpi has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3749 2011-05-01 19:55:18 BlueMatt_ is now known as BlueMatt
3750 2011-05-01 19:55:18 BlueMatt has quit (Changing host)
3751 2011-05-01 19:55:18 BlueMatt has joined
3752 2011-05-01 20:00:44 <devrandom> BlueMatt - I merged your changes to the gist and changed the bitcoin checkout to point to the main repo
3753 2011-05-01 20:01:27 boaz has quit (Quit: boaz)
3754 2011-05-01 20:01:30 <BlueMatt> nice, care to link and ask for builders on the forum?
3755 2011-05-01 20:01:55 <devrandom> I will...
3756 2011-05-01 20:01:56 <devrandom> https://gist.github.com/806265
3757 2011-05-01 20:05:36 <cosurgi> luke-jr: do I need to upgrade my gui client, to read properly when block generation gives money to multiple addresses, including mine?
3758 2011-05-01 20:05:47 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,gen 50000
3759 2011-05-01 20:05:47 iera has joined
3760 2011-05-01 20:05:49 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 50000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.458569872395 BTC per day and 0.0191070780165 BTC per hour.
3761 2011-05-01 20:06:14 <luke-jr> cosurgi: shouldn't, but old versions will throw moneys away
3762 2011-05-01 20:07:58 <cosurgi> heh, I got 3.18 there
3763 2011-05-01 20:08:03 <sipa> devrandom, BlueMatt: let me try :)
3764 2011-05-01 20:08:13 <cosurgi> maybe it's time to upgrade..
3765 2011-05-01 20:11:05 BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Leaving)
3766 2011-05-01 20:11:30 BlueMatt has joined
3767 2011-05-01 20:14:32 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,gen 60000
3768 2011-05-01 20:14:33 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 60000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.550283846874 BTC per day and 0.0229284936197 BTC per hour.
3769 2011-05-01 20:16:17 <sipa> BlueMatt: ok, i'm running make-base-vm
3770 2011-05-01 20:16:21 <rlifchitz> ;;bc,stats
3771 2011-05-01 20:16:23 <gribble> Current Blocks: 121285 | Current Difficulty: 109670.13329248 | Next Difficulty At Block: 122975 | Next Difficulty In: 1690 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 22 hours, 4 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 144761.47956799
3772 2011-05-01 20:20:48 <devrandom> sipa - your hardware supports kvm?
3773 2011-05-01 20:20:53 <sipa> yes
3774 2011-05-01 20:21:04 <devrandom> cool
3775 2011-05-01 20:21:28 <sipa> hmm, not sure actually, i swapped cpu/mobo recently
3776 2011-05-01 20:21:30 <sipa> let me check
3777 2011-05-01 20:21:41 <BlueMatt> well if its working, it does
3778 2011-05-01 20:21:51 <sipa> yes
3779 2011-05-01 20:22:12 <sipa> i suppose kvm hasn't started yet
3780 2011-05-01 20:22:23 <sipa> still running vmbuilder
3781 2011-05-01 20:23:08 <BlueMatt> as a side note, bitcoin needs to start building with wx-trunk as 2.9.1 doesnt support 11.04, only trunk does
3782 2011-05-01 20:23:14 <BlueMatt> (and other gnome3-based distros)
3783 2011-05-01 20:25:05 <devrandom> sipa kvm will switch to qemu mode if there's no support
3784 2011-05-01 20:25:26 <devrandom> run kvm without args and see if it complains
3785 2011-05-01 20:25:27 <sipa> /proc/cpuinfo lists svm, so should be fine
3786 2011-05-01 20:25:48 <devrandom> depends on the bios
3787 2011-05-01 20:25:48 jackmcbarn has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
3788 2011-05-01 20:26:08 james_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3789 2011-05-01 20:26:12 <devrandom> bios might not support, or setting can be off
3790 2011-05-01 20:26:24 <BlueMatt> it wont show up in /proc/cpuinfo if its off in the bios iirc
3791 2011-05-01 20:26:27 <sipa> no, kvm seems to work
3792 2011-05-01 20:26:36 DukeOfURL has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3793 2011-05-01 20:27:14 <sipa> btw, it is --arch, not -arch
3794 2011-05-01 20:27:58 <devrandom> thanks, updated gist
3795 2011-05-01 20:28:27 jackmcbarn has joined
3796 2011-05-01 20:31:30 <devrandom> make-vm is the only thing that requires sudo
3797 2011-05-01 20:31:37 <devrandom> since it uses trusted sources (apt-get)
3798 2011-05-01 20:32:21 eao has joined
3799 2011-05-01 20:32:41 DuoSRX has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3800 2011-05-01 20:32:48 DuoSRX has joined
3801 2011-05-01 20:33:31 <devrandom> all the untrusted stuff happens in the vm
3802 2011-05-01 20:37:08 gjs278 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3803 2011-05-01 20:37:35 james has joined
3804 2011-05-01 20:38:00 james is now known as Guest56079
3805 2011-05-01 20:39:34 Tril has left ()
3806 2011-05-01 20:44:05 redengin has joined
3807 2011-05-01 20:46:56 pirrr has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3808 2011-05-01 20:47:43 slueth1 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3809 2011-05-01 20:48:33 gasteve has quit (Quit: gasteve)
3810 2011-05-01 20:49:13 BlueMatt has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3811 2011-05-01 20:49:31 BlueMatt has joined
3812 2011-05-01 20:49:31 BlueMatt has quit (Changing host)
3813 2011-05-01 20:49:31 BlueMatt has joined
3814 2011-05-01 20:50:18 BlueMatt has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3815 2011-05-01 20:50:36 BlueMatt has joined
3816 2011-05-01 20:50:36 BlueMatt has quit (Changing host)
3817 2011-05-01 20:50:36 BlueMatt has joined
3818 2011-05-01 20:56:11 x5x`brb is now known as x5x
3819 2011-05-01 20:56:37 slueth has joined
3820 2011-05-01 20:56:41 <sipa> devrandom: hmm, i didn't run anything as root
3821 2011-05-01 20:58:09 AStove has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
3822 2011-05-01 20:58:29 <devrandom> sipa - makevm has a sudo... so by telling me that, you just disclosed that you don't have a password on sudo ;)
3823 2011-05-01 20:58:40 <sipa> eh, i do
3824 2011-05-01 20:58:54 AStove has joined
3825 2011-05-01 20:58:57 ptd has joined
3826 2011-05-01 20:59:01 <sipa> made it was still cached, though
3827 2011-05-01 20:59:16 <sipa> *maybe
3828 2011-05-01 21:00:47 <devrandom> yeah
3829 2011-05-01 21:00:54 m00p has joined
3830 2011-05-01 21:01:51 fimp has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3831 2011-05-01 21:02:12 fimp has joined
3832 2011-05-01 21:02:45 computilo has joined
3833 2011-05-01 21:04:49 <devrandom> sipa - it will run faster the second time, since the debs will be cached
3834 2011-05-01 21:08:37 toffoo has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3835 2011-05-01 21:10:18 <sipa> devrandom: downloading went way faster than installation :)
3836 2011-05-01 21:12:48 computilo has quit (Quit: Leaving)
3837 2011-05-01 21:13:50 <sipa> BlueMatt: naughty
3838 2011-05-01 21:14:01 DavidSJ has joined
3839 2011-05-01 21:14:04 <Dark_Apostrophe> BlueMatt: Interesting client?
3840 2011-05-01 21:14:10 <BlueMatt> sipa: interested, not naughty
3841 2011-05-01 21:14:35 <sipa> they are far from mutually exclusive :D
3842 2011-05-01 21:14:51 <lianj_> ^^
3843 2011-05-01 21:16:00 <Dark_Apostrophe> How's the Android client development going? And is there any chance it could somehow forego the large blockchain download, wouldn't quite work well on a mobile device?
3844 2011-05-01 21:16:07 <Dark_Apostrophe> compressing it somehow or something
3845 2011-05-01 21:17:13 <sipa> it shouldn't download the whole blockchain
3846 2011-05-01 21:17:23 <sipa> it should implement a thin client
3847 2011-05-01 21:17:27 ptd has quit (Quit: Leaving)
3848 2011-05-01 21:17:30 toffoo has joined
3849 2011-05-01 21:17:34 <devrandom> sipa - I guess it's been awhile since I ran make-base-vm...  you only need to do it once
3850 2011-05-01 21:18:02 blablaa has joined
3851 2011-05-01 21:18:15 <sipa> currently building wxwidgets
3852 2011-05-01 21:18:24 <devrandom> ah, good
3853 2011-05-01 21:18:37 <sipa> the gist seems a bit out of order though
3854 2011-05-01 21:18:47 <devrandom> it will do it twice 32 bit and 64 bit
3855 2011-05-01 21:19:05 <sipa> the make-base-vm commands should go after the git clones
3856 2011-05-01 21:19:22 <devrandom> yeah, updating
3857 2011-05-01 21:21:27 <cosurgi> luke-jr: ayt?
3858 2011-05-01 21:21:42 frnx has joined
3859 2011-05-01 21:22:30 <cosurgi> ok, nvm.
3860 2011-05-01 21:24:02 gasteve has joined
3861 2011-05-01 21:24:29 <BlueMatt> http://pastebin.com/QiZBgkPh
3862 2011-05-01 21:25:00 <BlueMatt> sipa: Dark_Apostrophe ^
3863 2011-05-01 21:25:33 <sipa> lol @ line 14
3864 2011-05-01 21:25:34 <Dark_Apostrophe> fascinating statistics? :P
3865 2011-05-01 21:25:44 <Dark_Apostrophe> haha
3866 2011-05-01 21:25:51 <Dark_Apostrophe> Try running a CPU miner on that baby
3867 2011-05-01 21:27:35 fring has quit (Quit: Page closed)
3868 2011-05-01 21:33:15 <sipa> ok, we're doing the 64-bit part
3869 2011-05-01 21:33:38 <BlueMatt> yay
3870 2011-05-01 21:34:14 <thedrs> ;;bc,gen 90000
3871 2011-05-01 21:34:16 <gribble> The expected generation output, at 90000 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 0.825425770311 BTC per day and 0.0343927404296 BTC per hour.
3872 2011-05-01 21:34:50 frnx has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3873 2011-05-01 21:35:34 zyb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3874 2011-05-01 21:35:48 noagendamarket has joined
3875 2011-05-01 21:36:08 fimp has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3876 2011-05-01 21:37:36 Greek_o_nikos has quit (Quit: Leaving)
3877 2011-05-01 21:38:35 <lulzplzkthx> luke-jr: I'm bored, and willing to give Spesmilo a try.
3878 2011-05-01 21:38:48 <lulzplzkthx> I'm on Windows 7, what do I need to build the nightly version.
3879 2011-05-01 21:41:25 <lulzplzkthx> Never mind.
3880 2011-05-01 21:44:21 <lulzplzkthx> Could rainbow tables be used for Bitcoin addresses?
3881 2011-05-01 21:44:29 <lulzplzkthx> I know there was discussion about using them for blocks, but not addresses.
3882 2011-05-01 21:44:47 <BlueMatt> what do you mean "be used for"?
3883 2011-05-01 21:45:04 <Cusipzzz> that would be one hell of a rainbow table
3884 2011-05-01 21:45:22 <lulzplzkthx> As in, generate public/private keypairs.
3885 2011-05-01 21:45:29 <lulzplzkthx> And then find the private one for a public one advertised.
3886 2011-05-01 21:45:29 <sipa> to build a rainbow table, you need at least to have hashed each element of your cleartext space once
3887 2011-05-01 21:45:31 <lulzplzkthx> (Quickly.)
3888 2011-05-01 21:45:43 <sipa> rainbow tables only allow you to store the result of this compactly
3889 2011-05-01 21:45:47 <lulzplzkthx> I know. But addresses aren't that big.
3890 2011-05-01 21:46:04 <BlueMatt> no, for bitcoin, which is an offline-attack it is easier to brute-force
3891 2011-05-01 21:46:05 <sipa> the cleartext space is that of all secret keys here
3892 2011-05-01 21:46:08 <sipa> which is 256 bits
3893 2011-05-01 21:46:13 <sipa> that is *massive*
3894 2011-05-01 21:46:19 <lulzplzkthx> I see.
3895 2011-05-01 21:46:19 mologie has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
3896 2011-05-01 21:46:28 <sipa> compared to the dictionary attacks normal rainbow tables are used for
3897 2011-05-01 21:48:48 larsivi has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3898 2011-05-01 21:49:23 <sipa> assuming it could be done using today's gpu miners (it can't, it's a lot more complex than that), it would take 10^57 years
3899 2011-05-01 21:49:35 slueth has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3900 2011-05-01 21:49:47 <lulzplzkthx> Heh.
3901 2011-05-01 21:49:51 <BurtyB> I think most people will die before then :)
3902 2011-05-01 21:50:08 slueth has joined
3903 2011-05-01 21:50:08 toffoo has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3904 2011-05-01 21:50:20 * BlueMatt just finished the upgrade to 11.04, wish me luck that my computer will start after reboot ;)
3905 2011-05-01 21:50:38 BlueMatt has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3906 2011-05-01 21:51:25 <lulzplzkthx> Okay I'm sick of trying to install Spesmilo.
3907 2011-05-01 21:52:42 toffoo has joined
3908 2011-05-01 21:52:55 TD has quit (Quit: TD)
3909 2011-05-01 21:53:07 BlueMatt has joined
3910 2011-05-01 21:53:18 BlueMatt has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3911 2011-05-01 21:53:22 <lulzplzkthx> Congrats
3912 2011-05-01 21:53:24 <lulzplzkthx> Err, too early.
3913 2011-05-01 21:53:38 phantomcircuit has joined
3914 2011-05-01 21:53:43 <lulzplzkthx> o/
3915 2011-05-01 21:53:45 slueth1 has joined
3916 2011-05-01 21:53:58 BlueMatt has joined
3917 2011-05-01 21:53:58 BlueMatt has quit (Changing host)
3918 2011-05-01 21:53:58 BlueMatt has joined
3919 2011-05-01 21:54:08 slueth has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3920 2011-05-01 21:55:02 <lulzplzkthx> Congrats BlueMatt!
3921 2011-05-01 21:55:04 <lulzplzkthx> :P
3922 2011-05-01 21:55:13 <BlueMatt> :)ish
3923 2011-05-01 21:56:19 <lulzplzkthx> Oh, heh. In case you're wondering, I sent you my whole Bitcoin savings (yes, that would be .05 BTC.) :P Thanks for the guide / I needed someone to test my balance in tooltip, xD
3924 2011-05-01 21:56:25 <lulzplzkthx> I didn't mean it insultingly.
3925 2011-05-01 21:56:50 <blablaa> lulzplzkthx, why you call them savings? they can't be consumed after all.
3926 2011-05-01 21:57:08 DavidSJ has quit (Quit: DavidSJ)
3927 2011-05-01 21:57:11 Dimlow has joined
3928 2011-05-01 21:57:13 <BlueMatt> ha, thanks, I think that guide has gotten me more donations than anything else (its the only thing that has gotten me donations at all)
3929 2011-05-01 21:57:54 <Dimlow> Hi there, is it possible to run the same wallet across many owned machines?
3930 2011-05-01 21:58:00 <blablaa> BlueMatt, bitcoin going to sky! wow!
3931 2011-05-01 21:58:01 <Dimlow> Windows and unix
3932 2011-05-01 21:58:03 <BlueMatt> Dimlow: not really
3933 2011-05-01 21:58:22 <BlueMatt> you can technically copy/paste the wallet and it would work, but its not recommended
3934 2011-05-01 21:58:42 <Dimlow> From win to unix too?
3935 2011-05-01 21:59:03 <Dimlow> Is it 'allowed' to have several wallets for that purpose and collate after?
3936 2011-05-01 21:59:22 <BlueMatt> Dimlow: I think linux->win32 should still work fine
3937 2011-05-01 21:59:23 <molecular> BlueMatt, what guide?
3938 2011-05-01 21:59:27 <BlueMatt> and vicaversa
3939 2011-05-01 21:59:33 <BlueMatt> molecular: the build-on-win32 guide
3940 2011-05-01 22:00:55 <sipa> BlueMatt, devrandom: http://pastebin.com/XYrUx012
3941 2011-05-01 22:01:10 gimmemoremoremor has joined
3942 2011-05-01 22:01:14 <Dimlow> If i was to copy to several machines with the same wallet, I guess the issue would be the update on all of them - if it's allowed I'll run several instances then push towards one acc
3943 2011-05-01 22:01:32 <Dimlow> wallet not acc :)
3944 2011-05-01 22:02:01 <BlueMatt> sipa: hm, can you change the Timeout from 5 (in get-from-target) to some obscenely large number?
3945 2011-05-01 22:02:13 blablaa has left ()
3946 2011-05-01 22:02:40 MinerTE has joined
3947 2011-05-01 22:03:11 AStove has quit ()
3948 2011-05-01 22:03:21 <Dimlow> cheers for the help
3949 2011-05-01 22:03:50 Dimlow has quit (Quit: Page closed)
3950 2011-05-01 22:04:03 <BlueMatt> Dimlow: should all work, just be careful as they will get out of sync when the wallet creates new addresses
3951 2011-05-01 22:04:08 <sipa> 300 will need to do
3952 2011-05-01 22:04:20 <BlueMatt> yea
3953 2011-05-01 22:04:26 <BlueMatt> devrandom: guess the 5 isnt even enough
3954 2011-05-01 22:06:12 <BlueMatt> logging out/in repeatedly to get ubuntu working the way I want it </egotistical everyone-cares-about-me-messages>
3955 2011-05-01 22:06:16 BlueMatt has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
3956 2011-05-01 22:06:46 BlueMatt has joined
3957 2011-05-01 22:07:29 justmoon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3958 2011-05-01 22:07:32 eternal1 has joined
3959 2011-05-01 22:08:58 <vorlov> how does block distribution work ? (as in pooled mining) how do you give multiple nodes same block to work on with lowered difficulty?
3960 2011-05-01 22:09:41 <gim> lowered difficulty?
3961 2011-05-01 22:10:03 <gim> there are multiple solutions to a same block
3962 2011-05-01 22:10:16 <gim> so they can search separate solution domains
3963 2011-05-01 22:10:51 <BlueMatt> vorlov: think of each hash (miners measured in 1000hash per second) as a lottery ticket.  In this case you have to pick a random lottery ticket who's number is < a target.  In a pool that target is artificially easy so that miners get more wins than they should each win counting as a share
3964 2011-05-01 22:11:45 <vorlov> i see
3965 2011-05-01 22:12:01 <vorlov> so the getwork packet that is sent in the pool just has the work['target'] changed to a lower number?
3966 2011-05-01 22:12:15 <BlueMatt> pretty much
3967 2011-05-01 22:12:26 <Diablo-D3> yeah, its changed to diff 1
3968 2011-05-01 22:13:58 <vorlov> diff 1?
3969 2011-05-01 22:14:19 <sipa> difficulty 1
3970 2011-05-01 22:14:36 <sipa> the lower possible difficulty, or the highest possible target (0x00000000FFFF000000000...)
3971 2011-05-01 22:15:07 <Diablo-D3> eight zeros, four fs, the rest zeros.
3972 2011-05-01 22:15:11 <Diablo-D3> from right to left
3973 2011-05-01 22:17:00 Unsichtbar has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3974 2011-05-01 22:17:20 <vorlov> i see
3975 2011-05-01 22:18:00 <phantomcircuit> Diablo-D3, was mtgox fixed?
3976 2011-05-01 22:18:05 <Diablo-D3> yeah
3977 2011-05-01 22:18:24 <Diablo-D3> the russians cant ddos it anymore
3978 2011-05-01 22:18:32 <vorlov> why did they ddos mtgox
3979 2011-05-01 22:18:34 <vorlov> ?
3980 2011-05-01 22:18:37 <Diablo-D3> because they're morons
3981 2011-05-01 22:18:47 <phantomcircuit> Diablo-D3, no i was talking about the csrf
3982 2011-05-01 22:18:57 <phantomcircuit> MagicalTux, you there?
3983 2011-05-01 22:19:07 <Diablo-D3> csrf?
3984 2011-05-01 22:19:27 <BlueMatt> cross-site-request-forgery
3985 2011-05-01 22:19:31 <vorlov> so with the lower target that u get from pools, do the miners sometimes submit solutions that couldn't possibly be true in the "real network" with the real target?
3986 2011-05-01 22:19:39 <phantomcircuit> Diablo-D3, you could transfer btc from mtgox to yourself simply by having someone visit your site when they're logged in
3987 2011-05-01 22:19:39 <Diablo-D3> no
3988 2011-05-01 22:19:47 Guest60942 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3989 2011-05-01 22:19:51 <Diablo-D3> phantomcircuit: oh eww
3990 2011-05-01 22:20:15 <phantomcircuit> Diablo-D3, i wrote a loverly exploit for it that steals 100% of your btc down to 1BTC
3991 2011-05-01 22:20:29 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: the pool software double checks the solution to see if its valid and to see what the difficulty of it is
3992 2011-05-01 22:20:31 <phantomcircuit> of course it warns you first
3993 2011-05-01 22:20:38 sneak has joined
3994 2011-05-01 22:20:44 <Diablo-D3> phantomcircuit: glad I dont have btc in mtgox then
3995 2011-05-01 22:21:04 sneak is now known as Guest21831
3996 2011-05-01 22:21:17 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: yes i realize the server does that, but what im asking is whether or not the proof-of-works that are returned from the nodes sometimes contain work that couldn't possibly be close to the real target becuz of that lowered target value given to them?
3997 2011-05-01 22:21:46 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: erm, thats sort of how it works
3998 2011-05-01 22:21:57 boaz has joined
3999 2011-05-01 22:21:58 BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
4000 2011-05-01 22:22:07 <phantomcircuit> Diablo-D3, yeah MagicalTux is probably sitting on a massive liability
4001 2011-05-01 22:22:12 <phantomcircuit> MagicalTux, you heard?
4002 2011-05-01 22:22:18 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: they generate shares that are at least 1 diff. the current network is over 60k
4003 2011-05-01 22:22:47 DukeOfURL has joined
4004 2011-05-01 22:23:09 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: okay. i understand - and then the server goes thru those packets and finds the ones that have an H == 0
4005 2011-05-01 22:23:25 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: and compares them to the current real target
4006 2011-05-01 22:23:26 <vorlov> ?
4007 2011-05-01 22:23:50 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: no.
4008 2011-05-01 22:23:56 <Diablo-D3> two steps
4009 2011-05-01 22:24:02 <Diablo-D3> it runs the solution
4010 2011-05-01 22:24:02 <gim> up to now, what was the longest chain of blocks generated by the same pool?
4011 2011-05-01 22:24:10 <gim> anybody knows?
4012 2011-05-01 22:24:17 <Diablo-D3> then it sees if it meets target 1, and current target
4013 2011-05-01 22:24:29 <Diablo-D3> if it meets diff 1, then you get credit for it
4014 2011-05-01 22:24:38 thedrs has left ()
4015 2011-05-01 22:24:40 <Diablo-D3> if its less than diff 1, or the solution is invalid, it returns "false"
4016 2011-05-01 22:24:48 <Diablo-D3> if its diff 1 or greater, it returns "true"
4017 2011-05-01 22:25:00 <Diablo-D3> if its greater than the current target, then it submits it to the backing bitcoind
4018 2011-05-01 22:25:29 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: you mean if its lower than the current target?
4019 2011-05-01 22:25:34 <vorlov> it submits it back to bitcoind
4020 2011-05-01 22:25:41 <Diablo-D3> er, lower, yes.
4021 2011-05-01 22:25:55 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: well, "greater" as in the difficulty is higher
4022 2011-05-01 22:27:11 <CIA-30> DiabloMiner: Patrick McFarland master * re307151 / src/main/java/com/diablominer/DiabloMiner/DiabloMiner.java : Undo minor previous change - http://bit.ly/kPkPKC
4023 2011-05-01 22:29:08 <vorlov> Diablo-D3: thanks
4024 2011-05-01 22:29:44 BlueMatt has joined
4025 2011-05-01 22:29:44 BlueMatt has quit (Changing host)
4026 2011-05-01 22:29:44 BlueMatt has joined
4027 2011-05-01 22:34:36 BlueMatt has quit (Client Quit)
4028 2011-05-01 22:37:56 noagendamarket has quit (Quit: Leaving)
4029 2011-05-01 22:38:35 noagendamarket has joined
4030 2011-05-01 22:40:50 boaz has quit (Quit: boaz)
4031 2011-05-01 22:43:15 <vorlov> this is probablly really stupid but why are the first eight 0 not used at all?
4032 2011-05-01 22:43:20 <vorlov> highest or lowest in target
4033 2011-05-01 22:43:38 <luke-jr> lulzplzkthx: git, mingw, and py2exe
4034 2011-05-01 22:44:06 <davex__> ;;bt,stats
4035 2011-05-01 22:44:07 <gribble> Error: "bt,stats" is not a valid command.
4036 2011-05-01 22:44:18 <davex__> ;;bc,stats
4037 2011-05-01 22:44:21 <gribble> Current Blocks: 121299 | Current Difficulty: 109670.13329248 | Next Difficulty At Block: 122975 | Next Difficulty In: 1676 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 0 hours, 1 minute, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 142107.59547781
4038 2011-05-01 22:44:22 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: they "are"
4039 2011-05-01 22:44:31 <Diablo-D3> vorlov: they're used when describing difficulties below 1
4040 2011-05-01 22:44:45 <vorlov> i see
4041 2011-05-01 22:45:14 <vorlov> this little endian is screwing me up hard....
4042 2011-05-01 22:47:43 boaz has joined
4043 2011-05-01 22:49:19 <sipa> devrandom: ok, signed, what to do now?
4044 2011-05-01 22:49:55 BlueMatt has joined
4045 2011-05-01 22:50:50 <sipa> BlueMatt: ok, signed, what to do now?
4046 2011-05-01 22:51:32 <disq> Diablo-D3: hey, any plans to support mmp/multiminer?
4047 2011-05-01 22:51:38 <BlueMatt> sipa: upload the sig somewhere for when I get x running again ;)
4048 2011-05-01 22:52:11 <BlueMatt> sipa: or a pull request on bitcoin-release on devrandom's github
4049 2011-05-01 22:53:00 <Diablo-D3> disq: what are those?
4050 2011-05-01 22:54:19 EPiSKiNG has joined
4051 2011-05-01 22:54:26 gjs278 has joined
4052 2011-05-01 22:54:40 <disq> Diablo-D3: it's a separate protocol, push based, needs a server to work obviously but has certain advantages. see http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=5210.0
4053 2011-05-01 22:54:54 slueth has joined
4054 2011-05-01 22:55:13 kika has joined
4055 2011-05-01 22:55:25 <Diablo-D3> disq: meh, if I was going to do that, I'd just use my protocol
4056 2011-05-01 22:56:32 slueth1 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
4057 2011-05-01 22:57:00 <sipa> BlueMatt: http://bitcoin.sipa.be/sipa-sig.tgz
4058 2011-05-01 22:58:09 <kika> it would damage by 6990 graphic card if i reduce the memory clock at the minimum? it should affect mining ? do you guys recommend me to reduce the memory clock speed at the minimum during mining? to save electricity or something?
4059 2011-05-01 22:58:10 <kika> *my
4060 2011-05-01 22:58:43 <Diablo-D3> kika: you can lower it to at least the idle speed
4061 2011-05-01 22:58:56 <kika> Diablo-D3: whats the idle speed?
4062 2011-05-01 22:58:58 <sipa> kika: it will reduce the temperature and power consumption of your card
4063 2011-05-01 22:59:03 <Diablo-D3> kika: dunno, whatever your card says it is
4064 2011-05-01 22:59:10 <sipa> 300Hz, i believe
4065 2011-05-01 22:59:42 x5x is now known as x5x`brb
4066 2011-05-01 22:59:51 <kika> what would be the idle speed for memory clock of a 6990 card?
4067 2011-05-01 23:00:02 <Diablo-D3> dude, check it yourself
4068 2011-05-01 23:00:06 x5x`brb is now known as x5x
4069 2011-05-01 23:00:16 <Diablo-D3> aticonfig --odgc will probably tell you
4070 2011-05-01 23:00:27 <sipa> i doubt it
4071 2011-05-01 23:00:41 <sipa> that shows you the configurable range
4072 2011-05-01 23:00:51 <Diablo-D3> sipa: not when you have nothing running
4073 2011-05-01 23:00:54 <Diablo-D3> it tells you the current
4074 2011-05-01 23:01:44 <Diablo-D3> so for me that'd be like 160mhz gpu, 500mhz memory
4075 2011-05-01 23:01:49 djoot has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
4076 2011-05-01 23:02:00 eao has quit (Quit: Leaving)
4077 2011-05-01 23:02:15 LightRider is now known as LightRider|Away
4078 2011-05-01 23:02:33 noagendamarket has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
4079 2011-05-01 23:03:11 <davex__> what mh/s are people getting out of their 6990s?
4080 2011-05-01 23:03:21 eao has joined
4081 2011-05-01 23:03:46 <sipa> see https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparison
4082 2011-05-01 23:03:52 <kika> i see
4083 2011-05-01 23:03:54 <kika> well im on windows
4084 2011-05-01 23:04:11 <kika> msi afterburner allows me to reduce the memory clock at 625Mhz
4085 2011-05-01 23:04:31 <kika> however my card isnt manufactured by msi, its xfx
4086 2011-05-01 23:04:41 <sipa> the card is identical
4087 2011-05-01 23:04:49 <davex__> 770...  hmm wonder how they got that
4088 2011-05-01 23:05:17 <davex__> thought i used same params
4089 2011-05-01 23:05:39 BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Leaving)
4090 2011-05-01 23:06:00 BlueMatt has joined
4091 2011-05-01 23:07:05 <BlueMatt> sipa: ok x running, link again please?
4092 2011-05-01 23:08:03 <sipa> BlueMatt: http://bitcoin.sipa.be/sipa-sig.tgz
4093 2011-05-01 23:08:06 <Diablo-D3> night all
4094 2011-05-01 23:08:18 boaz has quit (Quit: boaz)
4095 2011-05-01 23:08:29 xlogik has joined
4096 2011-05-01 23:09:28 boaz has joined
4097 2011-05-01 23:10:37 Diablo-D3 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
4098 2011-05-01 23:15:45 <BlueMatt> sipa: https://github.com/devrandom/bitcoin-release/commit/b2f8277db3f0aa89469826c7bf569634765fef4a
4099 2011-05-01 23:15:47 <BlueMatt> :)
4100 2011-05-01 23:19:02 <sipa> \o/
4101 2011-05-01 23:19:08 Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian)
4102 2011-05-01 23:22:48 kika has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
4103 2011-05-01 23:24:05 <BlueMatt> anyone else want to help test the next bitcoin builder?
4104 2011-05-01 23:24:12 phantomcircuit has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
4105 2011-05-01 23:24:38 eao has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
4106 2011-05-01 23:24:48 m00p has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
4107 2011-05-01 23:25:16 <vorlov> how do u construct a block once solved that will xfer the generated coins to multiple addrs?
4108 2011-05-01 23:25:35 <sipa> you can't
4109 2011-05-01 23:25:47 <sipa> you decide what goes in the block before trying to solve it
4110 2011-05-01 23:25:51 <EPiSKiNG> what 6850 cards are able to be shader unlocked?
4111 2011-05-01 23:25:57 <EPiSKiNG> only the dual bios versions?
4112 2011-05-01 23:25:58 <sipa> otherwise the solution isn't valid
4113 2011-05-01 23:28:34 Dark_Apostrophe has left ("Screw you guys, I'm going home")
4114 2011-05-01 23:28:41 <vorlov> so how do all the pools make the first tx a generation with an output to multiple addresses?
4115 2011-05-01 23:29:38 <BlueMatt> they chose who gets the output when a getwork is submitted
4116 2011-05-01 23:29:51 <BlueMatt> so the actual payouts are slightly off what they should be by the time the blocks are solved
4117 2011-05-01 23:30:19 <doublec> no doubt they adjust for the next block
4118 2011-05-01 23:30:19 <BlueMatt> wtf? why is github making me auth for poclmb?
4119 2011-05-01 23:30:24 <BlueMatt> poclbm*
4120 2011-05-01 23:30:25 <vorlov> what i mean is how is it physically done?
4121 2011-05-01 23:30:41 <doublec> vorlov: see AddDistributionFromContributed here: https://github.com/doublec/bitcoin-pool/blob/master/src/remote/remoteminer.cpp
4122 2011-05-01 23:30:49 <doublec> for how puddinpop's pool did it
4123 2011-05-01 23:30:52 <vorlov> ok
4124 2011-05-01 23:30:54 <vorlov> thanks
4125 2011-05-01 23:31:29 <doublec> That and the SendWork function
4126 2011-05-01 23:32:03 <BlueMatt> arg on 11.04 mining on nvidia on a desktop is impossible to avoid desktop lag, thanks nvidia for making a shitty driver
4127 2011-05-01 23:32:25 eao has joined
4128 2011-05-01 23:34:09 eternal1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
4129 2011-05-01 23:35:54 <purplezky> payouts are not slightly off, they are delayed with x confirmations
4130 2011-05-01 23:36:34 boaz has quit (Quit: boaz)
4131 2011-05-01 23:40:55 FellowTraveler has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
4132 2011-05-01 23:41:20 toffoo has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
4133 2011-05-01 23:41:58 phantomcircuit has joined
4134 2011-05-01 23:44:01 FellowTraveler has joined
4135 2011-05-01 23:45:20 OVerLoRDI has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
4136 2011-05-01 23:47:53 BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
4137 2011-05-01 23:51:15 FellowTraveler has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
4138 2011-05-01 23:51:28 <sipa> lol: http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6566.msg98181#msg98181
4139 2011-05-01 23:52:54 <luke-jr> ;;bc,eligius
4140 2011-05-01 23:52:54 <gribble> 16592890.3202
4141 2011-05-01 23:53:02 <luke-jr> aww, dropped to 16.5?
4142 2011-05-01 23:53:13 <sipa> you need more publicity :)
4143 2011-05-01 23:54:29 slueth1 has joined
4144 2011-05-01 23:56:17 slueth has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
4145 2011-05-01 23:56:43 <netxshare> you running a pool luke?
4146 2011-05-01 23:56:54 toffoo has joined
4147 2011-05-01 23:56:56 <purplezky> is that 16.5 Ghash/s ?
4148 2011-05-01 23:57:02 <sipa> it is
4149 2011-05-01 23:57:10 <netxshare> nice
4150 2011-05-01 23:57:37 <JFK911> ;;bc,mtgox
4151 2011-05-01 23:57:37 <gribble> {"ticker":{"high":3.87,"low":2.5,"vol":45760,"buy":3.032,"sell":3.0999,"last":3.0313}}
4152 2011-05-01 23:57:52 <sipa> ;;bc,calc [bc,eligius]
4153 2011-05-01 23:57:55 <gribble> The average time to generate a block at 15633680.9574 Khps, given current difficulty of 109670.13329248 , is 8 hours, 22 minutes, and 9 seconds
4154 2011-05-01 23:59:50 Aahzmundus has quit ()